Are these the best countries for parental leave worldwide?

Are these the best countries for parental leave worldwide?

Following the TUC’s recent call for an overhaul of shared parental leave rights, a new interactive study created by Red Letter Days claims to display just how many babies are born every minute in 169 countries and what each has to offer its citizens when they become a parent, such as maternity and paternity leave as well as outlining the benefits of having both maternity and paternity leave in place. Estonia tops the list as one of the best countries for maternity leave, offering 62 weeks for new mums, while the United States remains at the bottom with zero weeks of guaranteed leave. More →

Is there a global lack of support for mental health?

Is there a global lack of support for mental health?

Employers need to be mindful of the significant differences globally in how mental health is viewed and treated, when it comes to managing an international workforce, according to The Health Insurance Group. Disparities in both attitudes to, and treatment of, mental ill-health could make the difference between an international post succeeding or failing, if not understood and managed effectively. More →

Insecure managers can cause huge damage to their organisations

Insecure managers can cause huge damage to their organisations

Insecure managers have negative effect on workplace performanceInsecure managers who worry that their performance could be undermined by competent subordinates can end up ostracising talented employees they feel are a threat to their own position. According to an paper published in The International Journal of Human Resource Management by Professor Kirk Chang of the University of Salford Business School and his research team, managers whose negativity towards staff they see as threats can go on to cause huge damage to their organisations. Professor Chang, an expert in human resource management, said: “While the competence of subordinates is considered desirable in the workplace, it may create challenges in managing people in organisations.”

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Employees sceptical about attitudes of employers to digital transformation

Employees sceptical about attitudes of employers to digital transformation

More than half of employees are confused about the true meaning of ‘digital transformation’ and have a high degree of scepticism about their employers’ appetite for digital innovation, a new poll suggests. The research into employees’ attitudes toward digital transformation, innovation and cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, conducted by YouGov amongst employees at 500 businesses with 50 or more employees, on behalf of Cherwell Software, found that 57 percent of employees don’t know the correct meaning of ‘digital transformation’: 20 percent of respondents couldn’t hazard a guess at its meaning and 12 percent thought it meant moving to a paperless office.

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Country walks and writing letters among twenty ways Brits are “embracing reality”

Country walks and writing letters among twenty ways Brits are “embracing reality”

A UK wide study commissioned by photographic tech company Popsa claims that as many as 66 percent of the nation feel frustrated with the online world, and are actively seeking more “authentic” experiences, with meeting people for coffee face to face (31 percent), going to the cinema with friends (23 percent) and listening to vinyl or CDs (17 percent) among the list of ways to embrace reality. More →

CIPD warns stress related absence is a growing problem for UK workplaces

CIPD warns stress related absence is a growing problem for UK workplaces

CIPD warns stress related absence is a growing problem in UK workplaces

Heavy workloads and poor management styles are behind the increase of nearly two-fifths (37 percent) in stress-related absences over the past year, according to a new report from the CIPD and Simplyhealth. Respondents say having heavy workloads (62 percent), which can be attributed to poor management, is the top cause of stress-related absence. The second biggest contributing factor is management style which has risen from 32 percent to 43 percent in the last year. The annual Health and Well-Being at Work Survey Report found that more than four-fifths (83 percent) of respondents have observed ‘presenteeism’ (going to work when ill) in their organisation and a quarter (25 percent) say the problem has got worse since the previous year.

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UKGBC issues circular economy guidance for construction clients

UKGBC issues circular economy guidance for construction clients

UKGBC issues circular economy guidance for construction clientsNew guidance has been launched by the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) to assist client organisations to include more ambitious circular design and construction best practices in project briefs for non-domestic projects. It addresses the commercial realities associated with making this practically happen and provides support and evidence to assist clients in setting clear strategies that ensure budget, project timescales and risks are all minimised and mitigated. The guidance may also be helpful for those in the supply chain looking to support construction clients on their journey towards specifying and practically applying circular economy principles.

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Personal financial worries are increasing workplace stress

Personal financial worries are increasing workplace stress

financial stressEmployers need to understand more about the impact of personal financial worries on workplace mental health, but are struggling to agree best practice standards to address the issue, new research from MetLife UK claims. More than six out of 10 (61 percent) senior HR executives have seen a rise in financial wellbeing issues affecting employee mental health and work performance, the nationwide study from MetLife UK suggests. More →

Overhaul of shared parental leave is already overdue, claims TUC

Overhaul of shared parental leave is already overdue, claims TUC

Father and son walk on beach showing need for shared parental leaveThe TUC is calling for an overhaul of shared parental leave legislation just four years after its introduction. Last year only 9,200 new parents took shared parental leave – just 1 percent of those eligible to do so. The TUC believes take-up is low because the scheme is so low-paid (£145.18 per week) making it unaffordable for most fathers. It claims that large numbers of dads in insecure work, such as agency workers and those on zero-hours contracts, are not eligible for it. And currently men and women who are self-employed don’t get any shared leave rights at all. More →

Commercial property investors underestimate risks of climate change

Commercial property investors underestimate risks of climate change

Melting ice showing climate changeInvestors in commercial property are underestimating the risks associated with climate change, including more frequent and intense extreme weather events, and need to rethink their assessment of asset vulnerabilities, according to a new report from the BlackRock Investment Institute.

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Businesses urged to pay suppliers on time or risk losing out on government contracts

Businesses urged to pay suppliers on time or risk losing out on government contracts

More than 10,000 businesses have been warned by the government that they must pay their suppliers on time or face being prevented from winning further government contracts. Officials from the Cabinet Office have written to the businesses – which include all the government’s current strategic suppliers – to remind them of the new rules on prompt payment, which come into force this autumn. More →

Remote working boosts self-employed flexibility and productivity

Remote working boosts self-employed flexibility and productivity

Remote working man with laptop beside lakeRemote working boosts flexibility and productivity among the self-employed, new research by IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) and People Per Hour claims. The report suggests that freelancers overwhelmingly viewed remote working positively, with nine out of ten (87 percent) working remotely at some point in the last year. More →