Graduates want meaningful work and a fully digitised workplace

Graduates want meaningful work and a fully digitised workplace 0

Millennials prefer digitised workplaceMillennials entering the workforce want employment that offers meaningful work, ongoing learning opportunities and a fun workplace culture. This is according to a new study by Accenture on the workforce of the future which reveals that new graduates are increasingly digital, embracing new technologies, both to find work and on the job. The fourth annual Accenture Strategy 2016 U.S. College Graduate Employment Study found that the majority (70 percent) would rather work at a company that provides an employee experience built on a positive social atmosphere and receive a lower salary – up 10 percent on last year’s graduating class. Almost all (92 percent) of 2016 graduates said it is important to be employed at a company that demonstrates social responsibility. They are also three times as likely to prefer to work for a small or medium-sized company (44 percent), versus a large company (14 percent), indicating their preference for a smaller team environment.

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Ageing and overweight workforce fuel rise in US disability claims

Ageing and overweight workforce fuel rise in US disability claims 0

Overweight or obese workers and an ageing workforce mean that disability claims for joint disorders and musculoskeletal issues have increased significantly over the past ten years in the United States, according to data from Unum. Trends over the last decade show a 33 percent increase in long term disability claims and 14 percent increase in short term disability claims for musculoskeletal issues; with a 22 percent increase in long term disability claims and 26 percent increase in short term disability claims for joint disorders.  “Two particular trends are driving this experience,” said Greg Breter, senior vice president of benefits at Unum. “Aging baby boomers are staying in the workforce longer, and more than a third of US adults are classified as overweight or obese.” The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that by 2022, more than 30 percent of people ages 65-74 will still be working, up from 20 percent in 2002.

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Third of those with mental ill health don’t tell anyone at work

Third of those with mental ill health don’t tell anyone at work 0

Mental health awareness week2As our story on levels of unreported stress in UK workplaces revealed yesterday, work is one of the greatest triggers for stress, depression and anxiety, which is why employers are constantly being reminded to look out for and address the causes of mental ill health. However, although it is often work that contributes  to stress related problems, the stigma surrounding mental illness means too many people are reluctant to admit to struggling with mental ill health to managers or colleagues. A study commissioned by AXA PPP healthcare has revealed that a third of individuals (34 per cent) living with mental ill health who are in work say they are not open about their mental health condition in the workplace. Over half (52 per cent) of those living with mental ill health who didn’t seek support straightaway say this was because they didn’t want to admit that they needed it.

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Work is most common cause of stress, anxiety and depression

Work is most common cause of stress, anxiety and depression 0

Work is greatest cause of stressWork pressures are the most common cause of stress in this country, with over a third (34 percent) of people in a poll saying it has contributed to mental health problems; while 20 percent say juggling a work/life balance also plays a major role in causing stress. Research from Aviva ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week (16-22 May) found that 12 million UK adults suffering from stress, anxiety or depression in the past year did not seek help, with many too embarrassed to do so. Stress (33 percent), anxiety (29 percent) and depression (23 percent) are the most common mental health conditions experienced in the past year, but of those who experienced stress, 55 percent did not seek support, while 48 percent did not seek help for anxiety. More people are taking action on depression, but around three in ten (29 percent) of those suffering with this in the last year still did not ask for support.

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Women not reaping full wellbeing benefits of flexible working

Women not reaping full wellbeing benefits of flexible working 0

flexible working womanWorking flexible hours is associated with lower job satisfaction among women, but greater satisfaction among men, a new study claims. The research explores the impact of flexible working on job, leisure and life satisfaction and suggests that women are not experiencing the full benefits. According to Dr Daniel Wheatley, lecturer in Economics at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University; the research suggests that while flexible working generates a number of benefits, working part-time or reduced hours has significant negative impacts on job satisfaction. He explains: “While some women are able to use reduced hours optimally, such as those working part-time following maternity leave, those using reduced hours for lengthier periods because of commitments such as childcare may feel trapped in ‘restrictive’ flexible employment. They may only be able to gain low skilled employment and may experience limitations in career progression.”

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Problem of London’s success + Design & people + Latest Work&Place

Problem of London’s success + Design & people + Latest Work&Place 0

Insight_twitter_logo_2In this week’s Newsletter; Simon Heath suggests that FM should be satisfied with remaining essentially a service; Mark Eltringham bemoans the rise of tall buildings; examines commercial buildings that become synonymous with an organisational or sector crash; and celebrates the work of Donald Broadbent, whose research into cognitive psychology helps us address the effects of unwelcome noise in open plan offices and of German artist Fritz Kahn, in providing some understanding of how people respond to their surroundings. There’s news of a significant drop in employee satisfaction; why remote working may help to reduce the strain on overcrowded cities; and the negative effects of admin and unreliable technology on productivity. You can read the latest issue of Work&Place, download our Insight Briefing, produced in partnership with Connection, on the boundless office; visit our new events page, follow us on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group to discuss these and other stories.

