Search Results for: benefits

Women still face broken rungs on the career ladder

Women still face broken rungs on the career ladder

More women than ever before occupy senior executive positions, but true gender parity hasn’t yet been reached and women continue to face unique challenges in their careers according to the latest Women in the Workplace Report from LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company. This year’s study—which is based on data and insights from 329 companies employing over 13 million people and more than 68,500 employees—identifies a key point on the corporate ladder where women lose the most ground: the first step up to manager. If companies fixed this broken rung, it could add one million more women to management in corporate America over the next 5 years. More →

Remote working can increase stress and reduce wellbeing

Remote working can increase stress and reduce wellbeing

remote workingRemote working is becoming more popular than ever. A study released by the Swiss office provider IWG found that 70 percent of professionals work remotely at least one day a week, while 53 percent work remotely for at least half of the week. Some multinationals have their entire staff working remotely, with no fixed office presence at all, which can result in having employees situated all over the world. More →

Gallup survey concludes that work is mostly harmless

Gallup survey concludes that work is mostly harmless

work is mostly harmlessWhen asked about thirteen specific aspects of their jobs in a new Gallup study (download), U.S. workers reported that they are most satisfied with their physical safety in the workplace, their relations with coworkers, the flexibility of their hours and their job security. At the same time, they are least satisfied with work related stress, the retirement plans offered and the money they earn. More →

WeWork, false narratives and the superstate of office design

WeWork, false narratives and the superstate of office design

WeWork New YorkSo, WeWork then. As the dust settles on whatever has happened, some lessons may be emerging. Many of them are presented in this comment in The Economist and this piece in The Intelligencer in which Scott Galloway of NYU Business School claims that the problems have been evident for a long time. He doesn’t hold back. More →

Flexible working is good for business, study claims

Flexible working is good for business, study claims

flexible working clocksThe overwhelming majority of Scottish business leaders who already offer staff some form of flexible working say it has had a positive impact on their business. The research, conducted by YouGov for Family Friendly Working Scotland, claims employers surveyed reported benefits to the business including increased productivity among workers (37 percent) and better staff retention (40 percent). Almost a third (30 percent) reported fewer staff were off sick, while other benefits included increased profit (17 percent) and better employee mental health and wellbeing (40 percent). More →

People spend under half their time doing their actual job

People spend under half their time doing their actual job

People are only spending around 40 percent of each day doing the things they are paid to do. This means that UK businesses are missing the opportunity to tap into underused potential, due to unproductive activities and misapplied technologies, according to the new 2020 State of Work report (registration) by Workfront. More →

Workplace perks peak as workers see them mainly as gimmicks

Workplace perks peak as workers see them mainly as gimmicks

workplace perks peakNew research from travel app provider Seatfrog claims that workers are looking for more than just fun or unusual workplace perks to brag about to their friends when starting a job. While on-site table tennis, a free bar and unlimited snacks has become commonplace in the war to attract talent, especially in the technology sector, around three in five of the 2,000 people surveyed dismiss perks as nothing short of a gimmick.  More →

UK organisations falling behind on AI

UK organisations falling behind on AI

Image from Microsoft AI reportUK organisations risk falling behind global competitors unless they act now to accelerate their use of AI technology, according to a new report unveiled today by Microsoft UK. The report claims that organisations currently using AI are now outperforming those that are not by 11.5 percent – a boost that, in the face of unprecedented economic and political uncertainty, UK businesses can ill-afford to pass up, the authors suggest. More →

The role of AI in creating a more human workplace

The role of AI in creating a more human workplace

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to infiltrate modern society, the benefits and pitfalls the technology receive almost peerless attention. The emergence of AI is of particular importance to how organisations might recruit, with clear signs that they are becoming more interested in the benefits it brings to their businesses.

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The office of the future should be circular

The office of the future should be circular

The WWF Living Planet Centre gives a taste of the office of the futureMinimising the impact of business on the wider environment is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a business imperative. Pressure is coming from all stakeholders including employees, investors, customers and clients, government and the media. According to the Leadership in Corporate Sustainability – European Report 2018, three quarters of European business leaders believe that ignoring sustainability will affect their company’s ability to create long-term value. More →

Striking the balance between the office and remote work

Striking the balance between the office and remote work

remote workOnce upon a time the concept of ‘remote working’ beyond outsourced contractors was almost unheard of. Employers viewed remote work as an opportunity for workers to be less productive, out of contact and generally more inefficient. As an employer myself, I would have agreed with these misconceptions early on in my career. However, after many years of hiring staff that either work part- or even full-time remotely, I can confidently say the myths are unfounded; even I am now more prone to remote working. More →

Workers remain sceptical about open plan and shared space

Workers remain sceptical about open plan and shared space

a modern open plan spaceDespite a seeming shift towards companies embracing more collaborative workplace environments across Europe, the benefits of ‘hot-desking’ and open plan working seem to still be contentious for many workers. With this in mind, Savills, in association with YouGov, has conducted a survey of 11,000 office workers across the continent to understand just What Workers Want. More →