Search Results for: business

Tips for small businesses on their first office search

search buttonFinding a great office can be a hugely important step on the road to success for a small business. Business can not only outgrow their existing space, but even for those who want to remain small, escaping the distractions of a home-working environment by moving into a space specifically designed for working can give a real boost to productivity and provide a great sense of identity. Of course, when you’re searching it’s essential for small business owners to do all the most common-sense things: including shopping around, getting out to view properties and so on. But it’s also worth bearing in mind a few of the following pointers:

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Greenbiz publishes latest State of Green Business report

Green Biz_0000Greenbiz has published its sixth annual State of Green Business report, setting out what it claims are the ten key environmental trends for organisations to look out for in 2013. Many focus on the overlap between pure business goals and corporate social responsibility, for example in terms of managing supply chains to reduce risk, making more efficient use of resources, the impact of new technology and working practices and the role of creating value through a healthy working environment.

Third of businesses see flexible work as main Olympic legacy


Flexible working facilities brought in for London 2012 are the most important legacy of the Olympic Games for a third of businesses, according to a new BT legacy survey. The survey of 600 large private and public sector organisations across the UK found 34% are continuing to enjoy the benefits from flexible working facilities (34%), with sales/revenue for 37% higher than before the Games. When asked what they have learnt about their organisation’s capabilities, 36% think that when they are pushed they can do a lot more business, 26% are more resilient and 25% feel they could increase their margins.
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Global trust demands business acts as force for good


Government trails business, media, and non-governmental organisations as the least trusted institution worldwide. The 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals trust in government fell a record nine points to 43% globally, and in 17 of the 25 countries surveyed, government is now trusted by less than half. “Business is now better placed than government to lead the way out of the trust crisis,” said Richard Edelman, President and CEO, Edelman. “But the balance must change so that business is seen both as a force for good and an engine for profit.”

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Business spending to grow for two years, forecast Ernst & Young

Business spending will grow tentatively over the next two years, according to a new report from the ITEM Club, an economic research group established by Ernst & Young. It predicts that overall spending by businesses will grow by just over three per cent this year and a further 8.1 per cent in 2014. This is good news following a number of recent economic forecasts but means that spending will remains some way short of its pre-downturn peak. The ITEM Club also called on the UK Government to do more to stimulate growth. More →

UK businesses lag behind US counterparts in adoption of Cloud tech

Businesses in the UK are significantly lagging behind their US counterparts when it comes to adopting Cloud technology according to new research from Redwood Software. The study found that 58 percent of US businesses were already using the cloud for private data storage, compared to just 35 percent in the UK. Meanwhile twice as many organisations in the US are using Cloud technology for supply chain integration and capacity management than their Brit contemporaries. More →

Go ahead granted for Manchester Airport business district

The application to build a new business district within the government-designated Airport City enterprise zone in Manchester has been granted outline planning permission by Manchester City Council. The UK coalition government made the area one of its first four “vanguard” enterprise zones in March 2011 to provide fastrack planning and tax breaks to encourage rapid development. The application involves the creation of  113,400 sq. m. of office space, 49,000 sq. m. of industrial units, and 5,800 sq. m. of retail and leisure facilities on the outskirts of Manchester. The £650 million scheme is anticipated to create over 11,000 jobs over the next 15 years.

Greenest commercial building in the world opens for business

The Bullitt Center, proclaimed as the greenest, most energy efficient commercial building in the world, is opening in Seattle. The goal of the Bullitt Center is to change the way buildings are designed, built and operated to improve long-term environmental performance and promote broader implementation of energy efficiency, renewable energy and other green building technologies. Tenant are now moving into the six-storey, 50,000 square-foot building located at the intersection of Capitol Hill and the Central District in Seattle, Washington. More →

Cloud computing set to transform business models

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As an issue explored in our own briefing on the technologies that will do most to transform the workplace during 2013, we know the Cloud is set to be adopted (and understood) by more and more organisations and individuals in the coming year. Doubtless it will follow the usual process of technological adoption as people begin to understand its unintended consequences as well as its uses but it pays to know what some of its implications will be for office designers and managers as shown by this programme from Deloitte.

Vast majority people on zero hours contracts don’t want to be on zero hours contracts

Vast majority people on zero hours contracts don’t want to be on zero hours contracts

A new poll makes the perhaps obvious point that a significant majority of workers on zero-hours contracts prefer stable, regular working hours.A new poll makes the perhaps obvious point that a significant majority of workers on zero-hours contracts prefer stable, regular working hours. Commissioned by the TUC, the survey found that 84 percent of zero-hours contract workers would prefer consistent work schedules, while only 14 percent are content with their current arrangements. The poll also highlighted the financial difficulties faced by these workers due to underemployment. Seventy-five percent reported not receiving enough hours to cover their living expenses. Despite this, more than half (58 percent) of requests for additional hours were turned down by employers. More →

How younger generations are redefining workplace exits

How younger generations are redefining workplace exits


The modern workplace is witnessing a significant shift in the dynamics of workplace exits, largely driven by younger generationsThe modern workplace is witnessing a significant shift in the dynamics of workplace exits, largely driven by younger generations—especially those born after 1997, known as Gen Z. It’s not just in the places we might expect. For example, in Japan, a country with a reputation for long tenures and employee/employer loyalty, resignation agencies such as Momuri offer services that allow individuals to quit their jobs remotely. Even where moving jobs is relatively rare, this “resignation-as-a-service” has sprung up as a result of discontent within the workforce. This phenomenon, particularly pronounced among younger demographics, is challenging traditional notions of loyalty in the face of workplace dissatisfaction. More →

UK startups economy relies on high quality immigration

UK startups economy relies on high quality immigration

A new report highlights the significant role that high-quality immigration plays in driving business growth and innovationNew data suggests that 39 percent of Britain’s top 100 fastest-growing companies were founded by individuals born outside the United Kingdom, even though immigrants make up less than 15 percent of the overall population. The research, conducted by think tank The Entrepreneurs Network and supported by Fragomen, highlights the significant role that high-quality immigration plays in driving business growth and innovation. Previous research from 2019 showed an even higher proportion, with 49 percent of Britain’s top 100 fastest-growing companies having a foreign-born founder.
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