Search Results for: business

Address gender and economic barriers to tech revolution says BT

Address gender and economic barriers to tech revolution says BT

Young people from less privileged backgrounds and females face greater barriers to joining the tech revolution, a new report suggests. Tech know-how: The new way to get ahead for the next generation, from BT and Accenture could boost the next generation’s tech skills and help charge social mobility and economic growth. The study found individuals with higher levels of tech know-how earn more as their career progresses, with a ‘tech literacy wage premium’ of £10,000 per year.  The implied salary increase if people develop their skills could add approximately £11 billion to UK GDP by 2022. However, young people whose parents have higher levels of education are 26 percent more likely to see themselves as ‘expert’ or ‘creative’ users of tech in the next five years; and those whose parents fall into the top two education levels expect to earn salaries that are 19 percent higher than the bottom two. The report also highlighted a stark gender divide as young men receive 46 percent more encouragement from parents and teachers to build their tech skills than their female counterparts, and are 17 percent more likely to report having had sufficient training at school.

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The missing LINC between the office and the future of work

The missing LINC between the office and the future of work

There is a theory that if you want to know how the economy is doing, you ask a taxi driver. The basis for this idea is that they are the first to know when money is getting tight, because people make more use of buses and tubes. In a similar way, one of the best ways of gauging workplace trends is to ask an office furniture company. They’ve always functioned in a fiercely competitive market, but are also the first to notice an economic downturn or a shift in the structure of their markets.

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Nearly a quarter of UK employees admit to being unproductive at work

Nearly a quarter of UK employees admit to being unproductive at work

Almost a quarter (23 percent) of UK employees rate themselves as ‘unproductive’ at work, equating to seven million of the nation’s total workforce. Perceived productivity slips even further amongst Generation Z employees. When asked to rate their productivity out of ten, with ten being the highest possible number, 28 percent of Generation Z employees gave themselves an ‘unproductive’ score between 0 and 6, compared to the national average of 23 percent. At a time when improving the UK’s labour productivity is high on the agenda, the survey of more than 3,000 UK employees claims there is an untapped opportunity for employers to help boost workforce productivity. However, the research highlights some of the steps businesses can take to increase productivity. This includes both technological, by providing a digital workplace and cultural, by helping to create a successful team environment.

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Fresh advice on tackling sexual harassment at work published by Acas

Fresh advice on tackling sexual harassment at work published by Acas

New advice on tackling sexual harassment at work published by AcasIn response to the proliferation of high profile cases of abuse over the past few weeks which has drawn attention to sexual harassment in a variety of settings – workplace experts Acas publishes fresh advice today (19th November) aimed at both employers and employees that outlines what kind of workplace behaviours could be considered sexual harassment and how to report it. Acas’ new advice includes examples of how sexual harassment can happen at work such as; written or verbal comments of a sexual nature such as remarks about a colleague’s appearance, questions about their sex life or offensive jokes; displaying pornographic or explicit images; sending or forwarding on emails that contains content of a sexual nature; unwanted physical contact and touching; and sexual assault. The advice states that organisations and businesses should be clear to workers about what sorts of behaviours are unacceptable and would be considered sexual harassment.

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Seven stories about people, places and technology we’ve been reading this week

Seven stories about people, places and technology we’ve been reading this week

How to navigate beyond sustainability buzzwords

The communist party offices around the world

Hawking’s fear that AI may replace humans altogether

Tech giants are transforming Sydney’s business district

How AI will transform the employee experience

Promotion improves men’s job satisfaction but not women’s

Why we value physical objects over digital

Astonishing Uber employment case could lead to fresh battles over gig economy

Astonishing Uber employment case could lead to fresh battles over gig economy

The latest decision in an ongoing legal battle involving the ride-hailing app, Uber, could have serious consequences for companies which operate in the ‘gig economy’. The prolonged employment tribunal case first began in 2016 with a case bought by the GMB Union. Uber drivers James Farrar and Yaseen Aslam argued that the employment status they had been assigned by Uber – namely, ‘self-employed’ – was incorrect and that they should instead be classed as ‘workers’. The change in status would mean the pair were entitled to holiday pay, paid rest breaks and the minimum wage.

