Search Results for: business

Most firms set to invest in AI but half admit they don’t know why or how

Most firms set to invest in AI but half admit they don’t know why or how

A new poll from Orgvue, an organisational design and planning software platform, suggests that businesses continue to ramp up investment in AI despite being unclear on its business impact or how to implement itA new poll from Orgvue, an organisational design and planning software platform, suggests that businesses continue to ramp up investment in artificial intelligence despite being unclear on its business impact or how to implement it. Four in five (82 percent) of organisations have already invested, with another 33 percent saying they will increase this by more than 50 percent in the coming year.  Based on a survey of 1,000 C-suite and senior decision makers at medium and large organisations, the report, Human-first, machine enhanced: the role of AI in workforce transformation, highlights contradictions in the business community concerning technology investment and AI’s impact on the workforce. More →

Digital communication tools are a constant source of workplace strife

Digital communication tools are a constant source of workplace strife

A new poll of 4,000 knowledge workers in the UK, US, Germany and Australia suggests that digital communication tools are a constant source of strife in the workplaceA new poll of 4,000 knowledge workers in the UK, US, Germany and Australia suggests that digital communication tools are a constant source of strife in the workplace, especially between different generations of people. The poll from the Adapatavist Group, Mind the generational gap, was co-authored by Dr. Eliza Filby, a Historian of Generational Evolution. With half of companies now employing three or more generations, the report claims to reveal a pressing need for clear digital communication guidelines to support effective collaboration and workplace efficiency among diverse age groups. While highlighting areas of intergenerational friction, it also revealed large areas of mutual understanding and cooperation. More →

UK office occupancy levels reach post-pandemic peak

UK office occupancy levels reach post-pandemic peak

New data from Remit Consulting suggests that UK office occupancy rates have risen to their highest level since the start of the pandemic.New data from Remit Consulting suggests that UK office occupancy rates have risen to their highest level since the start of the pandemic. Although still below pre-pandemic levels, the data indicates a gradual return to more office-based work patterns. The ReTurn Report is compiled by Remit Consulting each week. It uses data provided by building managers in ten cities based on their property’s access control systems. More →

Forty percent of companies calling staff back to the office five days a week

Forty percent of companies calling staff back to the office five days a week

Two in five companies are returning to a five-days-in-the-office work week, according to new data from Virgin Media O2.Two in five companies are returning to a five-days-in-the-office work week, according to new data from Virgin Media O2. The Telecoms giant’s Movers Index suggest that around 40 percent of firms now require five-day-a-week office work. Meanwhile, 92 percent of companies had some kind of mandatory in-office policy. Wednesday remains the top day for office work, with about three quarters of office workers coming in for the midweek. More →

Three quarters of cybersecurity breaches are down to human error

Three quarters of cybersecurity breaches are down to human error

A new poll claims that 74 percent of all cybersecurity breaches are caused by human factorsA new poll claims that 74 percent of all cybersecurity breaches are caused by human factors. According to the data, published in  The State of Email and Collaboration Security 2024 report from Mimecast, cyber threats are growing at an unprecedented pace, and the year ahead is fraught with cybercrime and incidents anticipated ahead of the busy election year where over 50 countries head to the polls. With new threats like AI and deepfake technology, the stakes are higher than ever to execute a strong cyber defence. More →

Quarter of people think different attitudes to tech can drive workplace tensions

Quarter of people think different attitudes to tech can drive workplace tensions

According to a new poll from Capterra, just over a quarter of UK employees feel that a variety of preferences for technology can cause tensions in the workplaceAccording to a new poll from Capterra, just over a quarter of UK employees feel that a variety of preferences for technology can cause tensions in the workplace, especially between different generations. The survey also suggests there is a need for more collaboration and open communication when choosing workplace software. More →

Government scheme will see thousands more people train in technologies like AI

Government scheme will see thousands more people train in technologies like AI

Thousands of individuals will receive training and qualifications in cutting-edge technologies like AI as part of new government initiativesThousands of individuals across the UK will receive training and qualifications in cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) as part of new government initiatives. Additionally, other transformative fields such as medicine, 6G, and quantum computing are also part of this initiative. The driving force behind the move is a substantial investment of over £1.1 billion aimed at enhancing the country’s skill base. More →

Employers need to offer better support to working dads

Employers need to offer better support to working dads

Father and son walk on beach showing need for shared parental leaveNew research commissioned by REC Parenting – an online platform offering paid support to parents and carers – suggests that working dads need greater support in the workplace to successfully juggle all their responsibilities. Almost a third (32 percent) have considered leaving their job because of the pressure of managing work and caring responsibilities and three in 10 often feel overwhelmed by the demands placed on them at work and home. More →

Industry: the art of working from anywhere

Industry: the art of working from anywhere

Eugenia Anastassiou is stopped in her tracks by a painting of a quintessential  21st century phenomenon – working from anywhere.Walking into Bristol-based artist Gail Reid’s studio, I literally stopped in my tracks! There it was a painting of everything I had been researching and writing about with workplace strategist Chris Kane for our book “Where Is My Office?” both pre-and post-pandemic. Gail, was a Semi-Finalist in this year’s Sky Art’s Portrait Artist Of The Year –  alas she didn’t make the final – although she impressed everyone with her talent and charisma. She also impressed me in managing to convey via the very traditional medium of an oil painting, a quintessential  21st century phenomenon – working from anywhere. More →

Only a quarter of desk-based workers in the UK say they have a healthy relationship with work

Only a quarter of desk-based workers in the UK say they have a healthy relationship with work

While the world’s relationship with work is strained and employee expectations are rising, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seen as a key to unlocking better relationships with workHP has announced new findings from its Work Relationship Index, a report that explores employees’ relationships with work around the world. The survey of more than 15,600 respondents across 12 countries, reveals that while the world’s relationship with work is strained and employee expectations are rising, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seen as a key to unlocking better relationships with work.  More →

Is a simple thank you too much to ask for?

Is a simple thank you too much to ask for?

The rate of change in business today is accelerating, whether that’s technological change, customer demands, economic uncertainty – all are complex challenges. As a result, employees have to be more resourceful, hard-working and dedicated in order to keep up. But according to McKinsey, over half of our employees are not engaged. Productivity is stagnant, Quiet Quitting is rife and employees feel a sense of not being connected to anything. More →

UNESCO study reveals evidence of regressive stereotypes in LLMs

UNESCO study reveals evidence of regressive stereotypes in LLMs

To coincide with International Women’s Day, a UNESCO study revealed worrying tendencies in Large Language models (LLM) to produce gender bias, as well as homophobia and racial stereotyping.  Women were described as working in domestic roles far more often than men – four times as often by one model – and were frequently associated with words like “home”, “family” and “children”, while male names were linked to “business”, “executive”, “salary”, and “career”. More →