Search Results for: employee satisfaction

More active lifestyles would have far reaching economic impact

More active lifestyles would have far reaching economic impact

activeThe results of a new academic study on the relationship between global economic growth and physical activity, carried out by Vitality and RAND Europe, reveal significant benefits to the economy and life expectancy if people adopted a more active lifestyle. The study suggests that the world’s GDP would gain more than $100bn (£80bn) each year until 2050 if people adopted a more active daily routine that could involve simple choices such as walking 15 minutes more a day, jogging slowly for half a mile a day, or walking 1,500 extra steps a day. More →

Short term spike in absence rates but long term trend remains downward

Short term spike in absence rates but long term trend remains downward

absenceAbsence rates dues to illness or injury for UK workers rose by 7 percent in 2018 to an average of 4.4 working days according to new figures, published by the Office for National Statistics. During the full year, people took 141.4 million sick days compared with 131.5 million in 2017, when the figure reached its lowest since records began. The long term trend remains positive despite last year’s spike.The rate of absence from work due to sickness in people in the UK with no long-term health problems has halved in the past two decades according to the government data. More →

Workplace discrimination based on scare tactics faces crackdown

Workplace discrimination based on scare tactics faces crackdown

finding a voice against workplace discriminationThe UK Government has announced what it claims are new, improved measures to protect workers facing workplace discrimination. The move especially targets those employers who withhold references and enforce non-disclosure agreements to pressure employees into silence. Such tactics could now be blocked under new the proposals announced by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. More →

Majority of American workers are unhappy in their jobs

Majority of American workers are unhappy in their jobs

American workers are unhappyAlthough more people are in work in the US than at any time in the past 50 years, only 40 percent of American workers say that they work in good jobs, according to a new study (registration) from the Lumina Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationOmidyar Network, and Gallup.  The report claims that 44 percent of workers surveyed said they had “mediocre” jobs while 16 percent said they were in “bad” jobs. More →

Gallup survey concludes that work is mostly harmless

Gallup survey concludes that work is mostly harmless

work is mostly harmlessWhen asked about thirteen specific aspects of their jobs in a new Gallup study (download), U.S. workers reported that they are most satisfied with their physical safety in the workplace, their relations with coworkers, the flexibility of their hours and their job security. At the same time, they are least satisfied with work related stress, the retirement plans offered and the money they earn. More →

Workplace experience fails to meet expectations in many new projects

Workplace experience fails to meet expectations in many new projects

The Edge in Amsterdam offers a world class workplace experienceThe latest report from workplace analysts Leesman explores the success rate of workplace change projects while analysing the factors behind why many fail. The Workplace Experience Revolution Part 2: Do new workplaces work is the product of a nine-year analysis across 557,959 employee responses in 3,932 workplaces worldwide. The first part of the study, published in 2018, unearthed what it claimed was a series of mission-critical ‘super drivers’ that provide the foundations for outstanding employee workplace experience. Part 2 takes this investigation further by exploring the challenges and stresses that organisations encounter when it comes to delivering employee experience in a new workplace.

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The subtle ways managers sabotage their own teams

The subtle ways managers sabotage their own teams

A new survey new research from The Predictive Index found that psychological safety is a leading factor in employee dissatisfaction with management. While there are overt ways managers undermine their own employees’s feelings of safety with practices such as bad-mouthing people or displaying favouritism, the 2019 People Management Report (registration) also reveals the subtle ways managers sabotage their teams, ultimately causing employees to quit or disengage. More →

Workplace perks peak as workers see them mainly as gimmicks

Workplace perks peak as workers see them mainly as gimmicks

workplace perks peakNew research from travel app provider Seatfrog claims that workers are looking for more than just fun or unusual workplace perks to brag about to their friends when starting a job. While on-site table tennis, a free bar and unlimited snacks has become commonplace in the war to attract talent, especially in the technology sector, around three in five of the 2,000 people surveyed dismiss perks as nothing short of a gimmick.  More →

Agile workplaces need to strike the right balance

Agile workplaces need to strike the right balance

Meeting rooms in agile workspacesMeeting rooms are a lot like buses. You wait ages for one and then three become available all at once. Sometimes none turn up at all. Research by Kinnarps, which we do as part our Next Office consultancy, has found something that might not come as a great surprise. Employees are deeply frustrated with the lack of meeting room availability, often even in agile workplaces, especially locked-down project rooms. More →

Flexible working now routine for two thirds of US workers

Flexible working now routine for two thirds of US workers

flexible working owl labsA new report from Owl Labs claims that although two-thirds of US workers now work away from their main place of work some of the time, there are still many people and organisations that are unaware of the benefits, processes and challenges involved in flexible working. The new report explores the effect flexible working has on personal happiness, recruitment, retention and skills as well as exploring the attitudes of people who are based in a fixed place of work.

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People cannot focus for length of most meetings

People cannot focus for length of most meetings

An overwhelming majority (83 percent) of UK office employees are unable to concentrate in meetings for over 45 minutes, yet research from Sharp reveals that the average meeting lasts 49 minutes. This finding was supported by 55 percent of those surveyed, who claimed that work meetings are too long. This dissatisfaction appears to be caused by the difficulty in sustaining concentration in long meetings, with only 36 percent of UK employees indicating they are able to concentrate for a full 30 minutes. More →

Escaping the hell of hot desking

Escaping the hell of hot desking

The hell of hot deskingHot-desking is a scourge on modern work. That’s the only conclusion you will draw by reading ‘The hidden hell of hot-desking is much worse than you think’ (published in the FT on 28 July 2019) and dozens more like it that continue to appear in national media and top business titles. The piece contends that organisations are using the guise of agile working to excuse their cost-saving prerogative. In reality it is a penny-pinching ploy that “strips people of their own desk and casts them out to the noisy, chaotic wasteland of shared work spots,” or so we’re told. More →