Overseas investment in UK regional offices soars

Overseas investment in UK regional offices soars

overseasInvestments in offices outside the capital for the first half of this year hit £3.58bn – 18 percent above the long-term average for the first half of this year, Savills research claims. Overseas investors accounted for two-thirds of the £3.58bn of investments from January to June 2021 – 38 percent above the five-year average. More →

Growing health concerns and preference for hybrid work among US employees

Growing health concerns and preference for hybrid work among US employees

employeesEnvoy has released the results from its latest Return to Work report that gauges sentiment among 1,000 US employees who have returned to the workplace within the past year. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, many companies are wrestling with the decision to postpone reopenings, even as scores of office workers are already back in the workplace. More →

UK workers expect to be oldest retirees in Europe

UK workers expect to be oldest retirees in Europe

UK workers have the oldest expected retirement age out of five European countries, according to new research from HR software provider SD Worx. When compared to other countries in Europe, the UK is at the top of the list for oldest expected retirement age, with people now expecting to retire at an average age of 66.67 years old. This is followed by: The Netherlands (65.94 years old); Belgium (65.33 years old); Germany (64.48 years old); and France (64.36 years old). More →

Working from home could help older workers stay in work longer

Working from home could help older workers stay in work longer

working from home setupOlder workers might choose to delay their retirement if offered the option of continuing to do their jobs working from home after the pandemic, according to new research from the UK’s Office for National Statistics. The ONS study found those in their 50s and 60s who worked from home during the coronavirus crisis said they were planning to retire later than those who were still travelling to their workplace. More →

Built environment must accelerate decarbonisation to support net zero goal

Built environment must accelerate decarbonisation to support net zero goal

environmentWhile the built environment is going in the right direction, it is still not moving fast enough to decarbonise building stock, according to the latest annual sustainability report produced by RICS and World Built Environment Forum. More →

Over half of UK employers say their staff work additional unpaid hours every day

Over half of UK employers say their staff work additional unpaid hours every day

unpaid hoursIn its latest whitepaper, Cendex, part of XpertHR, claims that staff at over half (53 percent) of UK organisations are working additional unpaid hours every day. A quarter (24 percent) of employers put this down to the pandemic and its resultant uptick in remote working, as they believe working from home blurs the line between work life and home life. More →

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

hybrid‘Hybrid’ is the ideal working environment among Brits today, but twice as many workers would like to be 100 percent office-based than work permanently from home, according to the latest research from LifeSearch. More →

Over two-thirds of employers are considering pay cuts for remote workers

Over two-thirds of employers are considering pay cuts for remote workers

pay cutsA new survey by CIPHR claims that over two-thirds (68 percent) of British businesses are contemplating pay cuts for staff who opt to work from home, despite many (53 percent) saying they’ve actually saved money by having more remote workers. More →

Nearly half of British business leaders fear losing the UK’s best talent abroad

Nearly half of British business leaders fear losing the UK’s best talent abroad

businessMovePlan in partnership with Hanson Search, claims that 40 percent of business leaders fear that the combination of the pandemic and Brexit will see their best talent disappear abroad, making hiring more challenging, just as the country begins to return to the ‘new normal’. More →

Majority of UK firms do not believe their mental health support is fit for modern-day needs

Majority of UK firms do not believe their mental health support is fit for modern-day needs

UK firmsNew research from Aon plc (NYSE: AON), claims that fewer than four in ten UK firms (39 percent) believe their employee mental health support is fit for modern-day purposes. More →

Return to office doesn’t mean occupiers have lost sight of flexibility, claims report

Return to office doesn’t mean occupiers have lost sight of flexibility, claims report

return to office is underway

Offices will repopulate over the remainder of this year, led by small companies – those with fewer than 100 employees, according to the EMEA Occupier Survey of 130 companies from real estate advisor CBRE. The survey found that small companies are further advanced in their return to office. Over 80 percent of small companies report all locations are now open. This compares with only a third of the largest companies, although a majority of them have opened more than half of their sites. More →

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

right to disconnectAn overtime “epidemic” driven by the rise in home working during the pandemic must be curtailed with new right to disconnect laws, according to a report from think-tank Autonomy. The authors claim that unpaid labour is a growing problem in the UK, exacerbated by home working during the pandemic. They say employees are frequently contacted by their employers after the working day has finished officially to complete tasks, which impacts their mental health. The report proposes draft legislation to implement a ‘right to disconnect’ based on French law, which ensures respect for employee rest periods and allows them to ignore work calls and emails outside of working hours. More →