Search Results for: consequences

Unintended economic consequences of remote working becoming evident

Unintended economic consequences of remote working becoming evident

New data suggests that office attendance in London has recovered strongly since the end of Covid restrictions, confounding predictions of remote working becoming the ‘new normal’New data suggests that office attendance in London has recovered strongly since the end of Covid restrictions, confounding predictions of remote working becoming the ‘new normal’, according to a new report from the Centre for Cities. However, recovery has stalled in 2023 and the report, London, Office politics: London and the rise of home working, co-authored with Professor Dan Graham and his colleagues from Imperial College and published in partnership with EC BID, addresses the possible economic risks of businesses adopting hybrid working permanently. More →

The mental health consequences of COVID grow increasingly clear

The mental health consequences of COVID grow increasingly clear

Mental healthThe number of self-employed people saying they have “poor” or “very poor” mental health has increased from 6 percent to 26 percent since the beginning of the pandemic (a 300 percent rise), claims new research by IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed). The number saying they had “good” or “excellent” mental health has also dropped significantly since the beginning of the pandemic – from two-thirds (68 percent) to just over a third (39 percent). This was most severe among women (a drop of 54 percent) and young freelancers aged 16-34 (a drop of 49 percent). More →

Study examines consequences of workplace bullying

Study examines consequences of workplace bullying

New research reveals how frequently being the target of workplace bullying not only leads to health-related problems but can also cause victims to behave badly themselves. More →

Uncertainty about the consequences of Brexit in construction sector

Uncertainty about the consequences of Brexit in construction sector 0

BrexitUncertainty about the consequences of a possible UK vote to leave the EU is having an adverse effect on the country’s construction pipeline, according to the Markit/CPS survey of activity in the market. According to the study, new building orders declined during May for the first time in three years although at 51.2, the index remains above the neutral 50 threshold which indicates that the trend remains positive. The May study specifically asked respondents how their work had been affected by the Brexit vote with one third saying it had had a negative effect. Meanwhile, an April study from CBRE found that demand for office space in London had remained robust through the first quarter despite fears that uncertainty about the market and the wider economy related to the referendum would dampen demand. Meanwhile, a new survey from the IEMA claims that two-thirds of members believe environmental issues will be given lower priority if the UK leaves the EU.

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Study confirms that commuting by car has serious health consequences

Study confirms that commuting by car has serious health consequences 0


Adults who commute to work via cycling or walking have markedly lower body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) measures in their mid-life compared to adults who commute via car, according to a new study in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal. Even people who commute via public transport also showed reductions in BMI and percentage body fat compared with those who commuted only by car. This suggests that even the incidental physical activity involved in taking journeys by public transport may be significant. The study looked at data from over 150,000 individuals from the UK Biobank dataset, a large, observational study of 500,000 individuals aged between 40 and 69 in the UK. The study is the largest to date to analyse the health benefits of active transport. The strongest associations were seen for adults who commuted via bicycle, compared to those who commute via car.

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Book review – Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm

Book review – Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm

This is almost certainly the most important book about work and workplaces to appear in the first half of this year. Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm will be one of the two most important published this year, as we shall soon discover. It is also one packed with wisdom, knowledge and a central premise that is undoubtedly true. Namely that the events of the past four years have given us the opportunity to rethink how we work and so how we spend our days and our lives more generally. More →

People are pushing back against so-called return to office mandates

People are pushing back against so-called return to office mandates

A poll by Skillshub suggests there is a potential clash between firms issuing so-called return to office mandates and people unwilling to give up the flexibility and wellbeing benefits they say they have gained through remote and hybrid workA poll by Skillshub suggests there is a potential clash between firms issuing so-called return to office mandates and people unwilling to give up the flexibility and wellbeing benefits they say they have gained through remote and hybrid work. The survey claims that a significant proportion of UK employees (nearly half – 42.6 percent) are prepared to consider quitting their jobs if forced back to full-time office work. This sentiment extends even to hybrid models with a majority office presence (3+ days a week) – almost a fifth (18 percent) would consider leaving, with a significant number (10.1 percent) strongly considering it. More →

Materialistic people are less bothered about fairness in the workplace

Materialistic people are less bothered about fairness in the workplace

Treating people with fairness at work will ensure they flourish, thus boosting the team’s performance, according to new research by emlyon business school. However, this is not the case with team members who are money-motivatedTreating people with fairness at work will ensure they flourish, thus boosting the team’s performance, according to new research by emlyon business school. However, this is not the case with team members who are money-motivated, and fair treatment actually doesn’t have any positive impact on their performance, the researchers say. These findings come from research by Thierry Nadisic, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at emlyon business school, France, alongside his colleagues, Professor Russell Cropanzano from the University of Colorado, Professor Jessica F. Kirk from the University of Memphis, and Rébecca Shankland from Grenoble Ecole de Management, France. More →

Generative AI could rewrite history, including that of the Holocaust

Generative AI could rewrite history, including that of the Holocaust

A UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitismA UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitism. The report cautions that not only can Generative AI enable malicious actors to seed disinformation and hate-fueled narratives, but it can also inadvertently invent false or misleading content about the Holocaust. More →

Two thirds of working parents considering quitting because of childcare costs

Two thirds of working parents considering quitting because of childcare costs

More than two-thirds (70 percent) of working parents in the UK have quit or are considering quitting their job due to lack of affordable childcare optionsMore than two-thirds (70 percent) of working parents in the UK have quit or are considering quitting their job due to lack of affordable childcare options, according to a new poll from Remote. The research explores the financial and mental impact return to office mandates and a lack of flexible hours has on parents, as well as outlining the consequences of what the report calls  the ‘Working Parents Crisis’ on the UK’s workforce shortages.   More →

How Gulliver’s Travels predicted AI and our attempts to make sense of it all

How Gulliver’s Travels predicted AI and our attempts to make sense of it all

Gullivers Travels includes a description of a machine that woks very like modern AI systems, and with the same drawbacksGulliver’s Travels is one of those books we assume we know. But what we tend to recall is some stuff about Lilliput, giants, talking horses and possibly something about scientists trying to extract sunbeams from cucumbers. It’s really about one man’s descent into disillusion with the human race. It is acerbic, occasionally tediously detailed, and offers insight into some aspects of the human condition, which makes it timeless. More →

Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

A new study by Great Place To Work claims that forcing employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates can have negative consequencesA new study by Great Place To Work claims that obliging employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates and restricting their choice of work location can have negative consequences for the business. The report based on a survey of 4,400 US workers, claims to reveal a strong correlation between work location flexibility and positive employee experiences. Compared to those without a choice, employees with control over their work environment are three times more likely to want to stay with their company, and significantly less likely to become disengaged – a trend that has been referred to as “quiet quitting.” They’re also more likely to put in extra effort, foster good relationships with their managers, and feel their workplace fosters a healthy psychological and emotional environment. More →