Search Results for: opportunities

Flexible office demand in Paris almost double the global average

Flexible office demand in Paris almost double the global average

Flexible office space in FranceDemand for flexible office space in Paris is almost double the global average, according to a report by Instant Offices. With demand for office space on the rise in Paris, serviced offices have seen a 26 percent increase while hybrid space has seen a 23 percent increase. While the city ranks fourth globally by the size of supply, Paris is considered to be one of the largest flexible office markets in Europe and ranks among the top 10 best start-up cities in the world. Alongside New York, San Francisco and London, Paris also remains one of the most expensive places to rent a desk. Despite this, demand in the city is on the rise as more large businesses choose flexible offices over conventional leases. More →

FTSE firms on track to meet women on boards target

FTSE firms on track to meet women on boards target

Firms in the FTSE 100 are on track to reach the target of 33 percent of women on boards  by 2020 that was set by the Hampton Alexander Review. In its July update, the organisation reports that 27.5 percent of FTSE 250 board positions now held by women, up from 24.9 percent three years ago.  The figures suggest that if progress matches the same gains made over the last 3 years, then FTSE 100 companies are on track to meet the 2020 target. Just under a third (32.1 percent) of FTSE 100 board positions are now held by women, up from 12.5 percent in 2011. More →

More people than ever plan to work past 65 but health fears remain

More people than ever plan to work past 65 but health fears remain

According to ONS statistics, nearly three quarters (71 percent), or 23 million UK based employees, plan to work beyond the age of 65, but two in five of these (41 percent) – equivalent to 9.5 million workers – are concerned their health will make it difficult to do so, according to new research from Canada Life Group Insurance. Over a quarter (27 percent) of UK employees think their boss views older workers as a ‘hassle’ because of these possible health struggles. This highlights the potential for poor health to act as a barrier to employment and retention of older workers. Employees also believe their boss perceives older workers as stuck in their ways (30 percent) and technologically inept (30 percent). Among the biggest concerns of those intending to work beyond the age of 65 is that they will be treated differently because their boss or colleagues perceive them as being ‘old’. More →

The biggest problem with open plan offices is how they are used

The biggest problem with open plan offices is how they are used

A Cuban panopticon is the idea most people have of open plan officesFor decades the trend among workplaces has seen employees moving out of individual offices and into open plan spaces. This has not always been successful, with the open-plan approach receiving significant criticism. The key issues are distraction and noise, which apparently leads to uncooperative behaviour, distrust and negative personal relationships, and the lack of privacy and sense of being universally observed. Now that the internet connectivity is available almost everywhere and thus allows much more flexible working, the question arises: What might the set-up of an ideal workplace environment look like today? More →

Modern comms tools can shut out workers

Modern comms tools can shut out workers

The use of technology to support communication and collaborative working in an increasingly digital and flexible world is something many of us recognise. However, a global study released today by Avast Business claims this technology is potentially causing a divide in the workplace, with 40 percent of UK respondents concerned that less tech literate employees will be ‘shut out’ unless they embrace the latest chat, collaboration and digital project management tools. More →

Jobs upheaval as world adapts to era of automation

A new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit and UiPath claims that organisations around the world currently making extensive use of automation technologies, with 67 percent of UK business executives claiming to be satisfied satisfied with the results of their automation initiatives, 48 percent describing their organisation’s progress with automation as advanced, and 73 percent expecting their company’s operating costs to improve as a result of automating business processes. It is published on the same day as another report suggests that up to 20 million manufacturing jobs could be lost to robots across the world’s leading economies by 2030, replaced by a range of new jobs. More →

Flexible working is the new measure of success

Flexible working is the new measure of success

Professional bragging rights were once the preserve of top earners. Those with massive salaries, huge bonuses, and in some cases, even bigger egos. Money equals success – technology has shifted that long held view. Today flexible working, in terms of hours, location and role, has become an embraced reality and chief workplace priority. Technology has blurred the lines between work and life. The new “digitally native” workforce now expect a flexibility and access in every aspect of their lives. More than ever, work is seen as an adventure which is to be explored, rather than accepted. More →

Office furniture firms take their partners

Office furniture firms take their partners

Living Office schematic from office furniture giant Herman MillerThe development of products for the workplace follow many trends, generally aiming to provide that ideal setting for maximum effectiveness and fully tuned to the philosophies of the day.  The processes involved can occupy a good proportion of time and energy for the workplace specialist and office furniture maker and feature heavily in the media. But, behind all the product cacophony, there are activities, often unseen, that make more difference to what will become available in furnishing the workplace. More →

Area opens new Birmingham office

Area opens new Birmingham office

Office design and fit-out form Area is expanding its UK operation and opening a new office base in Birmingham to support and grow its existing client base. The move to Birmingham – one of the UK’s most dynamic regions – comes on the back of a series of successful projects in the region and builds on strong relationships with local clients such as Mills & Reeve, Zurich, Legal & General, Jaguar Land Rover, KPMG, Handelsbanken, Aviva, Grant Thornton and Deloitte. Birmingham and the West Midlands are regarded by economists and businesses alike as one of the most promising places in Britain to invest and grow, which creates opportunities for the commercial property market. More →

London councils form office of technology and innovation

London councils form office of technology and innovation

The London Office of Innovation and Technology (LOTI) has been officially launched, ushering in what the fifteen councils behind the initiative claim will be a new era of digital transformation. The councils claim that London’s public services will benefit from faster adoption of technology, data and digital skills. The city-wide venture is a collaboration between all 32 London boroughs with the Mayor of London’s backing.

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Worker confidence in the UK jobs market falls

Worker confidence in the UK jobs market falls

Confidence in jobs market fallsThe Monster Jobs Confidence Index, published for the first time by jobs board and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr), claims that workers and job seekers confidence in the UK labour market has dropped by 10 percent, from 77 percent to 67 percent. The report defines confidence as how an individual feels about their ability to find a suitable job in the short-term, realise their career potential and build a better future for themselves.

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Top ten cities in UK for economic growth led by Edinburgh

Top ten cities in UK for economic growth led by Edinburgh

According to the 2019 Vitality Index by Lambert Smith Hampton, Edinburgh is the city with the best prospects for UK economic growth, with Cambridge and Manchester coming in second and third place, despite the UK’s uncertain economic and political environment. Compiled every year, The Vitality Index claims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the health of UK towns and cities, considering education, entrepreneurialism, affluence, productivity, growth and environmental factors.

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