Search Results for: burnout

Three quarters of US workers suffering from burnout

Three quarters of US workers suffering from burnout

burnoutA December 2020 online study of 1,136 employed U.S. adults carried out by wellbeing provider Spring Health claims that more than three-quarters (76 percent) of U.S. employees are currently experiencing worker burnout. The coronavirus pandemic — along with major political upheavals and natural disasters ranging from wildfires to hurricanes — has led to skyrocketing rates of depression, anxiety, and stress for U.S. employees, setting the stage for another crisis: worker burnout. Among U.S. employees experiencing worker burnout, 57 percent say worries about COVID-19 have been a contributing factor to their experiencing burnout, while 33 percent say worries about political issues have contributed to the problem. More →

Burnout, stress and disconnection are now our most urgent workplace mental health issues

Burnout, stress and disconnection are now our most urgent workplace mental health issues

burnoutThis has been a tough year all round, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to cause seismic shifts in how we live and work. Surveys across various countries indicate that employees are experiencing more feelings of burnout, stress and disconnection as the pandemic is taking a toll on people’s mental health. What’s causing this and what can we do to combat it? More →

Worker burnout has increased by a third, research claims

Worker burnout has increased by a third, research claims

BurnoutAccording to new data from people success platform Glint, employee burnout is reaching new highs — with no signs of abating. People worldwide have been coping with a range of hardships this year, including a pandemic, social isolation, enforced working from home, school disruptions and major layoffs. More →

Employees grow increasingly concerned about prospect of burnout

Employees grow increasingly concerned about prospect of burnout

In a survey of employees and business leaders across 11 nations, The Workforce Institute at UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) claims only a fraction of employees (20 percent) felt their organisation met their needs during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. But there is a silver lining: a third of employees globally (33 percent) say they trust their employer more now than before the pandemic began because of how organisations reacted. More →

Stress and burnout threaten the benefits of working from home

Stress and burnout threaten the benefits of working from home

Working from homeA new study by Adaptavist, suggests the threats to long-term productivity and employee wellbeing posed by improvised solutions during the transition to remote work. Overall, 82 percent of people report they are equally (47 percent) if not more productive (35 percent) working from home, and company-wide communications have improved during the pandemic. However, the lack of a shared understanding of which tool to use and how to communicate with it, combined with the ‘always on’ nature of working from home, brings added stress and motivational challenges for remote workers. More →

Positive employee experience expected to significantly dip as ‘a new burnout’ looms

Positive employee experience expected to significantly dip as ‘a new burnout’ looms

employee experienceKincentric today announced the results of a survey representing over 130,000 employees across 100 companies globally. The findings suggest a strong positive employee experience, however, Kincentric believes these are artificially high due to the extraordinary circumstances and will likely erode within nine months, which is consistent with how most people process change or loss, claims Global Culture & Engagement Practice Leader, Ken Oehler.

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Can corporate culture help reduce workforce burnout?

Can corporate culture help reduce workforce burnout?

burnoutIt may not always be evident to those working in logistics, but burnout doesn’t exist solely in supply chain recruitment – it’s a recognised condition which is having an impact across all industries and sectors.  According to the Labour Force Survey, the UK lost 15.4 million working days in 2017/18 to work-related stress, depression or anxiety, with 239,000 new cases reported. Increasingly, severe cases are being recognised as ‘burnout’. More →

Stress at work blamed for epidemic of burnout

Stress at work blamed for epidemic of burnout

stress at workFour in ten professionals admit they’re on the brink of burnout, with more than two thirds stating that stress at work is the main contributor, research carried out from online jobs site CV-Library has claimed. Out of more than 2,000 UK professionals surveyed, 45 percent said they have trouble sleeping, 40 percent suffer from negative thoughts and 39 percent feel exhausted.

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Burnout remains a risk for workers of all generations

Burnout remains a risk for workers of all generations

burnoutFlexible working has become an important part of the modern UK economy, with over half of employees taking up a flexible working arrangement. However, Nuffield Health’s latest whitepaper The effects of remote working on stress, wellbeing and productivity has found while remote working is associated with higher workplace wellbeing, it can also present many business challenges including the risk of burnout for an increasingly diverse workforce. More →

Always on working culture in financial services sector driving staff to burnout

Always on working culture in financial services sector driving staff to burnout

always on in the city of LondonMore than nine in ten banking and financial services professionals in the UK work beyond their contracted hours every week, according to a new survey — laying bare the extent of the City’s always on working culture. Almost half, or 47 percent, said that they do not leave the office or take a break at lunchtime, according to the survey by Morgan McKinley. The recruitment firm canvassed the views of around 480 finance workers in an informal poll to come to its conclusions. More →

Avoiding burnout and losing the workplace blues

Avoiding burnout and losing the workplace blues

No burnout at Steelcase LINC Center MunichStressed at work? Feeling blue at this time of year? Take a breath. You are not alone. While the World Health Organisation (WHO) is just now recognising burnout, a result of stress, as an “occupational phenomenon,” the conversation around wellbeing at work is not new. If we learn anything from this newest designation, it’s that wellbeing cannot be ignored because the need to focus on it continues to intensify.

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Burnout recognised as a workplace phenomenon by WHO

Burnout recognised as a workplace phenomenon by WHO

WHO recognises burnout as an occupational phenomenonAlthough still  not classified as a recognised medical condition, burnout has been included in the World Health Organization’s 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon. It is described in the chapter: ‘Factors influencing health status or contact with health services’ – which includes reasons for which people contact health services but that are not classed as illnesses or health conditions. More →