Workers waste too much time in poorly designed offices

Workers waste too much time in poorly designed offices

Workers waste more time in poorly designed offices

One in five UK workers has around two unproductive hours every week caused by poor or inadequate office and work environments, claims new research published today. Disruptive colleagues, no natural light, a lack of coffee and tea facilities and noisy offices are just a few factors cited in the report from Mace and its facilities management arm Mace Macro. Across the whole of the UK the average number of hours lost to unproductive workplaces is 2.4 hours a week, and using Office of National Statistics value of time data, this translates to a cost of £4bn in lost output every year to the UK economy. More →

Demand by investors for UK commercial property remains strong

Demand by investors for UK commercial property remains strong

Demand by investors for UK commercial property remains strongThe level of demand for UK commercial property remains strong, despite continued lack of clarity over Brexit. According to the latest GVA review of commercial property investment market, European investors were more risk averse to the UK market because of the uncertainty caused by Brexit but demand from overseas investors, particular from China and the Far East, strengthened in 2018. Domestic investors have also made a ‘come-back’ to the UK market and have accounted for approximately 12 percent more acquisitions in 2018, compared to the previous year. In the North East, the lack of availability of investment property is one of the biggest factors affecting growth and there remains strong competition, particularly for prime well let assets. Regardless of political uncertainty, the fundamentals of the UK commercial property market will continue to make it an attractive place to invest, with London remaining the number one priority target of investors outside of Europe. Overall, the report concludes, the UK commercial property market will remain attractive with the exception of retail.

Poor mobile coverage in commercial buildings is jeopardising business

Poor mobile coverage in commercial buildings is jeopardising business

Poor mobile coverage in commercial buildings is jeopardising businessesThe majority (89 percent) of employers say in-building mobile coverage is important to their business, but only 17 percent of businesses have full bar indoor mobile coverage, claims a new report. ‘Building Connections’, commissioned by Vilicom argues that as 78 percent of adults own a smartphone and check it every 12 minutes on average, and with the number of UK landlines falling 35 percent from 10m in 2010 to 6.4m in 2017, a lack of mobile coverage seriously threatens productivity, revenue, damage to reputation and customer satisfaction for organisations of all kinds.

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Investment in London commercial offices unlikely to be changed by Brexit

Investment in London commercial offices unlikely to be changed by Brexit

London’s commercial office appeal unlikely to change because of BrexitInvestment in City of London offices is up by 7.6 percent for the same period last year reaching £9.47 billion as of the end of October 2018 – while the West End market is on track to reach at least £7.4 billion before the year is out. This is up on the £7 billion turnover seen in 2017, according to Savills. Stephen Down, executive director and head of Savills Central London investment team, says: “Demand for central London offices has remained buoyant throughout 2018. While we may not see the year set any new records, annual volumes look set to either surpass or draw very close to those of 2017. More →

A cheap day return to Farringdon, please

A cheap day return to Farringdon, please

Timing is everything. Re-launching a professional body while the country’s politics unceremoniously implode could not have been foreseen, but the vacuous space was full of the registered and invited, many with a trail of string going back a few decades or more. What a lovely gathering of old friends it was. On Monday 12th The BIFM formally changed its name to the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management. This event was to reveal the new creative collateral and celebrate the optimism/excitement/apprehension (delete as applicable).

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Are you ready for the world of agile working we will experience in the 2020s?

Are you ready for the world of agile working we will experience in the 2020s?

Some organisations believe they have ‘done’ Agile Working. They have increased the ratio of people to desks and achieved a saving in accommodation costs. They have provided flexible working arrangements across the organisation and have enabled their people to work at home for part of their working week. Staff surveys show employees are pleased with the opportunities and benefits this provides them. But organisations cannot afford to become comfortable or complacent, there are greater opportunities to grasp. As in any transformation initiative, Agile Working is more than a project it is a cultural journey involving continuing change to achieve continuous improvement. Agile Working is moving on.

