Search Results for: financial

Why real estate businesses can’t afford not to invest in sustainability

Why real estate businesses can’t afford not to invest in sustainability

sustainabilityThe World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), a global network accelerating sustainability and decarbonisation in the building and construction sector, has set out the updated value proposition to drive investment in a sustainable built environment by launching a new flagship report ‘Beyond the Business Case’ at COP26 in Glasgow. More →

Companies focusing on holistic organisational health outperform their peers

Companies focusing on holistic organisational health outperform their peers

healthThe Josh Bersin Company have released a global study on the factors involved in creating a holistically “healthy” organisation. The research emphasizes the importance of transitioning from the traditional focus on employee benefits to one that encompasses job and work design, management, rewards practices, a demonstrated commitment to psychological safety and fairness, and a culture of employee health and listening. The research claims that a people-centric approach to all work is the foundation of every healthy organisation. More →

Activity climbs in third quarter for London office market

Activity climbs in third quarter for London office market

LondonThe latest research from Avison Young claims that the London office market’s recovery continued in the third quarter of 2021, with activity in the occupier market increasing to 2.4 million sq ft, 26 percent above the previous quarter and 1.1 percent above the 10-year quarterly average. More →

Hybrid working: too few companies are making the workplace changes they need

Hybrid working: too few companies are making the workplace changes they need

hybrid working and office designAt a recent Women in Office Design event on the subject of hybrid working and workplace change, the founder of WOD Harsha Kotak posed a question which I thought was extremely important but often goes unasked. “Whilst I have a great understanding of how the workplace landscape will change”, she said, “are companies making these changes?” This is a brilliantly relevant question because in my opinion based on my research and experience of the past year and a half, not enough companies are. More →

Flexible working and tech innovation deliver massive boost to economies

Flexible working and tech innovation deliver massive boost to economies

flexible workingA new study from Citrix claims that the adoption of new technology and ways of working over last year drove an extra $678 billion in revenue across industries. According to The Era of Hyper Innovation, investments in new technology and flexible working models over the last year fuelled a $678 billion boost in revenue across industries around the world. And the stage is set for continued growth. More →

Risk of generational progress grinding to a halt unless young job seekers can level up too

Risk of generational progress grinding to a halt unless young job seekers can level up too

youngA new report highlights a combination of regional disparities in access to jobs for young people, a shrinking youth labour market and an unequal recovery. This could result in young people being ill-equipped to meet the future demands of the labour market, further compounding skills shortages currently faced by employers. More →

COVID-19 has contributed to the gender pay gap

COVID-19 has contributed to the gender pay gap

womenAccording to new research by the ADP Research Institute, People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View, women are being left behind when it comes to being rewarded financially for taking on new roles or additional responsibilities to fill gaps left by COVID-19 related job losses. More →

To hit net zero, sustainable tech investments need to increase tenfold

To hit net zero, sustainable tech investments need to increase tenfold

Net zero reportA large increase in investment in breakthrough technologies such as hydrogen-based fuels, bioenergy and carbon-capture storage solutions is needed to hit the global goal of net zero emissions by 2050. To scale these technologies and take them to market, at least a tenfold increase in investment is needed, according to the How to Finance Industry Net-Zero report. Released by the World Economic Forum and Oliver Wyman, the report outlines how to address the supply-and-demand-side gap and take these technologies to the next level. More →

Office furniture makers are getting creative about the environment

Office furniture makers are getting creative about the environment

Office furniture gets greenerI was reminded the other day of the instructions on a bottle of shampoo I once used which said, simply: “Wash, rinse and repeat.” Why? I’ve just washed my hair. Why do I need to repeat? It’s a bit like that old adage about how to sell more toothpaste, by widening the hole it comes out of, because we all still instinctively try to cover the whole of the brush head, however thick the line of paste. More →

Hybrid workers retain concerns of discrimination, career and always on culture

Hybrid workers retain concerns of discrimination, career and always on culture

hybridPoly has released a new report outlining the evolution of the workplace and changing employee attitudes to the 9-5. The Poly Evolution of the Workplace report provides analysis on the findings of a survey of 7,261 hybrid workers from the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Poland and the United Arab Emirates. It examines how attitudes and behaviours have evolved – looking at everything from working patterns and culture, to frustration and noise, right down to what we wear. More →

Age discrimination impacts job prospects of millions of over 50s

Age discrimination impacts job prospects of millions of over 50s

ageA total of 2.99 million recent job seekers over 50 (52 percent) believe their age has made employers less likely to hire them, according to a new report from Legal & General Retail Retirement (LGRR) and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). More →

‘Great Resignation’ means companies must adapt to needs of workers

‘Great Resignation’ means companies must adapt to needs of workers

Great resignationWorkers are leaving jobs like never before, and it’s causing a shortage of talent that has companies around the globe reeling, according to a survey conducted by Citrix Systems. Based on a poll of 1,000 US based knowledge workers, 40 percent have left at least one job in the past year or are considering doing so. The report from the firm sets out the factors behind the so-called Great Resignation and what firms may have to do in response. More →