Search Results for: skills development

A quarter of projects don’t meet their stated goals – but that’s not because of remote working

A quarter of projects don’t meet their stated goals – but that’s not because of remote working

A quarter of all projects do not meet the business goals that their organisations set for them but remote working is not a major factor in outcomesA quarter of all projects do not meet the business goals that their organisations set for them, according to research published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) in the 15th edition of its Pulse of the Profession report – The Future of Project Work. The newly released report, based on the responses of over 2,000 project professionals and 300+ senior leaders around the world, paints what the report says is a concerning picture of project outcomes across various industries globally. The report also highlights the reasons for this and excludes remote working as a major factor. More →

London must take better decisions on whether to retrofit its buildings

London must take better decisions on whether to retrofit its buildings

The London Assembly Planning and Regeneration Committee has published a new report called Retrofit vs Rebuild? which asks how decisions are made to either retrofit or rebuild properties and the carbon implications for bothThe London Assembly Planning and Regeneration Committee has published a new report called Retrofit vs Rebuild? which asks how decisions are made to either retrofit or rebuild properties and the carbon implications for both. In London, buildings account for an estimated 68 per cent of the city’s carbon emissions. These emissions arise from the construction, operation, and demolition of buildings. The report claims that, if London is to meet the Mayor’s 2030 net zero target, there is an urgent need to reduce emissions from buildings and to retrofit both housing and commercial stock. More →

Motherhood penalty means many women in tech leave due to care responsibilities

Motherhood penalty means many women in tech leave due to care responsibilities

Women who have flexible working arrangements have a significantly higher retention than those who didn't. These finding emphasise the damage that the 'motherhood penalty' has on the tech industry and its ability to keep women working within it.Almost 40 per cent of female tech leavers cited caring commitments as a decisive factor in their decision to leave the industry, according to research by Tech Talent Charter. Work life balance was ranked the most important consideration, as working parents are juggling careers and full-time caring commitments, prompting the Tech Talent Charter and MotherBoard Charter to join forces to address maternity retention in tech. Women who have flexible working arrangements have a significantly higher retention than those who didn’t. These findings emphasise the damage that the ‘motherhood penalty’ has on the tech industry and its ability to keep women working within it. More →

Inclusive office design is essential if we want offices to be worth the commute

Inclusive office design is essential if we want offices to be worth the commute

Organisations now understand the immense potential for sustainable, inclusive office design, and people-centric real estate strategies to drive positive change and fuel growth.Corporate culture has fundamentally changed since the pandemic and with it, so has the way employees interact with the office. This has put leaders under pressure to create experiences for employees that complement, and in some ways even compete with, the comforts of home. Organisations now understand the immense potential for sustainable, inclusive office design, and people-centric real estate strategies to drive positive change and fuel growth. More →

New academic research identifies the four emotional stages of your career. Spoiler – it ends in disillusion

New academic research identifies the four emotional stages of your career. Spoiler – it ends in disillusion

The study of UK legal professionals showed they progressed from excitement and anticipation at the start of their career, followed by fear and anxiety as they pursue promotion, to pride and joy at having secured a senior post, and finally experiencing disillusionment and disappointment at the lack of further changeLawyers progress through four distinct emotional stages in their fight to get to the top and secure a coveted partnership role, according to new research from the University of Bath’s School of Management. The study of UK legal professionals showed they progressed from excitement and anticipation at the start of their career, followed by fear and anxiety as they pursue promotion, to pride and joy at having secured a senior post, and finally experiencing disillusionment and disappointment at the lack of further change. More →

Threat of recession means half of firms say they have stopped innovating

Threat of recession means half of firms say they have stopped innovating

Half of UK C-suites (50 percent) say that the threat of recession has meant innovation has ceased in their businessHalf of UK C-suites (50 percent) say that the threat of recession has meant innovation has ceased in their business, according to brand new research from consultancy Magnetic. Just 22 percent disagree, with 28 percent undecided. This corroborates the 56 percent who say they’re prioritising the survival of their business above all else; an especially concerning figure when two-thirds of the sample are large businesses with more than 250 employees. More →

Half of people would reject a job with no flexible working

Half of people would reject a job with no flexible working

According to a new poll, a lack of flexible working would drive almost half of UK workers to reject a job offerThe latest report outlining how the lack of some or other workplace feature would lead to mass resignations and job rejections arrives from recruitment firm Robert Half. And yes, we do wish PR companies and their clients would knock it off now. If we added up all these polls, nobody would stay in or accept any job. According to the poll, a lack of flexible working would drive almost half of UK workers to reject a job offer. More →

CIPD announces programme for 2023 Annual Conference and Exhibition

CIPD announces programme for 2023 Annual Conference and Exhibition

The CIPD has revealed its programme, including an exciting line-up of speakers, for its Annual Conference and Exhibition 2023, taking place at Manchester Central and online across 8-9 November. This year’s event will focus on supporting people professionals to create a bolder future for the profession. The event will provide insights into the changing world of work and key challenges facing the profession, helping HR, OD and L&D practitioners to take decisive action when confronted by these challenges in their own organisations.    More →

Organisations routinely undervalue and overlook talent of older workers

Organisations routinely undervalue and overlook talent of older workers

New data from Generation, an employment non-profit, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), claims that employers need to radically rethink how they approach midcareer and older workers.New data from Generation, an employment non-profit, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), claims that employers need to radically rethink how they approach midcareer and older workers. The Midcareer Opportunity: Meeting the challenges of an ageing workforce report outlines insights from OECD data and from an eight-country survey of thousands of employers, job seekers, and employees in Europe and the US. The research in Europe was funded by, and in the United States by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. More →

Workers are generally happy at work, but bored by what they do

Workers are generally happy at work, but bored by what they do

Happiness and boredom are the most common emotions experienced by people at work, according to a Right Management survey of more than 2,000 British workers and managersHappiness and boredom are the most common emotions experienced by people at work, according to a Right Management survey of more than 2,000 British workers and managers. According to the poll, ‘Gen Z’ are most likely to be bored at work (23 percent). But Gen Z leaders worry more than others about reduced employee productivity due to hybrid-working (37 percent). In addition, 70 percent of British employees feel they work better as a team in-person, but only 1 percent claim face-to-face time with colleagues contributes to their wellbeing. More →

Three days in the office seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ for hybrid working

Three days in the office seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ for hybrid working

A new report provides analysis into the impact that remote and hybrid working are having on employee experience, culture and productivityA new survey concludes that three days a week in the office appears to be optimal for many people to optimise key aspects of workplace culture and performance. The report claims to provide empirical analysis into the impact that remote and hybrid working are having on employee experience, culture and productivity. The report commissioned by Ipsos Karian and Box is based on a survey of 1,400 full-time UK office workers. More →

Generative AI will affect two thirds of jobs, but most people shouldn’t lose them

Generative AI will affect two thirds of jobs, but most people shouldn’t lose them

Around two thirds (66 percent) of jobs are considered “highly” or “moderately” exposed to Generative AI, according to the AI at Work Report from job site IndeedAround two thirds (66 percent) of jobs are considered “highly” or “moderately” exposed to Generative AI, according to the AI at Work Report from job site Indeed. The report claims finds that all US jobs listed on the firm’s website – from truck driver to software engineer – have skills that can be carried out or augmented by Generative AI. However, only 1 in 5 (19.8 percent) of jobs are considered “highly” exposed to the technology, showing that while it can learn to do tasks within a specific job, ‘GenAI’ is unlikely to fully replace many jobs. More →