April 15, 2013
Report claims empty offices could provide 11,500 homes
According to new research from Lambert Smith Hampton, there is nearly 12m sq. ft of obsolete office space in the UK’s regional markets which the firm estimates could yield as much as 7.4m sq. ft. of space suitable for conversion to residential use under the Government’s controversial new planning rules. The researchers claim that this equates to approximately 11,500 new homes. The government has relaxed the planning systems in the UK to encourage developers to shift the use of space although critics have argued that this may serve to distort the market for property in some areas as residential properties are potentially more lucrative than commercial properties.
April 16, 2013
Video: how we need to break with the past to optimise what we do now
by Mark Eltringham • Comment, Facilities management, Technology
[embedplusvideo height=”146″ width=”210″ standard=”https://www.youtube.com/v/HUgGo-U2Eig?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=HUgGo-U2Eig&width=210&height=146&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3399″ /]
Dave Coplin, the ‘Chief Envisioning Officer’ at Microsoft, explores with the RSA how we might apply technology in new ways to transform the way we work. He starts with a look at how we are constrained by the past, with the example of the QWERTY keyboard which was originally developed to slow typists down to stop keys jamming but is still the de facto input method for typists over a century later. Obviously there are very good commercial reasons why technology companies need to ‘envision’ this new world of flexible working but it’s an engaging presentation and honest enough when he argues against our obsession with specific aspects of work such as email at the expense of others.