Search Results for: employee

Attendance bonuses actually increase employee absence, claims new research

Attendance bonuses actually increase employee absence, claims new research

paradox of attendance bonusesOffering employees a monetary bonus for good attendance actually has the opposite desired effect, increasing employee absence, finds new research from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Monetary incentives are widely used to align employee actions with employer objectives. Timo Vogelsang, Assistant Professor from Frankfurt School, and colleagues from the University of Cologne investigated the impact of attendance bonuses on employee absenteeism. More →

Employees don’t have survey fatigue – they are tired of being ignored

Employees don’t have survey fatigue – they are tired of being ignored

An employee survey can offer fantastic insight into the highs and lows of working for your company, and how employees perceive and understand your business culture. These survey responses can allow mangers and leaders to make proactive and positive changes to the business, improve employee engagement and ultimately increase business success. However, research tells us response rates can be as low as five percent. More →

Out of hours work ban would find support among majority of employees

Out of hours work ban would find support among majority of employees

out of hours work banA new poll from researchers Ipsos reveals the majority of UK adults aged 16-75 are in favour of introducing a law giving employees the right to ignore work-related communications, such as emails, texts and instant messages, outside of their official working/on-call hours. Around 60 percent would support the Government introducing an out of hours law, including 34 percent who would strongly support it. Only 1 in 10 (11 percent) indicated they would be against introduction of such a law. More →

Bereaved employees feel added pressure of job insecurity

Bereaved employees feel added pressure of job insecurity

bereaved employeesEmpathy, a platform helping families navigate the journey they face after losing a loved one, today released the first edition of its annual Cost of Dying Report (registration). The report reveals results from a new survey exploring the real cost of dying in the US and the impact on bereaved employees. The report includes a foreword from Goldman Sachs, as well as reflections from experts in the end-of-life space including David Kessler, Chief Empathy Officer at Empathy & Grief Expert, BJ Miller, MD, Compassion Advisor at Empathy & Co-Founder of Mettle Health, and Shoshanna Ungerleider, MD, Founder of the End Well Foundation. More →

Employees are largely happier at work than they were before the pandemic

Employees are largely happier at work than they were before the pandemic

happy employeesThe UK workforce is largely happier than it was pre-pandemic, according to a poll from Right Management. For female employees, the main reason for their increased contentment is that the pandemic gave them a newfound appreciation for their job and made them realise that they took their job for granted previously (41 percent). On the other hand, it was reuniting with colleagues that led to an improved mood among their male counterparts (39 percent). More →

Half of employees say their job is main source of mental health challenges

Half of employees say their job is main source of mental health challenges

mental healthMore than half of employed people in the UK (58 percent) say their job is the main source of their mental health challenges according to new research from Qualtrics which also claims that more employees in the UK would prioritise the ability to choose which hours of the day they work (55 percent) and what days of the week they work (22 percent) over the ability to work remotely from any location (14 percent). More →

Employee mental health not a priority for a quarter of managers, report claims

Employee mental health not a priority for a quarter of managers, report claims

employee mental healthA new poll claims that than one fifth (21 percent) of managers based in London believe that supporting employee mental health is not a priority for their company this year. The research commissioned by the South Westminster Business Alliance with Kings College London suggests that over three quarters (78 percent) of managers admit they struggle to spot the signs of poor mental health amongst employees. More →

Firms will need to build bridges with employees as they adapt to hybrid working

Firms will need to build bridges with employees as they adapt to hybrid working

hybrid working engagementAs we enter a new phase of working life following the short term changes made to cope with the pandemic, the three key priorities for the 1,300 employers surveyed by the Benefits & Human Resources Consulting operation of Gallagher for its 2021/2022 State of the Sector report (registration) are: the need to re-engage their teams around purpose, strategy and values (53 percent); the need to adapt communication channels to engage the workforce better as they move to newly implemented models of hybrid working (39 percent); and the need to enhance people manager communications (31 percent). More →

ESG issues top wish-lists for investors and employees

ESG issues top wish-lists for investors and employees

ESGThe annual EY Long-Term Value and Corporate Governance Survey finds a significant increase – from 66 percent to 84 percent – of board members and C-suite who say the COVID-19 pandemic increased expectations from consumers, employees, governments and broader society that companies will drive societal impact, environmental sustainability, and inclusive growth. However, there’s also an increase – from 28 percent to 43 percent – in respondents identifying lack of commitment from the board to make decisions that fully integrate ESG factors that would lead to long-term value. Fifty five percent of respondents say there are significant differences of opinion among leadership on how to balance short-term considerations with long-term investments and sustainable growth. That figure jumps to 68 percent of board chairs and non-executive board directors. More →

Workplace culture needs a rethink in line with employees’ changing priorities

Workplace culture needs a rethink in line with employees’ changing priorities

workplace cultureConsiderable job insecurity and uncertainty has pushed companies to rethink their workplace culture to meet employees’ new needs, priorities, and expectations, according to the annual Fjord Trends report from Accenture. According to the report, nearly two years of social, economic and employment disruption has resulted in a collective shift in people’s relationships with work and employees are re-assessing what they want and expect from a company culture and employee value proposition. This means enhancing workplace flexibility, benefits packages, and greater employee care and compassion will continue to be notable trends in 2022, creating both challenges and opportunities for businesses looking to retain and recruit talent. More →

Employees are ready for work in the metaverse but sceptical about ability of firms to deliver

Employees are ready for work in the metaverse but sceptical about ability of firms to deliver

working in the metaverseJust as businesses are starting to find their groove with hybrid working, the workplace has begun to evolve again with the emergence of the metaverse. New research from Lenovo claims that close to half of employees (44 percent) are willing to work in the metaverse and believe that it can deliver benefits like productivity to the workplace. The metaverse is primarily defined as a shared digital space with digital representations of people, places, and objects. In the future, the metaverse can be a highly immersive extension of the physical world, with its rich user interface. At the enterprise level, this opens up possibilities for businesses to create a more viable, interactive workplace. More →

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

employeesLumApps is releasing new workplace data claiming how employees and employers are dealing with the fallout of the Great Resignation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with CMSWire during the Fall of 2021. More →