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Majority of office workers discontented with workplace environment

Majority of office workers discontented with workplace environment

Majority of office workers discontented with workplace environmentThe vast majority (97 percent) of office workers in UK feel frustrated by their workplace environments, with many feeling the need to escape office life as a result. A new report from Staples has discovered that one-in-five (22 percent) end up browsing LinkedIn job ads for something better when they’re frustrated. As a result, job-hopping is prolific, with workers now predicted to have 11.7 jobs between the ages of 18 and 48. The expectation that the grass must be greener elsewhere is leaving most thinking about switching jobs. However, when they do end up jumping ship, many just experience a short-term fix. According to the study, a third (37 percent) get frustrated in their new office before the end of their first six months. The majority of office workers say they seek fulfilment (89 percent) at work, and for most (77 percent), the quality of their office workspace is a contributing factor in how fulfilled they feel.

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Proportion of flexible space within corporate portfolios to increase dramatically

Proportion of flexible space within corporate portfolios to increase dramatically

Proportion of flexible space within corporate portfolios to increase dramatically

Despite the proliferation of coworking and serviced office operators the majority of global corporates still occupy office space on a traditional lease model, with two thirds of companies in a survey by Knight Frank reporting that co-working, serviced and flexible office space comprise 5 percent or less of their current office space. Knight Frank’s Your Space report, which surveys senior executives at 120 global companies which collectively employ in excess of 3.5 million people worldwide and occupy an estimated 233 million sq ft of office space, found that just a small minority, less than 7 percent, said that flexible workspace exceeds a fifth of their total workspace. More →

Employee cybersecurity only getting worse as digitised workplace grows

Employee cybersecurity only getting worse as digitised workplace grows

cybersecurityNew research suggests as the supposed ‘technologically savvy’ millennials enter the workforce they are more likely than older workers to break the most basic of security rule, reusing passwords across different accounts. This is according to the results of the 10th Annual Market Pulse Survey from SailPoint Technologies Holdings, which finds that despite an increased focus on cybersecurity awareness in the workplace, employees’ poor cybersecurity habits are getting worse, which is compounded by the speed and complexity of the digital transformation. More →

Flexibility of home working must be balanced with a need to connect

Flexibility of home working must be balanced with a need to connect

Flexibility of home working must be balanced with need to connectOver half of home workers say they appreciate the benefits that home working offers but nearly a quarter complain of loneliness too, a new survey from BHSF claims. When asked how working from home makes them feel, the top three responses were: free (50 percent), in control (47 percent) and calm (46 percent). However, a significant number of those surveyed chose more negative words to describe their feelings. Just over a quarter (26 percent) said that working from home made them feel remote, 24 percent felt isolated and 21 percent lonely. More →

Workers ignore security concerns by bringing own devices to the office

Workers ignore security concerns by bringing own devices to the office

Workers ignore security concerns by bringing own devices to the officeWorkers are increasingly introducing technology devices, software and other tools into the workplace without their employer’s approval, claims a new report from NextPlane that examines the extent of this growing rift and its impact on collaboration and productivity. Nearly half of professionals (46 percent) said they or their team have introduced new technology into their workplace, and despite IT attempts to remain in control, workers are not standing down, as 53 percent said they or another team have pushed back on IT or management when they tried to dictate the technology they use.

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Flexible office market to grow by a third each year for next five years

Flexible office market to grow by a third each year for next five years

Gig economy leading to growth of flexible office space says JLLThe gig economy has helped lead to the doubling in size of the flexible office space sector since 2014 and it’s set to grow by up to 30 percent per year over the next five years claims new research published by JLL. Disruption or Distraction, a report delving into the growth of flexible office space across Europe explores the main drivers of the sector’s boom – including evolutionary changes in how, when and where people work, shifts in lifestyle, and rapid advancements in technology – and provides unique insights into the risks and rewards for both companies and real estate investors in Europe. More →