Search Results for: future of work

The office of the future will be a leader-free, social-space

The office of the future will be a leader-free, social-space

is this the office of the future?There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to work. Every business will need to test, iterate, and refine approaches depending on their team’s needs. However, after the once in a generation changes in the last year, and all of the talk about the office of the future, setting a digital-first baseline is a key first step. This means embracing a mindset shift to thinking of the physical office not as the HQ, but as just one tool at your organisation’s disposal. The HQ, meanwhile, becomes digital. More →

Employers struggling to adapt employee experience to meet workforce needs

Employers struggling to adapt employee experience to meet workforce needs

employersDespite their best intentions, most employers are facing difficulties responding to changing employee expectations around employee experience and wellbeing during the pandemic. 69 percent of HR leaders admit that their efforts to improve employee experience are being held back by a lack of a clear strategy, and 76 percent report that they are struggling to adapt their employee experience to meet the needs of a hybrid workforce. More →

The modern workplace is defined as much by digital space as the physical office

The modern workplace is defined as much by digital space as the physical office

Leo coworking space in North LondonThere are no prizes to be won for saying that the modern workplace is already markedly different from those we have known in recent decades. As remote and flexible working practices have become more common, the role of the office has already begun to evolve – the pace of change has been greatly accelerated by the pandemic, which has resulted in a rethink among many organisations about their real estate needs. More →

Impact of flexible work demonstrates a fragile post-pandemic business world

Impact of flexible work demonstrates a fragile post-pandemic business world

impactLucid and Vitreous World, have launched the results of new research that surveyed individuals across the UK to analyse employee sentiment and the impact of flexible work as a direct result of the pandemic. More →

Just two weeks to go until the inaugural Workspace Design Show

Just two weeks to go until the inaugural Workspace Design Show

In just two weeks, the much-anticipated Workspace Design Show will open its doors for the first time, welcoming the commercial interiors community to discover and discuss tomorrow’s places of work at London’s Business Design Centre from 4-5 November 2021. More →

London ranks as top smart city in the ‘Cities of the Future Index’

London ranks as top smart city in the ‘Cities of the Future Index’

LondonThrough analysis of mobility, technology, business and environmental data, London ranks as the number one most intelligent and future-proof city for cities with a population of over three million people, with New York and San Francisco taking second and third place respectively, according to a new index from EasyPark, the parent company of RingGo. More →

London office market falls thanks to uptake of remote work

London office market falls thanks to uptake of remote work

london office marketA new report from property consultancy Cluttons looks at the new challenges the Prime Central London office market faces in 2021/22, with issues such as Brexit and the immediate impacts of the global pandemic – but also longer-term problems like changing lifestyle preferences, the uptake of remote working and climate change. More →

Young workers most concerned remote work will impact career success

Young workers most concerned remote work will impact career success

youngYoung professionals and students have far greater concerns about the rise of remote work than their senior counterparts, according to a new report from Universum. The annual Most Attractive Employers report, which surveyed over 18,000 people in the UK, suggests in the wake of the pandemic and Brexit, a remote-working ‘leadership gap’ could contribute to future skills shortages as junior and senior professionals have vastly different views on being out of the office. More →

Millions of women lacking menopause support in the workplace

Millions of women lacking menopause support in the workplace

menopauseAccording to new research from Benenden Health, only a fifth of employees (19 percent) are aware of any kind of awareness or available support at work for when they suffer ill health as a result of the menopause. More →

Shift to hybrid working highlights the value of weak ties

Shift to hybrid working highlights the value of weak ties

hybrid workingSomething we can expect to hear a lot about in the near future is the power of weak ties. It’s a well-established idea in sociology, anthropology, and social network analysis theory. But it’s about to be invigorated as a way of thinking about workplaces in the wake of two major peer-reviewed studies into the effects of remote work and hybrid working on people and the way they work with each other. According to the most widely cited paper on the subject of relationships, Mark Granovetter’s The Power of Weak Ties, The relationships between people can be categorised as strong, weak or absent. The latter is self-explanatory. Strong ties exist between people who are related, friend or who interact on a day to day basis. More →

Time for businesses to step up and deliver flexibility and wellbeing for workers

Time for businesses to step up and deliver flexibility and wellbeing for workers

wellbeing and flexibility matterAt this time of year, with events such as Happiness at Work Week and Mental Health Awareness Day, mental health and wellbeing have been brought into sharp focus. Businesses are starting to look forward with a small degree of optimism. This optimism is not necessarily derived from the current state of their business or even their sector, but rather from being able to make proactive plans rather than in reactive mode which has been the default setting for the past 18 months.  This is a challenge, but one which can be met with a degree of excitement and anticipation as the business has a chance to make an impact both within its business surroundings, but also for the people who work within the business. More →

Workers feel more trusted and motivated thanks to hybrid working

Workers feel more trusted and motivated thanks to hybrid working

workersNew research from Kadence (formerly Chargifi) claims that after a year of flexible working, almost two-thirds of US and UK office workers (62 percent) now feel more trusted to do their job effectively. Of those workers, half also feel more motivated to do a better quality job (51 percent) and go the extra mile (48 percent) thanks to their new working arrangements. More →