Search Results for: skills

Skills crisis intensifies as demand for white collar jobs outstrips supply

Skills crisis intensifies as demand for white collar jobs outstrips supply

skills crisisDemand for people to fill permanent and contracted white-collar jobs while the UK continues to battle a skills crisis. That’s according to the latest Recruitment Trends Snapshot report from The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo). The data provided by Bullhorn, claims that demand for contractors was also up year-on-year, increasing 38 percent. Month-on-month figures also showed a spike in jobs, with permanent and contract vacancies increasing 104 percent and 78 percent between December and January, which can be attributed to a bounce back following a seasonal lull. More →

Hybrid working will demand leaders develop new communication skills

Hybrid working will demand leaders develop new communication skills

hybrid workingKeeping on top of communication barriers in the business world can feel like an endless game of Whac-A-Mole, especially now in the new era of hybrid working. The usual culprits are well-known by now: patchy WiFi connections, crashing computer programmes, cloud syncing issues, important emails sneaking into spam folders – the list goes on. All can impede our ability to get the job done. More →

Drawing on internal skills can help firms cope with Great Resignation

Drawing on internal skills can help firms cope with Great Resignation

internal skillsThe UK’s workforce is undergoing rapid transformation as employees’ expectations and motivations radically change. The impact of Brexit, COVID-19 and long periods of furlough have created a tidal wave of resignations across every industry. Workers are re-thinking career paths, work conditions and long-term goals after a turbulent 18 months; with one study finding that 38 percent of people are looking to change roles in the new year.  More →

Three in four IT departments face critical skills gaps

Three in four IT departments face critical skills gaps

ITSkillsoft (NYSE: SKIL), has released its annual Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report, exploring the current state of skills gaps, training and development, compensation, and job satisfaction in the IT industry. More →

Over half of UK employees believe AI skills will make their job easier

Over half of UK employees believe AI skills will make their job easier

employeesAccording to new global research from ABBYY, six-in-ten (64 percent) UK employees say their job is made more difficult through trouble accessing data in documents and one-in-four (27 percent) lose a full day of productivity per week searching documents for information they need to serve customers, higher than the global average. More →

High hopes Gen Z will close the digital skills gap – but young people are in a confidence crisis

High hopes Gen Z will close the digital skills gap – but young people are in a confidence crisis

digital skillsThree-quarters of tech leaders think Gen Z will solve the digital skills shortage (72 percent), with an even higher number (77 percent) believing these ‘digital-natives’ have the best ability of any generation. However, while half of Gen Z have a career in tech or firm plans to pursue one in the next five years (46 percent), they have low confidence in their digital abilities. More →

People professionals boosted their skills in response to pandemic challenges

People professionals boosted their skills in response to pandemic challenges

professionalsNearly two thirds (61 percent) of HR and people professionals strengthened their skills – through either upskilling or reskilling – as a result of their organisation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest People Profession survey report from the CIPD and Workday claims. More →

HR leaders’ number one priority for 2022 is building critical skills and competencies

HR leaders’ number one priority for 2022 is building critical skills and competencies

critical skillsNearly 60 percent of HR leaders reported that building critical skills and competencies will be their number one priority in 2022, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc. The survey of more than 550 HR leaders in July 2021, claims the other top HR priorities for 2022 are: organisational design and change management (48 percent), current and future leadership bench (45 percent), the future of work (42 percent) and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) (35 percent). More →

Tech sector looking overseas to fill skills gap as vacancies increase

Tech sector looking overseas to fill skills gap as vacancies increase

techA report from the Digital Economy Council and Tech Nation, the government-backed industry lobby group, claims that the number of tech vacancies is now 42 percent higher than it was before the pandemic, with one in eight jobs in the UK now defined as being in the tech sector. More →

Companies use skills as the new currency for workforce transformation

Companies use skills as the new currency for workforce transformation

workforce transformationSkills have become the new currency of workforce and talent strategies, as more than half of organisations that responded to the 2021 Mercer Global Talent Trends survey are targeting upskilling and reskilling of critical talent pools to drive workforce transformation. More →

UK tech jobs declined in 2020, but AI, cloud and robotics skills are on the rise

UK tech jobs declined in 2020, but AI, cloud and robotics skills are on the rise

roboticsThe number of technology job listings in the UK declined by 57 percent during the past year, with fewer than 55,000 open roles advertised, according to the latest UK Tech Talent Tracker from Accenture (NYSE: ACN). Despite this, demand for skills in cutting-edge technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics saw a resurgence in many cities across the country. More →

Surging demand for data science skills in 2021

Surging demand for data science skills in 2021

data scienceWith data science lauded as the answer to COVID-19 recovery, organisations are planning to significantly increase their data science headcount this year. This is according to the latest research from Le Wagon, an educational provider in data science bootcamps. More →