Search Results for: environment

Are these the top ten most annoying behaviours while working from home?

Are these the top ten most annoying behaviours while working from home?

behavioursWith more of us working remotely than ever before, Premier Inn has surveyed over 1,000 working professionals to highlight the most endearing (and frustrating) behaviours displayed by colleagues while working from home. More →

Business leaders wary that greater workplace flexibility could encourage ‘proximity bias’

Business leaders wary that greater workplace flexibility could encourage ‘proximity bias’

flexibilityWith the vast majority (86 percent) of UK businesses planning to offer employees greater flexibility around where they work, leaders are focused on ensuring employees feel included regardless of their location, according to new research from LinkedIn. This comes as LinkedIn has seen a 97 percent increase in remote jobs being advertised on the platform in the UK from September 2020 to September 2021. More →

Employers struggling to adapt employee experience to meet workforce needs

Employers struggling to adapt employee experience to meet workforce needs

employersDespite their best intentions, most employers are facing difficulties responding to changing employee expectations around employee experience and wellbeing during the pandemic. 69 percent of HR leaders admit that their efforts to improve employee experience are being held back by a lack of a clear strategy, and 76 percent report that they are struggling to adapt their employee experience to meet the needs of a hybrid workforce. More →

Net zero 2050 claims questioned by building performance analysts

Net zero 2050 claims questioned by building performance analysts

Glasgow net zeroA new report expresses scepticism about the UK government’s current net zero strategy for the country’s buildings, with 69 percent of built environment professionals doubting its feasibility. The research, published in the City of Tomorrow report by building performance analysts IES, found that more than half (51 percent) of those working in the sector believe that net-zero 2050 is only achievable with further legislative action. One in 10 think that the current plan is not ambitious enough, and 8 percent think it’s not realistic. More →

The modern workplace is defined as much by digital space as the physical office

The modern workplace is defined as much by digital space as the physical office

Leo coworking space in North LondonThere are no prizes to be won for saying that the modern workplace is already markedly different from those we have known in recent decades. As remote and flexible working practices have become more common, the role of the office has already begun to evolve – the pace of change has been greatly accelerated by the pandemic, which has resulted in a rethink among many organisations about their real estate needs. More →

Companies focusing on holistic organisational health outperform their peers

Companies focusing on holistic organisational health outperform their peers

healthThe Josh Bersin Company have released a global study on the factors involved in creating a holistically “healthy” organisation. The research emphasizes the importance of transitioning from the traditional focus on employee benefits to one that encompasses job and work design, management, rewards practices, a demonstrated commitment to psychological safety and fairness, and a culture of employee health and listening. The research claims that a people-centric approach to all work is the foundation of every healthy organisation. More →

Office still valued by UK employees, providing space for productivity and collaboration

Office still valued by UK employees, providing space for productivity and collaboration

employeesNew research from Nespresso Professional claims that the office space is still highly valued by employees, with office workers naming seeing their colleagues (39 percent) as the thing they like most about being in the office. While a proper desk setup (31 percent) comes in second, office camaraderie (30 percent) took the third spot, showing the importance of the office environment for team building and relationships. More →

An office reset was what we all needed, and wanted

An office reset was what we all needed, and wanted

The UK's best officePressing the ‘reset’ button is never easy. But I’m a firm believer that, once we do, we become much less averse than we perhaps expected to the change it inevitably brings. This is particularly true of the past eighteen months. From all of the sadness and hardship endured, we are beginning to emerge into a new, changed way of living. One that is both familiar and altogether different. The dichotomy is particularly evident in our workplaces. For many sections of the economy, the office was the ecosystem of our daily working lives. Initial questions of whether the office would survive quickly fell by the wayside, and a more interesting, nuanced, debate of what we want the office to be began. More →

Workplace balance of power shifts in favour of employees

Workplace balance of power shifts in favour of employees

The workplace power dynamic has shifted in favour of employees, according to a new study released from BCW in partnership with Workplace from Facebook (now Meta of course).  The inaugural International Workforce Insights Study (registration) reveals that more than half of all employees say they feel more empowered to influence change in their workplace compared to a year ago, including with their employer’s business strategy (54 percent), company culture (55 percent) and their work experience (59 percent). This feeling of empowerment is most pronounced among Generation Z and Millennials. More →

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

missing net zeroJust 41 percent of UK organisations are on track to meet the Government’s target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to new research released by Dr Chris Brauer, Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft. The findings suggest strong ambition and strategic vision on sustainability within UK organisations, but most leaders are struggling to translate that intent into action, with almost three quarters (74 percent) described as having “one foot in and one foot out” on sustainability. More →

People professionals boosted their skills in response to pandemic challenges

People professionals boosted their skills in response to pandemic challenges

professionalsNearly two thirds (61 percent) of HR and people professionals strengthened their skills – through either upskilling or reskilling – as a result of their organisation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest People Profession survey report from the CIPD and Workday claims. More →

The power of science can help companies create better menopause policies

The power of science can help companies create better menopause policies

Mental healthAccording to research, nearly 8 out of 10 menopausal women are in work, at a time when many are likely to move into top leadership positions. Despite the challenges and difficulties faced by those experiencing menopause in the workplace, it remains largely invisible, undiscussed, and unsupported. That’s why it’s important for businesses create menopause-friendly workplaces using the principles of behavioural science and health psychology. More →