Search Results for: air quality

Employers expect ‘hard-to-fill’ vacancies to increase in the next six months

Employers expect ‘hard-to-fill’ vacancies to increase in the next six months

vacanciesAlmost half (47 percent) of employers report having vacancies that are hard-to-fill, and more than one in four (27 percent) expect the number of vacancies that are difficult to fill to increase in the next six months. This is a key finding of the latest quarterly CIPD Labour Market Outlook (LMO) which surveyed more than 1,000 employers across all sectors of the economy. Employers were surveyed about their hiring, pay and redundancy intentions for the last quarter of 2021 in September, just as the furlough scheme was ending. More →

Social mobility is restricted by lack of confidence and support in careers

Social mobility is restricted by lack of confidence and support in careers

social mobilityA new report from Totaljobs and the Social Mobility Foundation claims that the social mobility of millions of people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds is hampered by a lack of confidence in choice of career and lower levels of support from families and friends. Of those that started their first job in the last two years, only 50 percent from lower socioeconomic backgrounds said they were confident about eventually being able to do the job they want. This contrasts with the 71 percent of those from more privileged, professional backgrounds. This gap has widened since the pandemic. More →

COVID-19 has contributed to the gender pay gap

COVID-19 has contributed to the gender pay gap

womenAccording to new research by the ADP Research Institute, People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View, women are being left behind when it comes to being rewarded financially for taking on new roles or additional responsibilities to fill gaps left by COVID-19 related job losses. More →

Office furniture makers are getting creative about the environment

Office furniture makers are getting creative about the environment

Office furniture gets greenerI was reminded the other day of the instructions on a bottle of shampoo I once used which said, simply: “Wash, rinse and repeat.” Why? I’ve just washed my hair. Why do I need to repeat? It’s a bit like that old adage about how to sell more toothpaste, by widening the hole it comes out of, because we all still instinctively try to cover the whole of the brush head, however thick the line of paste. More →

London ranks 78th in the top destinations to work remotely

London ranks 78th in the top destinations to work remotely

destinationsRemote, has released a first-of-its-kind Best Destinations for Remote Work report that showcases the top 100 global destinations for remote workers, along with unique insights into location-specific incentives. The report is paired with an interactive tool and database with information on hundreds of cities across the world for users to create personalised rankings on where to work remotely based on their individual preferences. More →

The truth about the workplace comes out of the well

The truth about the workplace comes out of the well

The debate about the workplace and the future of work gets more interesting by the week. In the last few days alone, I’ve listened in on three great speakers talking about the opportunities, challenges, nuances and complexities of it all in a way that has been all but impossible in the past 18 months. In addition, Nigel Oseland has published his new book on people-centred work. Jo Owen’s new book on hybrid working is similarly a breath of fresh air on that particular subject. More →

Workspace Design Show 2021 opens in less than two months

Workspace Design Show 2021 opens in less than two months

In less than two months, Workspace Design Show will open its doors, welcoming the commercial interiors community to discover and discuss tomorrow’s places of work at London’s Business Design Centre from 4-5 November 2021. More →

Hybrid working is leading to a shift in our work behaviours

Hybrid working is leading to a shift in our work behaviours

hybrid workingPoly has released research findings that claims to expose our ‘hybrid working secrets’. The survey, which was made up of 4,000 hybrid workers from the UK, France, and Germany, shines a light into new working behaviours and habits on and off camera. The findings suggest people may be suffering from ‘Home Comfort Syndrome’ as the lines between home and work blur. More →

Over a third of UK adults have suffered discrimination at work

Over a third of UK adults have suffered discrimination at work

discriminationNew research into workplace discrimination, commissioned by CIPHR, claims just how widespread employment bias is in the UK. On average, one in six people (16 percent) report having suffered ageism, one in ten (10 percent) say they have been the subject of gender-based discrimination (12 percent of women and 7 percent of men), and around one in twelve feel that they have been on the receiving end of prejudicial treatment because of a disability, their race or sexual orientation (9 percent, 9 percent and 8 percent respectively), at some point in their careers. More →

Satisfaction in the workspace linked to increased productivity

Satisfaction in the workspace linked to increased productivity

satisfactionFellowes Brands, has announced the results of its survey of over 6,000 employees across Europe, 1,000 of which are from the UK, claiming nine in ten (91 percent) of all European employees and 89 percent of UK employees say satisfaction is important to them in their workspace, regardless of whether working location is at the corporate office or the home office. Moreover, 88 percent of UK employees say satisfaction improves their productivity by more than 25 percent. More →

Office furniture specialist Wellworking to create new distribution centre in West of England

Office furniture specialist Wellworking to create new distribution centre in West of England

Sayl chair office furniture WellworkingWellworking is opening a new 5,000 sq ft West of England hub in response to growing demand for home and office furniture from companies and individuals in the region. The new centre in Pershore, Worcestershire, will serve customers across the Midlands, the West Country and Wales. Wellworking, which has been rated the best furniture company in the UK for six years in a row by customers on Trustpilot, already has distribution centres in the South of England and in Scotland. More →

European Commission adopts ambitious Green Deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions

European Commission adopts ambitious Green Deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions

The European Commission adopted a package of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. The Commission claims that achieving these emission reductions in the next decade is crucial to Europe becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and making the European Green Deal a reality.  More →