March 1, 2018
BIFM to change its name to reflect greater focus on workplace issues and pursue chartered status
The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) has today announced plans to embrace ‘workplace’ as a key ‘differentiator’ for its members and to help establish facilities management as a chartered profession. The manifesto for change announced by BIFM Chair Stephen Roots, sets out to ‘reposition facilities management, emphasising its ability to make a real contribution to organisations’ performance’. It sets the Institute the ‘twin tasks of helping members to improve their skills and their status to meet the needs of modern organisations, and to raise the profile of facilities management and the understanding of the value it contributes’. The proposed new name is the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM).
February 28, 2018
The very idea of good work in a gig economy remains a distant ideal
by Tonia Novitz, Alan Bogg et al • Comment, Flexible working
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