Search Results for: change

Make my day, punk. With Will Easton

Make my day, punk. With Will Easton

Will Easton joins me for a chat over a drink on the Workplace Cocktail Hour podcast. We discuss many things including: the scope of facilities and workplace management and why it offers so many career opportunities for people; punk approaches to work; what presence means and why it can be found in mosh pits as well as when touching grass; the emerging role of UX in designing offices; and why you should take the claims of iconic office designs with a pinch of salt. We even come up with an edgy but surprising playlist in the course of the conversation, which you can find below. More →

Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Around a fifth of people have some form of neurodiversity, so it's essential that the workplace is as welcoming as possible It is thought that up to 20 percent of the UK population is neurodivergent and while many companies now are more educated on the need for diversity, many still have some way to go to adapt their workplaces both culturally and physically to ensure these individuals feel they are truly supported, valued, respected and able to the excel in their role. Sadly, a recent study by Birkbeck found that 65 percent of employees with a form of neurodiversity fear discrimination at work, despite companies increasingly recognising the need for inclusivity. More →

Furniture Makers to hold next sustainability event focussed on ecodesign

Furniture Makers to hold next sustainability event focussed on ecodesign

The Furniture Makers’ Company, the City of London livery company and charity for the furnishing industry, is hosting its next sustainability event focussed on the issues surrounding ecodesignThe Furniture Makers’ Company, the City of London livery company and charity for the furnishing industry, is hosting its next sustainability event focussed on the issues surrounding ecodesign, including the implications of the new EU law, Ecodesign for Products Regulation (ESPR). More →

People are more loyal to employers in the Asia Pacific region than Europe and the US

People are more loyal to employers in the Asia Pacific region than Europe and the US

Employees’ commitment to their employer varies greatly by region, a new global report has foundEmployees’ commitment to their employer varies greatly by region, a new global report has found. According to nudge’s annual Global Financial Wellbeing Report [registration], which surveyed 11,500+ people around the world, how valued employees feel at work varies significantly from East to West. In Europe, attitudes appear to be more cynical in relation to loyalty in the workplace. Two thirds (66 percent) of employees in the UK believe that companies view workers as ‘interchangeable’ and ‘easily replaceable’, followed closely by France (62 percent), Spain (58 percent) and Italy (54 percent). More →

Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

In my line of work, it is easy to get away with not being au fait with technology. Having previously laughed off my ineptitude saying ‘there’s a reason I work with people not machines!’ I never considered I had a place in the realm of all things IT and computers. Until I discovered AI. More specifically, Deep Neural Networks. With a specialism in Neuropsychology, I was intrigued by a discipline that aimed to recreate that which we barely understand; the human brain. One of my favourite (and most frustrating) realisations when I began studying more than twenty years ago, was that I could dedicate myself to learning about the human brain 24/7 for the rest of my life… and still barely scratch the surface. Yet here was an AI community telling me they could recreate it. I was beyond intrigued and so began my unexpected delve into the world of all things machine learning and I haven’t looked back. More →

Since the pandemic, people now work six fewer months over the course of their lives

Since the pandemic, people now work six fewer months over the course of their lives

As the UK government warns that the state pension age might need to rise, a new report from the the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) claims that, between 2019 and 2022, people’s work span in the UK fell by 6 months. The report argues that, to enable more people to stay healthy and be in work for longer, the next government should invest more in preventing ill health, supporting people to stay in work and building healthier behaviours. More →

One in six people fall out with colleagues over politics

One in six people fall out with colleagues over politics

Following the recent confirmation of a date for the UK General Election, a new poll from HiBob claims there has been a sharp rise in the number of people who want to banish political chats from the office. The report also suggests there is a major generational split, with younger workers significantly most in favour of holding political discussions at work while also being the group far and away most likely to fall out with others. More →

Remote work overseas could lead to double tax for firms, employees and digital nomads

Remote work overseas could lead to double tax for firms, employees and digital nomads

The rise of remote work, fuelled by the pandemic, may serve up a hidden danger for employees. Accountants warn that employees who relocate abroad while working for a UK-based company could end up paying income tax in both countries, on top of social security contributions in their host nation. More →

Some questions about AI, a world drowning in content and the human centipede of creativity

Some questions about AI, a world drowning in content and the human centipede of creativity


We still don't even know what questions to ask about AI, so the idea we can provide answers is a bit premature

One unintended but welcome result of the new fixation with AI is that many of the people who became experts on the workplace in 2020 are now experts on AI. You’ll find them on social media and they’ll have written a book about it by May to sit on the shelf alongside the one about hybrid working and The Great Resignation. So, if you want some certainty about where generative AI taking us, go talk to one of them because people who know about the subject seem to have little or no idea or raise even more questions. More →

Bringing workplaces back to their prime requires a holistic approach

Bringing workplaces back to their prime requires a holistic approach

Enticing employees back to physical workplaces has proved challenging, but there are solutions writes Steve Elliott of BW Workplace Experts The pandemic radically changed the way we work and kick-started the proliferation of the hybrid model and widespread remote work. Now the picture has shifted once more, with headlines pointing to increasing return to the office policies introduced by organisations, with greater productivity and collaboration among their top reasons for doing so. Dubbed the year of the ‘Great Office Return’ by Virgin Media 02 Business Movers Index, 2023 saw four in ten companies mandating a return to the five-day office week and 92 percent enforcing some level of in-office requirement. However, enticing employees back to physical workplaces has proven challenging. According to CBRE, almost half of companies report their office attendance at 40 percent or under. More →

Major US firms scammed by massive North Korean remote work laptop farm

Major US firms scammed by massive North Korean remote work laptop farm

A massive remote work scam may have fooled hundreds of US companies into hiring North Koreans. US prosecutors have accused North Korean nationals of infiltrating over 300 US companies, including Fortune 500 giants using a so-called laptop farm. The elaborate scheme, facilitated by an American accomplice, allegedly saw millions of dollars funnelled back to the sanctioned nation. More →

International report calls for collaboration on AI, highlighting both benefits and risks

International report calls for collaboration on AI, highlighting both benefits and risks

A landmark report claims to shed light on the double-edged sword of advanced artificial intelligence (AI)A landmark report claims to shed light on the double-edged sword of advanced artificial intelligence. Backed by over 30 nations, the International Scientific Report on the Safety of Advanced AI paints a picture of a technology brimming with potential benefits, but also fraught with potential risks if safety isn’t prioritized. This first iteration of the report, launched at the AI Safety Summit, fulfils a key commitment set forth during the historic Bletchley Park discussions and the subsequent Bletchley Declaration. More →