Search Results for: industry

Hybrid working, work from anywhere and the evolution of the Third Place

Hybrid working, work from anywhere and the evolution of the Third Place

Two people working separately in neighbouring booths in an office to illustrate the principle of third place facilities in hybrid working cultures. The restrictions brought about by COVID-19 altered where we work and thus also how, when and through which channels we do work related activities. These changes radically altered the way previously office-based workers thought about ‘work’ as an activity. This new era of hybrid working had a significant impact on traditional models of workplace provisioning. One could argue that pre-COVID-19 the ‘work mindset’ was almost an afterthought because there were distinguishing markers that indicated when you were expected to work and when you were not. If you were in the office, then you were expected to be doing work-related tasks. Then, at the literal end of the day, you switched off your computer and went home and mentally ‘turned-off’ until you returned to work the next morning. More →

Europe not on track to deliver carbon neutral built environment by 2050

Europe not on track to deliver carbon neutral built environment by 2050

Europe not yet on track: one year on since EU Policy Roadmap launch to deliver a climate neutral built environment by 2050It has been one year today (24 May 2023), since the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) launched a new policy called the EU Policy Whole Life Carbon Roadmap, to help the European Union accelerate total decarbonisation of buildings and construction — the most heavily emitting sector in the world. Now WorldGBC and 12 European Green Building Councils (GBCs) are imploring the EU to implement the Roadmap’s principles at the scale and speed required through the announcement of BuildingLife2, a new project driving what it claims is greater transparency and accountability across the sector as it seeks to achieve the goal of a carbon neutral built environment. More →

Casala launches Omega – a new but classically beautiful chair with outstanding environmental credentials

Casala launches Omega – a new but classically beautiful chair with outstanding environmental credentials

Sustainable office design pioneer Casala has added to its portfolio of ground-breaking products with the launch of the Omega range of seating. Omega is a stylish and comfortable seating range, unmistakeable thanks to its slender shell made from recycled PET felt, combined with a lightweight steel frame. The diversity of the product family makes Omega a multifunctional all-rounder for the office, receptions, hospitality and break out spaces. More →

Four in ten low income working parents have gone into debt to pay for childcare

Four in ten low income working parents have gone into debt to pay for childcare

The Working Families Index 2023: Spotlight on lower-income families reveals that many working parents on lower incomes are forced to go into debt, reduce their hours, or leave their jobs altogether due to problems affording and accessing childcareA new poll from Working Families in partnership with law firm Pinsent Masons, sets out to highlight the challenges that lower-income parents in the UK face as they balance work and caring for their children. The Working Families Index 2023: Spotlight on lower-income families reveals that many working parents on lower incomes are forced to go into debt, reduce their hours, or leave their jobs altogether due to problems affording and accessing childcare. The report also claims that working mothers on lower incomes take far less maternity leave than the UK average, and that working parents on lower incomes are often locked out of the flexible arrangements they desperately need to stay in work and earn vital income whilst balancing their childcare responsibilities. More →

Getting back to the future of work

Getting back to the future of work

future of workQuoting George Orwell is the kind of thing that people who haven’t read George Orwell do. I have read Orwell, and even have a  drunken story about Paul Shane signing my copy of the Collected Essays, which was the only autograph-able material I had on me at the time I met him in a pub in about 1990. For another time. In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell describes Winston Smith’s realisation that the best books are those that tell you what you already know. This is an ancient profundity, and one that is sort of useful during times of significant, rapid change, when we are obliged to confront old truths in a new context. History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes, as they say. More →

Magenta Associates reports positive first quarter to 2023

Magenta Associates reports positive first quarter to 2023

Magenta Associates, the communications specialist for the built environment, has reported significant growth in 2022/23 (20 percent) and 2021/22 (32 percent), along with a series of new architecture, design and construction contract winsMagenta Associates, the communications specialist for the built environment, has reported significant growth in 2022/23 (20 percent) and 2021/22 (32 percent), along with a series of new architecture, design and construction contract wins, and several of its existing clients confirming that they will invest in new service areas of the business.  In 2022, the Brighton based firm launched its new dedicated B2E (business to employee) comms division in light of research it commissioned which revealed a gap in the market, particularly for FM firms, many of which are struggling to unite dispersed teams in the era of hybrid working and talent shortages. In the first quarter of 2023, an increasing number of clients have turned to Magenta for support in this area. More →