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Research details how staff satisfaction affects company performance

Research details how staff satisfaction affects company performance

Companies with high levels of staff satisfaction perform better financially, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) published in the journal Economics Letters. The study examined the effect of staff satisfaction on corporate performance using employees’ online reviews of where they work. Writing in the journal Economic Letters, the researchers from Norwich Business School say that firms rated highly by their current employees in terms of satisfaction achieve greater financial performance compared to firms characterised by low levels of employee satisfaction.  More →

Impostor syndrome could be holding back workers and senior executives

Impostor syndrome (where we feel like we are ‘faking it’ at the job we are doing) could be holding back many senior executives from realising their potential – according to new research from Dropbox on the state of teamwork within businesses in the UK. The research, which marks the launch of a new study, conducted in conjunction with philosophers at The School of Life reveals that 80 percent of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and 81 percent of Managing Directors say they sometimes feel ‘out of their depth’ and as if they are ‘struggling’ in their role.  The research investigates behaviours in business that are limiting to great teamwork. Being averse to disagreeing with others – often seen as a typically British trait – is identified as a key issue holding back teams within British business. The data also claims that two thirds of British workers (69 percent) say that they aren’t comfortable disagreeing with others at work.

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Fear of change is putting British companies at risk, Microsoft report claims

Fear of change is putting British companies at risk, Microsoft report claims

A fear of change among staff is putting British companies at risk, according to new research that looks at how businesses are preparing for a technology-led future. A significant number of workers from across the UK admitted to anxiety and concerns over job security when their firms introduced technology to help them in their roles. Just under half (49 percent) of the people surveyed by Microsoft, Goldsmiths, University of London and YouGov said they feared the change that comes with digital transformation. Sixty-one percent said they felt anxious when bosses brought in new technology, while 59 percent were worried about the impact the automation of tasks would have on their job.

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The contribution of personality to the performance of agile workers

The contribution of personality to the performance of agile workers

The introduction of agile working into organisations has typically focussed on the workstyles of different job roles, but has tended to treat the jobholders within these groups in the same way. The successful introduction of new ways of working clearly relies on the willingness of the people occupying the job roles to embrace new ways of working; yet there has been little investigation of the needs of agile workers with different personality types beyond looking at the needs of extroverts and introverts. These studies have tended to focus on the workplace; for example, the Cushman Wakefield Workplace Programme briefing paper examines how organisations can accommodate the needs of extroverts and introverts working together in the workplace. However, using OCEAN personality profiles, Nigel Oseland found that different personality types have different preferences, which in turn are likely to affect their performance at work.

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Mergers and acquisitions often fail because workers struggle to integrate into the new organisation

Mergers and acquisitions often fail because workers struggle to integrate into the new organisation

Mergers and acquisitions often fail because workers struggle to integrate, and new research from King’s Business School and the University of Helsinki claims that successful integration is much more likely when organisations actively help employees feel that their jobs are safe. Organisations must also ensure that their integration procedures are seen to be fair and just. Professor Martin Edwards and his co-authors studied the merger of three universities and the acquisition of a manufacturing organisation by a larger multinational. As the first study to track employees during and after a merger and an acquisition, it identifies the factors that influence the likelihood and rate of employee integration.

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Workplace wellbeing is focus of new report from British Psychological Society

Workplace wellbeing is focus of new report from British Psychological Society

A new report from the British Psychological Society, Psychology at Work: Improving Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workplace examines issues around work, health, and disability and recommends ways that policy makers and employers can tackle poor employment practices using interventions that work with human behaviour, not against it. The report has been launched today, Tuesday 14th November, at the BPS All-Parliamentary Group for Psychology’s (APPG) ‘Healthy Workplaces’ event hosted by Dr Lisa Cameron MP in the Houses of Parliament. Psychology at Work: Improving Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workplace’ was co-authored by Dr Ashley Weinberg, CPsychol AFBPsS, and Nancy Doyle CPsychol AFBPsS.

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