Search Results for: workplace training

Kitchen table `entrepreneurs` surge since lockdown

Kitchen table `entrepreneurs` surge since lockdown

EntrepreneursOne in five Britons (19 percent) have become ‘kitchen table entrepreneurs’ during lockdown, either starting a business since March or putting plans in place to do so, claims new research by Direct Line – Business. Of those who haven’t yet started their venture, one in five (19 percent) hope to have it up and running by the beginning of 2021. More →

Employees concern over the fairness of who returns to the office

Employees concern over the fairness of who returns to the office

FairnessFairness around office rota decisions and implementation is a top employee concern, claims new research by HSM. As employers now consider the impact of a second wave of Covid-19, the Government is now encouraging people to work from home and grapple with decisions around how and when to bring people back to the office. More →

Is there a confidence gap between businesses and their people?

Is there a confidence gap between businesses and their people?


Cornerstone OnDemand have published a new workforce trends report from the Cornerstone People Research Lab (CPRL) titled A License to Skill: Embracing the Reskilling Revolution. The research report claims that while organisational leaders and employees have rallied around the importance of skills, there remains a confidence gap in the efficacy of skills-based learning programmes that advance careers and innovation in the business. More →

Mental health support is lacking, despite a rise in anxiety

Mental health support is lacking, despite a rise in anxiety

Mental health supportA survey carried out by mental health organisation, TalkOut, claims that 56 percent of UK workers haven’t received any mental health support or advice from their employer since the pandemic hit in March. More →

Redundancies set to double the peak reached in the 2008 recession

Redundancies set to double the peak reached in the 2008 recession

RedundanciesNew analysis of official data released to the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) claims that between May and July 2020, employers notified government of nearly 380,000 potential redundancies. This is more than double the peak reached in the Great Recession, when 180,000 staff were notified as being at risk between January and March 2009. More →

The mental health consequences of COVID grow increasingly clear

The mental health consequences of COVID grow increasingly clear

Mental healthThe number of self-employed people saying they have “poor” or “very poor” mental health has increased from 6 percent to 26 percent since the beginning of the pandemic (a 300 percent rise), claims new research by IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed). The number saying they had “good” or “excellent” mental health has also dropped significantly since the beginning of the pandemic – from two-thirds (68 percent) to just over a third (39 percent). This was most severe among women (a drop of 54 percent) and young freelancers aged 16-34 (a drop of 49 percent). More →

Frontline and front of mind; communicating with employees away from HQ 

Frontline and front of mind; communicating with employees away from HQ 

It has been a rough year for business. Many organisations have had to evolve their operating models overnight, go to great lengths to keep their people safe and build entirely new ways of working to ensure they can stay afloat. A lot have had to fast forward five years into the future in a few months – and that’s no mean feat.  More →

Long hours main reason workers take their employer to tribunal

Long hours main reason workers take their employer to tribunal

TribunalUK workers are most likely to log a claim against their employer for making them work excessively long hours, claims new data by health and safety training provider DeltaNet International. The data, which looks at the number of employment tribunal cases over the last five years, suggests there have been 160,299 jurisdictions (complaints) in relation to employers breaking the Working Time Directive, which outlines the maximum weekly working hours. Under the directive, a UK employee cannot work more than 48 hours a week on average – normally averaged over 17 weeks – unless there is an exception. More →

Remote work and the coming race to the bottom

Remote work and the coming race to the bottom

One of the most significant consequences of the 2008 economic crash was a remarkable shift in the nature of employment. The recession led to a surge in the number of people categorised as self-employed. The numbers have been increasing ever since, albeit at a more stable rate. By the end of 2019, the number of self-employed people in the UK exceeded five million people for the first time. That’s fifteen percent of the workforce. More →

New strategy tackles the post-COVID climate emergency

New strategy tackles the post-COVID climate emergency

COVIDSupported by its Green Building Councils and their members, the WorldGBC (World Green Building Council) network has launched Sustainable Buildings for Everyone, Everywhere — a new strategy to accelerate and mainstream the transformation of built environments around the world. Based on climate science and the Global Goals of Sustainable Development (SDGs), the strategy tackles global warming, health and wellbeing and resource impacts to deliver quality infrastructure — a critical need for our planet, communities and economies in the context of the COVID pandemic.
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Stress and burnout threaten the benefits of working from home

Stress and burnout threaten the benefits of working from home

Working from homeA new study by Adaptavist, suggests the threats to long-term productivity and employee wellbeing posed by improvised solutions during the transition to remote work. Overall, 82 percent of people report they are equally (47 percent) if not more productive (35 percent) working from home, and company-wide communications have improved during the pandemic. However, the lack of a shared understanding of which tool to use and how to communicate with it, combined with the ‘always on’ nature of working from home, brings added stress and motivational challenges for remote workers. More →

Fifth of firms don’t offer support to employees with drug and alcohol issues

Fifth of firms don’t offer support to employees with drug and alcohol issues

Around one in five (21 percent) employers are failing to offer proactive support to workers to help prevent and provide support on issues of drugs and alcohol misuse, according to newly published research from the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development. More →