Search Results for: stress

Managers need more hugs and fewer squeezes at work

Managers need more hugs and fewer squeezes at work

managers need more hugsA new report from the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) claims that better support for line managers is needed in the workplace. The Squeezed Middle: Why we should be hugging and not squeezing line managers recommends that HR metaphorically ‘hugs and not squeezes’ people in management roles, if organisations are looking to lower health related sickness absence and stimulate productivity growth. More →

Average worker does nearly £7,000 worth of unpaid overtime a year

Average worker does nearly £7,000 worth of unpaid overtime a year

unpaid overtimeUK employers claimed £35 billion of free labour last year because of workers doing unpaid overtime, according to an analysis of official statistics published today by the TUC. More than 5 million people put in an average of 7.6 hours a week in unpaid overtime during 2019, it claims. On average, that equates to having £6,828 taken out of individual pay packets. More →

The integration of people, place and policy will define the new workplace era

The integration of people, place and policy will define the new workplace era

A new era for the workplaceWith a new decade comes a renewed focus on talent for workplace designers. Employers are beginning to better understand the value in hiring neurodiverse employees for creative and strategic thinking. They also understand that creating physical and digital workspaces, which blend the principles of universal design (making spaces accessible for the broadest possible range of individuals), and encouraging wellness are essential for attracting top talent and giving their business a competitive edge. More →

Most workers say spouse could not explain their job

Most workers say spouse could not explain their job

explain jobA problem shared may be a problem halved but, according to a new report, many UK office workers can’t discuss work with their nearest and dearest without them switching off. The survey by CWJobs claims couples are more likely to know the PIN to their partner’s phone (40 percent) or who their favourite band is (38 percent) than understand what they do for a living (30 percent). Three quarters of the workers surveyed said their spouse could not explain their job to another person. More →

Ergonomics, movement and the evolutionary necessity of pain

Ergonomics, movement and the evolutionary necessity of pain

ergonomicsIn his book The Greatest Show on Earth, the evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins devotes a section to the biological rationale for pain which has implications for the way we view ergonomics and the design of offices. Although the question of why we suffer is an ethical issue as far as humans are concerned, and most of us think it’s one thing we could easily do without thank you very much, Nature is indifferent to such moral concerns. More →

Flexible working: one in three undeterred by career damage

Flexible working: one in three undeterred by career damage

flexible workingOne in three US workers have told researchers nothing would stop them from taking advantage of flexible working options, despite the potential damage to their career. According to a survey of 1,000 US white-collar professionals by Deloitte, another one in three say the consequences for their professional growth and lack of trust from managers would put them off working flexibly. Eight in ten respondents agreed a traditional work setting, defined as regular attendance at an office or working normal business hours, is important for advancing their career. More →

Poor health means today is “first productive day of year”

Poor health means today is “first productive day of year”

healthToday is the first productive day of the year for UK employees, according to new research which claims 38 working days were lost, on average, by each employee last year due to physical and mental health related absence and presenteeism. The study puts the cost to businesses and the economy of these lost days (which in reality are of course spread out across the whole year) at £91.9bn in 2019, an increase of more than £10bn on 2018. More →

Watchdog raises concerns at councils` commercial property investments

Watchdog raises concerns at councils` commercial property investments

commercial property risksSome local authorities in England have invested significant public money in buying commercial property over the past three years with the aim of generating a financial return. Debt has increased for many of these authorities as a result, with a small group seeing significant increases in the amount they owe and the cost of repayment, according to the National Audit Office (NAO). More →

Flexible working can help mental wellbeing

Flexible working can help mental wellbeing

flexible workingFlexible working can help employees manage mental illness and keep them in the workforce during difficult life events, a survey by US-based FlexJobs has claimed. Of 2,100 respondents with a mental illness, such as anxiety or depression, 84 percent thought having a flexible job would help them manage their condition better. More →

Employers face uphill battle to prevent presenteeism

Employers face uphill battle to prevent presenteeism

presenteeismOver the last 12 months, seven in 10 UK business leaders witnessed presenteeism, where someone come into the office when they are unwell, a survey has claimed. The issue is particularly prevalent at certain times of the year, recruitment firm Robert Half suggested, with 71 percent of respondents considering that presenteeism increases during the winter months when colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses are more common.
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Blundering blindly towards the truth about work and workplaces

Blundering blindly towards the truth about work and workplaces

If you don’t like some of the stories we publish on Insight, you should see the ones we reject.  It’s something I catch myself saying a lot and underlying it is an awareness that bullshit can be appealing. We should apply the smell test to stories and go in search of what might best be described as the facts, contradictions and nuances that are characteristic elements of some sort of truth. More →

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental healthTime spent in the great outdoors is worth abour£4.5 trillion a year in the improved mental health of people, according to results published by a team of researchers from Griffith University’s School of Environment and ScienceCentre for Work Organisation and WellbeingEnvironmental Futures Research InstituteGriffith Business School and School of Medicine.   More →