August 7, 2013
New online survey will explore the psychology of collaboration spaces
Herman Miller is sponsoring the next stage of Research into the Psychology of Collaboration Spaces being carried out by Dr Nigel Oseland of Workplace Unlimited The key methodology is an online survey which determines your personality profile and collaboration preferences. To enter the survey click here. The research stems from a literature review that Nigel conducted on behalf of Herman Miller last year. For a copy of the previous research report please click here for a summary or the full paper. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete. Participants will receive a copy of the new research report and an invitation to a seminar of the research findings. You may also enter a prize draw for a Herman Miller Mirra chair and Workplace Trends conference tickets. The survey closes on Friday 16th August.
August 13, 2013
Worldwide space standards moving closer to UK norm, claims new report
by Mark Eltringham • Comment, Facilities management, Flexible working, Knowledge, News, Property, Workplace design
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