Search Results for: management

UK FM sector not doing enough about planetary and personal wellbeing

UK FM sector not doing enough about planetary and personal wellbeing

wellbeingIn its latest white paper report, VINCI Facilities is arguing that the facilities management sector is not taking a strategic approach or taking enough specific action to address its responsibilities towards the wellbeing being of individuals and the planet as a whole. More →

Majority of UK GPs report uptick in patients seeking help for work related stress

Majority of UK GPs report uptick in patients seeking help for work related stress

work related stressResearch from Perkbox, claims that 92 percent of UK GPs report an increase in people seeking medical advice for work related stress and anxiety since the pandemic began. What’s more, 68 percent of GPs surveyed agree they have seen a hike in patients seeking support for this over the past three months compared to the start of the pandemic, and 80 percent are preparing for levels to increase further, suggesting the worst is yet to come if action isn’t taken. More →

Developing a future of work strategy depends on asking the right questions

Developing a future of work strategy depends on asking the right questions

future of work strategyThe rapid changes to our working lives caused by the global pandemic have prompted a great deal of debate about the future of work, the workplace and corporate real estate generally. At the highest levels of management within many organisations, leaders are now reflecting on their experiences and asking searching questions about their ways of working. More →

Long Covid could become a major problem for employers

Long Covid could become a major problem for employers

long covid and employeesAs workers are encouraged to return to offices in greater numbers, employers should prepare for an influx of employees reporting symptoms of Long Covid.  Cases are rising in the UK and it is estimated that a significant percentage of those testing positive for Covid-19 go on to develop Long Covid, a debilitating condition with symptoms ranging from fatigue and muscle aches, to breathing-related problems and chest pain.  The duration of symptoms varies, with some sufferers recovering after 12 weeks and others continuing to suffer for far longer.  While working remotely, it may have been possible for some employees to manage their symptoms privately; however, the requirement to attend the office may prompt them to disclose their condition and seek the support of their employer. More →

UK business leaders to boost investment in employee wellbeing

UK business leaders to boost investment in employee wellbeing

wellbeingAccording to Bupa Global’s Executive Wellbeing Index 2021, UK business leaders are predicted to increase their spend on employee mental health and wellbeing by 18 percent in the coming year, among the highest rates in the world-wide study. More →

Air quality guidelines from WHO aim to save millions of lives

Air quality guidelines from WHO aim to save millions of lives

air qualityNew World Health Organization (WHO) Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) claim to provide clear evidence of the damage air pollution inflicts on human health, at even lower concentrations than previously understood. The guidelines recommend new air quality levels to protect the health of populations, by reducing levels of key air pollutants, some of which also contribute to climate change. More →

Resilient companies need the trust of their employees more than ever

Resilient companies need the trust of their employees more than ever

Since offices reopened, there has naturally been a much greater focus on health and safety. Office managers everywhere have deployed one-way corridors, anti-viral disinfectant wipes, and daily temperature checks in order to ensure that those who have returned to the office feel safe. Globally, businesses have learned to cope with these adverse circumstances, but there are other lessons from the past year that we should use to refresh the workplace as well. More →

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announces strategic investment by Autodesk

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announces strategic investment by Autodesk

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announce a strategic investment by Autodesk, a technology firm spanning architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, and media and entertainment. The investment, which follows the recent combination of iOFFICE + SpaceIQ, will provide integrated solutions that give businesses unequaled ability to analyse and optimise all aspects of their real estate and mission-critical assets. Terms of the investment were not disclosed. More →

Low earners have lost out on job satisfaction to high paid staff

Low earners have lost out on job satisfaction to high paid staff

job satisfactionHuge changes in the world of work over the past 30 years have led to people having a greater attachment to their work, but also rising levels of stress and falling levels of control, which has coincided with low earners losing their ‘job satisfaction premium’ over higher paid colleagues, according to new research from think tank the Resolution Foundation. More →

Over a third of UK adults have suffered discrimination at work

Over a third of UK adults have suffered discrimination at work

discriminationNew research into workplace discrimination, commissioned by CIPHR, claims just how widespread employment bias is in the UK. On average, one in six people (16 percent) report having suffered ageism, one in ten (10 percent) say they have been the subject of gender-based discrimination (12 percent of women and 7 percent of men), and around one in twelve feel that they have been on the receiving end of prejudicial treatment because of a disability, their race or sexual orientation (9 percent, 9 percent and 8 percent respectively), at some point in their careers. More →

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

impact on the environmentToday, companies cannot shy away from their responsibilities towards the environment. With Extinction Rebellion keeping the climate crisis firmly on the news agenda, and COP26 in November gathering more international attention than ever, how businesses approach and champion sustainability is under significant scrutiny. At a local level, organisations are being set targets by the UK government to commit to 100 percent renewable energy sources by 2050, and failing to meet these objectives could have substantial repercussions. More →

The Great Workplace Conversation gets quieter and more interesting

The Great Workplace Conversation gets quieter and more interesting

I recently stumbled upon the phrase epistemic trespass, which describes the phenomenon of people making judgements in fields in which they have no expertise. I came across it as it was used to explain the sudden explosion of opinions about Afghanistan from a hitherto unknown horde of experts. Which may or may not be the same horde that has been so very certain about immunology and public health during the pandemic. It’s an old idea and one that needs to be treated with care, for reasons set out by Noah Smith here. But it is useful in some ways because we all recognise the phenomenon and how social media amplifies it. More →