Management needs to improve opportunities for career progression

Management needs to improve opportunities for career progression 0

Job interviewAlmost a quarter of employees (24 percent) are intending to move, as job satisfaction in the UK drops to its lowest level for over two years finds the latest CIPD/Halogen Employee Outlook report. The survey reveals that almost a fifth (23 percent) of employees believe their organisation’s performance management processes are unfair (an increase from 20 percent in Autumn 2015). Over a quarter (27 percent) are dissatisfied with the opportunity to develop their skills in their job and this is reflected in the number of employees who say they are unlikely to fulfil their career aspirations in their current organisation, which has also increased to 36 percent (32 percent in Autumn 2015). Opportunities for women in senior roles have slipped as well with separate research by the European Women on Boards (EWoB) showing that Britain has a below-average proportion of women on boards; falling from sixth to eighth place among 12 leading economies since 2011.

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Pregnancy and maternity discrimination has risen over the past year

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination has risen over the past year 0

Pregnancy discrimation at workiThere has been a 25 percent rise in people seeking advice on pregnancy and maternity discrimination over the past year; new figures from Citizens Advice have revealed, and it has growing evidence that pregnant women and new mums have had their working hours cut, been put onto zero-hours contracts, pressured to return to work early from maternity leave and, in extreme cases, have been forced out of their jobs. New figures from the national charity also show there has been a 22 percent increase in people seeking online help, with the charity’s web advice viewed 22,000 times over the last 12 months. Between April 2015 and March 2016 almost 2,000 people turned to Citizens Advice for help with pregnancy and maternity discrimination, up from just over 1,500 in the previous 12 months. In 4 out of 5 cases people were also seeking help with problems at work, a third of which were about redundancy or dismissal.

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Pointless admin and inadequate technology cost UK £60 billion a year

Pointless admin and inadequate technology cost UK £60 billion a year 0

CaptureInadequate and poorly performing technology coupled with the burden of pointless administrative tasks are having a major negative effect on the UK’s productivity, costing businesses around £60 billion a year. That is the conclusion of a new report from workforce management consultants Kronos.  According to the report, The £60Bn Question: Is Employee Engagement the Driver of Business Success?, employees spend around 7 percent of their time on unnecessary admin and 82 percent struggle to complete their daily tasks. According to the line managers that took part in the survey, 77 percent claim that outdated technology is the biggest challenge they face and 72 percent believe that they are hampered by the need to carry out tasks that could be automated. Many respondents also cited a lack of engagement as an issue with 34 percent claiming rating their organisation enjoying high levels of engagement and  59 percent claiming their chief exec was more interested in the bottom line than employees.

The cocktail party effect and the false narrative of office acoustics

The cocktail party effect and the false narrative of office acoustics

Three cocktails on the bar

Ask most people what they find most annoying about modern office life and they’re likely to tell you that it is the sounds of other people. The knee jerk response to this is often to blame the hegemony of open plan design and then find ways to reduce the amount of noise generated within the office. Like many others, this is an enduring narrative and one that many well-informed people continue to challenge. As always, the issues around office acoustics are far more complex and interesting than that and we’ve known it for a long time. Donald Broadbent was a researcher who died twenty years ago. Yet his research into cognitive psychology has never been more pertinent than it is right now as we continue to struggle with the the effects of unwelcome noise in open plan offices. Offices may have changed in the last twenty years, but human beings haven’t. This revealing programme, broadcast by the BBC, explores some of his ideas. There are no visuals so you have to use your ears.

UK’s best workplaces + Great workplace puzzle + Digital future 0

Insight_twitter_logo_2In this week’s Newsletter see the latest issue of Work&Place, which features Ian Ellison’s look at the workplace puzzle and what an esoteric Marxist French philosopher can teach us about workspace. Mark Eltringham says that despite debates about technology, culture, buildings and design – it all comes down to the human element; and Sara Bean finds that unlike men, when women start having children, they’re promotion and pay prospects suffers. In news, driverless vehicles will have a significant impact on the real estate sector; evidence that organisations which support mobile technology see a rise in productivity; and a new partnership aims to drive sustainable property development in Europe. The UK’s best workplaces are announced and a new study confirms that the digital future will mean a reliance on physical office space will recede. Download our Insight Briefing, produced in partnership with Connection, on the boundless office; visit our new events page, follow us on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group to discuss these and other stories.

UK’s ‘best workplaces’ announced by  Great Place to Work

UK’s ‘best workplaces’ announced by Great Place to Work 0

Great Place to WorkGreat Place to Work has announced what it considers to be the UK’s best workplaces. The category for large firms was headed by McDonald’s and IT firm Softcat followed by Salesforce UK, Cisco, Capital One and Hyatt. The medium sized organisation category was headed by  housing association RHP Group followed by manufacturers Cosatto, financial services firm Goodman Masson, R Twining & Company and IT provider UKFast. IT companies were also prominent in the small business category with Foundation SP and DMW, first and second respectively followed by professional services firm Futureheads Recruitment, non-profit Resurge and professional services firm, New Chapter Consulting. Google topped the best multinational category, followed by SAS Institute, manufacturing firm WI Gore & Associates IT firm Net App and telecommunications firm Telefonica. A full report on the awards including its methodology can be found here.