Office furniture giant Flokk opens showroom in heart of Manchester

Office furniture giant Flokk opens showroom in heart of Manchester

Norwegian furniture powerhouse Flokk have opened a stunning new showroom in the vibrant city of ManchesterNorwegian furniture powerhouse Flokk have opened a stunning new showroom in the vibrant city of Manchester. The open plan space showcases the Flokk portfolio with popular designs from brands Offecct, HÅG, Giroflex, RH, Profim and the newest brand to join the family, Connection. Positioned in the city centre, with unrivalled access to all railway stations and the airport, Flokk’s Manchester showroom will welcome guests from across the North-West and beyond. More →

Around a quarter of jobs will shift over the next five years, WEF report claims

Around a quarter of jobs will shift over the next five years, WEF report claims

Almost a quarter of jobs are expected to switch in the next five years according to a new report from the World Economic ForumAlmost a quarter of jobs are expected to switch in the next five years according to a new report from the World Economic Forum. Its Future of Jobs Report for 2023 suggests that employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated among the 673 million jobs corresponding to the dataset, a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2 percent of current employment. The data is an extrapolation of data from 803 employers employing around 11 million people. More →

Biophilic office design has a clear business case, report claims

Biophilic office design has a clear business case, report claims

A new report, Reap What You Sow: Valuing Workplaces that Grow Good Ideas from PLP Labs sets out to explain the process of measuring and monetising the wellbeing and environmental value of biophilic office design.A new report, Reap What You Sow: Valuing Workplaces that Grow Good Ideas from PLP Labs sets out to explain the process of measuring and monetising the wellbeing and environmental value of biophilic office design. The report argues that in corporate real estate, the environment impacts the bottom line. PLP’s study – run in collaboration with academics from Loughborough University, the University of Reading, and Benholm claims to enable real estate clients to fairly evaluate the worth of investing in nature alongside other project costs. More →

We shouldn’t be deterred by the wonky start to the circular economy

We shouldn’t be deterred by the wonky start to the circular economy

The development of the circular economy is not quite so simple as we would like, but we have to persist, writes Becky GordonWe’re all familiar with the circular economy in some shape or form. We know the principles of recycling materials back into the original product to create a perfectly circular model of sustainability. But in practice, as architects and designers are finding, the development of the circular economy not quite so simple. Circular design is possible now, but we have to start with circles that are slightly wonkier than we might like. More →

The new issue of Works boldly goes where no other office magazine has gone before

The new issue of Works boldly goes where no other office magazine has gone before

The new digital edition of Works is now available to view online for free. Print copies are on their way to subscribers. In this issue, we visit new offices in London, Thessaloniki and elsewhere across Europe, talk to designers from Switzerland, Sweden and the UK, report back on three separate shows in Stockholm and London (x2) and round up the best new products from all of them and then at the end of the day, sit down from a drink and a chat with a few industry pioneers from the Sustainable Design Collective to listen to their thoughts on what is energising them right now. More →

IF AI can replace what you do without anybody noticing, the problem isn’t with the technology

IF AI can replace what you do without anybody noticing, the problem isn’t with the technology

AI is ready to muscle in on our ability to create and consume vast quantities of content. So we need to look at things in a new wayPerhaps the least surprising news from the current AI media frenzy is that Buzzfeed has already been using the tech to publish a lot of its stories. There’s an obvious response to this and it’s not about how amazing the AI is. If an artificial intelligence can write vast quantities of formulaic clickbait stories on your website without anybody noticing, then the problem is with your original approach to ‘content’ and how it’s consumed. More →