Search Results for: productivity

Hybrid working may just be a kink in the road to something better

Hybrid working may just be a kink in the road to something better

The fixation with the form of hybrid working is not something that will take us to where we need to be. There is a better way.When you fixate on deciding precisely how much time everybody has to spend in an office, somebody is going to decide the answer is five days. The peculiar obsession with pronouncing the answer to be two days or three days can be dated back to 2020 when a load of people who had never previously taken much interest in the matter decided to reinvent a world that had never existed, by replacing it with something that couldn’t exist. We invented hybrid working when we didn’t need to. More →

You get what you give at the CoreNet Global Summit 2024 in Berlin

You get what you give at the CoreNet Global Summit 2024 in Berlin

CoreNet truly embraced its theme of ‘People Power’, emphasising the vital but often overlooked aspect of workplace strategy: connectionHave you ever attended a conference and been asked to gaze deeply into a stranger’s eyes for several minutes, standing just a metre apart in silence? No? Neither have I – until this September at the CoreNet Global Summit in Berlin. Gone are the days of handshakes and small talk. Today, it’s all about relationality, empathy, and hugging it out. For some, the summit’s emphasis on fostering human connections was a joyful opportunity to bond and share meaningful moments with fellow professionals. For others, it felt like being trapped in a never-ending therapy session nobody signed up for. More →

Menopause is a workplace issue. Here’s why

Menopause is a workplace issue. Here’s why


Menopause is one of those things that until a few years ago, most of the population hadn’t heard of. Even if they had, it certainly wasn’t a workplace issue. Which is interesting as half the population will have one in some form. More specifically more than one in every ten people in our workforce is currently menopausal. More →

UK see largest contraction in Labour Force since the 1980s

UK see largest contraction in Labour Force since the 1980s

The final report from the two-year Commission on the Future of Employment Support claims that the UK needs ‘once-in-a-generation reform’ to boost growth and improve living standards in the face of a huge contraction in the country’s labour force. The report suggests that the UK is one of the few developed nations where employment has fallen post-pandemic. The UK has dropped from having the eighth-highest employment rate globally to fifteenth. Had the original position been maintained, the economy would be £25 billion larger annually, with public finances £16 billion better off. More →

Most firms have little to no idea how people get their work done

Most firms have little to no idea how people get their work done

The report suggests that nearly half of organisations (45 percent) do not conduct "employee journey mapping," leaving them uninformed about how digital friction -the difficulties people have working with technology - affects people's ability to perform tasks at workMany companies remain unaware of how their employees’ digital workplace experiences impact productivity, according to a new report by Scalable Software [registration]. The report suggests that nearly half of organisations (45 percent) do not conduct “employee journey mapping,” leaving them uninformed about how digital friction -the difficulties people have working with technology – affects people’s ability to perform tasks at work. The report claims that this limits their understanding of the challenges people face when working with tech. More →

Firms are optimistic about AI, but most have little idea what to do with it

Firms are optimistic about AI, but most have little idea what to do with it

Despite high levels of optimism about their adoption of AI, two thirds of firms say they are not ready to implement AI in projects yetDespite high levels of optimism about their adoption of artificial intelligence, two thirds of firms say they are not ready to implement AI in projects yet, according to a new poll. The Riverbed Global AI & Digital Experience Survey suggests that while 94 percent of those surveyed say AI is a top C-Suite priority and 91 percent agree it provides a competitive advantage, only 37 percent are fully prepared to implement projects now,  However, 86 percent of leaders say they expect their organisation to be fully prepared to implement a strategy and projects by 2027.  More →

A new approach is needed to tackle ill health and economic inactivity, report argues

A new approach is needed to tackle ill health and economic inactivity, report argues

A ‘whole-of-government approach’ is needed to tackle the causes of ill health, increase economic activity and reduce NHS demandA ‘whole-of-government approach’ is needed to tackle the causes of ill health, increase economic activity and reduce NHS demand, a new report from the NHS Confederation and Boston Consulting Group claims. According to the report, “Improving our Nation’s Health: A Whole-of-Government Approach to Tackling the Causes of Long-Term Sickness and Economic Inactivity”, reintegrating between half and three-quarters of people who have dropped out of the workforce for reasons of ill health since 2020 could deliver an estimated £109-177 billion boost to the UK’s GDP (2-3 per cent in 2029) and unlock £35-57 billion in fiscal revenue over the next five years. More →

The Active Office – enhancing workplace wellbeing with innovative office furniture

The Active Office – enhancing workplace wellbeing with innovative office furniture

As experts in ergonomic workspaces that improve productivity, efficiency and employee wellbeing, AJ Products offer a wealth of innovative Active Office solutionsThe working environment profoundly affects how we feel at work. But can the right office furniture and layout also boost creativity, efficiency and collaboration? AJ Products, a leading furniture solutions provider and workplace wellbeing specialist, decided to find out. They collaborated with University Academy 92, a higher education institution co-founded by the Class of ’92 and Lancaster University, to test their Active Office concept. More →

A brief history of the working week

A brief history of the working week


The conversation about how we change the working week has centred on determining rigid times and places of work. But there is another wayThere’s a lot to be said for not being slaves to the clock and the screen. Ironically, the way we measure time has its roots in a famous instance of daydreaming. The story goes that in 1583 a young student at the University of Pisa called Galileo Galilei was daydreaming in the pews while his fellow students were dutifully reciting their prayers. He noticed that one of the altar lamps was swaying back and forth and even as its energy dissipated, the arc of each swing slowed so that each took the same amount of time as the last, measured against his own pulse. More →

NHS to offer workplace health checks to middle aged staff

NHS to offer workplace health checks to middle aged staff

The NHS is set to launch a comprehensive initiative aimed at preventing heart attacks and strokes by conducting health checks in workplaces across the UK. Over the next six months, more than 130,000 middle-aged employees will be offered free workplace health checks in their places of work. This national drive, known as Health MoTs, is designed to identify individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes or heart disease through a 20-minute evaluation that includes weighing staff and measuring their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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Information overload and FOMO are major risk factors for remote work

Information overload and FOMO are major risk factors for remote work

While remote work has its advantages for most people, a new academic study found that there are at least two under-discussed risks  While the shift to remote work has reportedly brought about numerous benefits for many people, such as increased flexibility and autonomy, a new study published in SAGE Open by researchers from the University of Nottingham claims to reveal significant downsides that are often overlooked. More →

Workers unsure about the government’s New Deal for Working People

Workers unsure about the government’s New Deal for Working People


Workers in the UK are lukewarm towards the "New Deal for Working People," a cornerstone of the recently introduced Employment Rights Bill.Workers in the UK are lukewarm towards the “New Deal for Working People,” a cornerstone of the recently introduced Employment Rights Bill. This ambivalence is coupled with a significant lack of awareness about their current workplace rights and their employers’ stance on various aspects of the deal. These insights come from the latest Robert Half Jobs Confidence Index (JCI), an economic confidence tracker developed in collaboration with the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). More →