Search Results for: wellbeing

Freelancers and the self-employed need holidays too

Freelancers and the self-employed need holidays too

Taking time off improves the work performance of freelancers, a new study from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) claims. The research suggests that almost two-thirds of freelancers believe taking holiday improves their work performance in some way. Asked what advantages came with taking more time off, 63 percent said it improved aspects of their work including productivity, energy, creativity and confidence in their work. More →

A grey tsunami, three goldfish, the red pill of coworking and some other colourful stuff

A grey tsunami, three goldfish, the red pill of coworking and some other colourful stuff

A right leaning think tank’s suggestion that the UK should set a new retirement age of 75 and introduce a range of measures to extend people’s working lives to boost the economy and improve people’s wellbeing sparked an inevitable paroxysm of rage. Immediately followed by an equally inevitable and furious level of what passes for debate these days. A stramash the Scottish would call it. More →

Finalists of SBID Awards announced

Finalists of SBID Awards announced

The finalists of the SBID International Design Awards 2019 have now been revealed. Amongst the contenders this year are practices such as G.A group, Concorde BGW Group, Scott Brownrigg and Clive Wilkinson Architects. Projects include the Redbull Offices and Warner Music Group (pictured). Entries were received from 48 countries including the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Qatar, Poland, Barbados, Monaco, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil, Australia and more. More →

Stress of extra Summer workloads can be overwhelming

Stress of extra Summer workloads can be overwhelming

An illustration of a worker with stress through overworkOver a third of workers feel extreme pressure or even experience panic attacks when taking on their colleagues’ workloads over the Summer, a new study from Cornerstone OnDemand claims. The study of over 2,000 UK adults, claims that 81 percent of Brits will take on a colleague’s workload in their absence. Furthermore, while taking on a colleague’s workload, 48 percent of workers are more likely to work through their lunch break or work more than their working hours, contributing to the feeling of stress.

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Productivity decline linked to poor employee financial wellness

Productivity decline linked to poor employee financial wellness

The future of pay and productivityAlmost all (98 percent) employers believe that their employees’ financial wellness has a direct impact on productivity and their business performance – especially concerning employee productivity (67 percent) and engagement (62 percent). This is according to the Future of Pay research study (registration) by technology firm ADP, which surveyed 4,000 employees and 2,900 businesses to explore workers’ perceptions and attitudes towards traditional and emerging pay methods to address some of the biggest human capital management concerns. More →

Helsinki tops global rankings for work-life balance

Helsinki tops global rankings for work-life balance

Work-life balanceHelsinki is the world’s best city for work-life balance according to a new study from technology business Kisi which compares data on a range of factors such as “livability”, work intensity, institutional support, equality and legislation to rank cities. Helsinki, Munich, and Oslo are the three best ranked cities while the cities deemed as having the worst work-life balance were Tokyo, Singapore, and Washington DC. Using data relating to work intensity, social wellbeing, and livability to analyse the interplay between work and life, the index claims to assess how successful residents are at achieving a healthy work-life balance in 40 cities around the world. More →

Voices from the age of uncertain work

Voices from the age of uncertain work

A woman crosses on a tightrope, illustrating the problem of uncertain workOn the surface, the wellbeing of the American worker seems rosy. Unemployment in the U.S. hovers near a 50-year low, and employers describe growing shortages of workers in a wide array of fields. But looking beyond the numbers tells a different story. My new book, “The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty,” reveals that some Americans are experiencing an erosion in the world of increasingly uncertain work that is hurting their wellbeing, relationships and hopes for the future. More →

If you want to do your brain some good, take it outside

If you want to do your brain some good, take it outside

Walking on cobbles can be good for the brainIt’s summertime — even here in San Francisco. I look around and I see my neighbors putting down their devices and heading into the great outdoors. And, that should not be just a seasonal joy; it’s actually very good for your brain any time of the year. We weren’t meant to spend as much time inside – in a controlled environment – as we do. The brain thrives when it encounters new things and challenges. As just one example, studies have shown that walking on an uneven surface – such as cobblestones – and making the constant requisite physical adjustments is better for your brain than the monotony of paved surfaces. More →

London now has its own Good Work standard

London now has its own Good Work standard

The Mayor of London has launched the city's own good work standardThe Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has launched London’s Good Work Standard, pledging to make London ‘the best place to live and work’.  The standard has been developed in partnership with CIPD, claims to bring together good employment practice with resources and guidance written by CIPD experts and tested with London based CIPD members, the framework sets out to support employers of all sizes across the city improve their people management practices and create good work for all.

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Toxic workplace environments plague accountancy profession

Toxic workplace environments plague accountancy profession

The toxic workplace illustrated by a bottle of poisonToxic workplace environments plague the accountancy profession, according to new research from CABA, a wellbeing charity for chartered accountants. The survey of over 250 accountants suggests that over half of chartered accountants think their workplace is toxic. Communication issues, working unrealistic hours and cliquey colleagues are also cited in the study.  The survey found that 55 percent of respondents believe their workplace to be toxic.

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Self-employment might be good for mental health

Self-employment might be good for mental health

self-employmentThe general picture of self-employment, the gig economy work and mental wellbeing is not a pretty one. Around the world, Uber drivers face wage and security worries. Deliveroo workers have too much competition. Airbnb owners face legal problems in Paris and other cities. But while these headlines suggest a dark cloud over the heads of gig economy workers, recent data I’ve looked at unexpectedly shows that they are about 33 percent more likely to self-report positive mental health traits.
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Agile working? This is Frank’s World and the rest of us just live in it

Agile working? This is Frank’s World and the rest of us just live in it

An early example of agile working James Joyce had a word for moments of insight when we see right through convention and suddenly appreciate how things really are. He called such moments epiphanies. Such a flash of insight happened to me three or four years ago in Texas. I had been explaining to the partners of a very large international client how they could use their office space more effectively. Since these partners were rightly concerned with driving down occupancy costs, including rent, property taxes, service charges and energy costs throughout all their operations everywhere, my proposals were very acceptable. More →