Search Results for: overtime

Stress, unpaid overtime and other pressures taking a toll on people’s wellbeing

Stress, unpaid overtime and other pressures taking a toll on people’s wellbeing

A new poll from leisure operator Better suggests that the UK population is working far beyond its contracted hours, and this is taking a toll on the health of the nation. Two-thirds of people surveyed say they regularly work unpaid overtime, on average an extra two hours per week, equating to 14 working days per year. One in ten (11 percent) of 45-54 yrs work more than five extra hours per week; that’s the equivalent of 35 days of unpaid work per year. Those working in the education and HR sectors undertake the most unpaid overtime; at an average of 15 days per year. More →

UK employees working £4.2 billion unpaid overtime every week

UK employees working £4.2 billion unpaid overtime every week

unpaid overtimeThe amount of unpaid overtime that workers around the world are doing has soared in the past year; unpaid overtime in the UK has steadily risen from six hours in 2019 to seven hours in 2020 in the advent of COVID-19, to almost eight hours in 2021, claims a new study by the ADP Research Institute, People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View. More →

UK workers put in £24 billion worth of unpaid overtime during the pandemic

UK workers put in £24 billion worth of unpaid overtime during the pandemic

overtimeUK employers claimed £24 billion of free labour last year because of workers doing unpaid overtime, according to new analysis published by the TUC. More than three million people did unpaid overtime in 2020, putting in an average of 7.7 unpaid hours a week. On average, that’s equivalent to £7,300 a year of wages going unpaid for work done. More →

Workers give over one thousand unpaid hours overtime a year to their employers

Workers give over one thousand unpaid hours overtime a year to their employers

OvertimeMillions of Brits give up more than a month of time each year by working additional unpaid hours, totalling five years overtime in their working life, according to new research by Hitachi Personal Finance. In a poll conducted for this year’s National Work Life Week, data suggests how much time Brits are spending working past their contracted hours and what else the nation could be doing with this time. More →

Average worker does nearly £7,000 worth of unpaid overtime a year

Average worker does nearly £7,000 worth of unpaid overtime a year

unpaid overtimeUK employers claimed £35 billion of free labour last year because of workers doing unpaid overtime, according to an analysis of official statistics published today by the TUC. More than 5 million people put in an average of 7.6 hours a week in unpaid overtime during 2019, it claims. On average, that equates to having £6,828 taken out of individual pay packets. More →

Forget flexible working, unpaid overtime is the new normal

Forget flexible working, unpaid overtime is the new normal

Standing out in a competitive job market isn’t always easy, so some employees may implement various tactics to be more noticeable, including working overtime. Working the occasional overtime shift might not seem like a big deal, but is it? More →

UK employees work £3.2 billion in unpaid overtime every week

UK employees work £3.2 billion in unpaid overtime every week

Three workers discuss a project around a tableThe UK is the unpaid overtime capital of Europe. This is according to new research by ADP (registration), which has found that employees are giving away an average of £5,038 of their time every year, amounting to £164.8 billion annually across the working population. The study of over 1,400 UK employees reveals that two-thirds (66 percent) of respondents regularly work longer than their contracted hours, with respondents averaging 6.3 hours unpaid per week. However, for more than a fifth (22 percent) of employees, this rises to at least 10 hours per week – twice as many as in other European countries, including Germany and France (10 percent and 12 percent respectively). More →

Over half of employees in small and medium firms regularly work unpaid overtime

Over half of employees in small and medium firms regularly work unpaid overtime 0

Long working hours are embedded into Small and medium sized firm’s (SME) culture, new research by AXA PPP healthcare has claimed, with 47 percent of employees in SMEs across the UK regularly working four or more hours of overtime per week, 27 percent of these putting in seven or more hours and for half (52 percent), the extra hours are unpaid. In addition, 22 percent of employees take fewer than 30 minutes for lunch, 19 percent have cancelled family time and 19 percent have missed a child’s event such as a school play due to working over and above their contracted hours. Over half (54 percent) of employees have continued to work after putting children to bed. With Britain’s small and medium sized firms making up 99.9 percent of the UK’s private sector businesses, employing nearly 3/5 of its workforce and accounting for 48 percent of the turnover this accounts for a lot of workers.

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Majority of workers ‘working for free’ until 9th March in unpaid overtime

Majority of workers ‘working for free’ until 9th March in unpaid overtime 0

Majority of workers 'working for free' until 9th March in unpaid overtimeThe average amount of overtime workers put in equates to around 68 working days a year and the fact that only one third are paid for this means the majority of people are essentially working for free until the 9th of March each year, claims a new study. The research by with OnePoll, which looked into overtime in the UK in 2017 found that unsurprisingly 60 percent of British workers say they don’t have a good work-life balance. Common reasons given for working overtime were pressures from colleague and excessive workloads; with almost 65 percent of people surveyed not being paid for overtime worked. Only a third of British workers say they typically leave work on time; which ties in with recent TUC analysis which revealed that the number of employees working longer hours grew by 15 percent over the last five years. Working longer hours, warns the union, not only has negative impacts on health, but can actually lead to workers being less productive.

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Excessive unpaid overtime contributing to worker’s stress levels, claims survey

Excessive unpaid overtime contributing to worker’s stress levels, claims survey 0

Almost three quarters (71 percent) of office staff are so overwhelmed with work they have to put in an 180 extra unpaid hours every year, according to a survey from Printerland. British workers spend on average, an extra 44 minutes every week – that’s 36 hours annually – checking emails, answering phone calls and completing other tasks outside their contracted hours. Over 51 hours a year are spent working late, with two thirds (63 percent) of staff still in the office after hours at least once a week, while 6 percent never go home on time. Many employees are also dining ‘al desko’, with average through lunchtime 2 days a week totalling 93 hours a year, while over half (53 percent) don’t escape the office for the entire day and 16 percent don’t get any screen breaks all day.

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Right to disconnect law comes into force in Australia

Right to disconnect law comes into force in Australia


Australia has introduced a "right to disconnect" rule, offering what is claimed to be ‘significant relief’ to employees who feel pressured to respond to work-related calls or messages outside of their official working hoursAustralia has introduced a so-called right to disconnect rule, offering what is claimed to be ‘significant relief’ to employees who feel pressured to respond to work-related calls or messages outside of their official working hours. The new legislation allows employees to ignore communications after hours without fearing repercussions from their employers. More →

Greece goes against the flow by opting for a six day working week

Greece goes against the flow by opting for a six day working week

While countries around the world are exploring the idea of shorter work weeks, Greece has taken what many people may think is a surprising step in the opposite directionWhile countries around the world are exploring the idea of shorter work weeks, Greece has taken what many people may think is a surprising step in the opposite direction. In an effort to boost productivity, the country has implemented a mandatory six-day workweek for certain employees. More →