Search Results for: workplace training

Work becoming more secure but more action needed to enforce employment rights

Work becoming more secure but more action needed to enforce employment rights

employmentA new report ‘Has work become less secure?’ from the CIPD claims that, overall, employment in the UK has actually become more secure on most measures over the last decade – despite the impact of the pandemic. Compared with 2010, there are proportionally fewer people today working variable hours, working part-time involuntarily, or wanting to work more hours. More →

Wondering what to do about that office of yours? Hold the line.

Wondering what to do about that office of yours? Hold the line.

Bruntwood Bloc Manchester office

At the end of April, New York magazine’s cover feature was headed ‘Remember the Office?’ The article reminisced about a world of cubicles and water-coolers, coffee points and staff parties. Its tone was elegiac, implying that it wasn’t just the enforced distance of 13 months of COVID-19 restrictions that lent enchantment to communal workspace, but the possibility that offices had gone for good.?  More →

Only half of employers are confident they’ll treat employees evenly and fairly

Only half of employers are confident they’ll treat employees evenly and fairly

employersNew research has highlighted concerns over the treatment of staff in the world of hybrid work. The Mind the Gap report from WorkNest, which is based on a survey of over 490 employers and 1,000 employees, claims that only around half (52 percent) of employers are confident that office-based and home-based employees will be treated evenly and fairly in the next 12 months. More →

Creating a supportive environment for vital deskless workers

Creating a supportive environment for vital deskless workers

deskless The Josh Bersin Company a research and advisory company focused on HR and workforce trends and issues, has released its latest report based on insights from its ongoing Big Reset executive working groups. The report, The Big Reset Playbook: Deskless Workers, focuses on the recommended practices needed to create optimal work experiences for “deskless” employees in retail, healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, transportation, and other sectors. More →

Institute Of Neurodiversity ION launches simultaneously in UK, Europe and Australia

Institute Of Neurodiversity ION launches simultaneously in UK, Europe and Australia

The Institute Of Neurodiversity ION has announced the public launch of their UK chapter, a single organisation giving a voice in the world to all neurodiverse groups. ION’s purpose is to influence for an equal, inclusive world in which neurodivergent individuals are well understood, represented, and valued equally to all other people. More →

Employers expect ‘hard-to-fill’ vacancies to increase in the next six months

Employers expect ‘hard-to-fill’ vacancies to increase in the next six months

vacanciesAlmost half (47 percent) of employers report having vacancies that are hard-to-fill, and more than one in four (27 percent) expect the number of vacancies that are difficult to fill to increase in the next six months. This is a key finding of the latest quarterly CIPD Labour Market Outlook (LMO) which surveyed more than 1,000 employers across all sectors of the economy. Employers were surveyed about their hiring, pay and redundancy intentions for the last quarter of 2021 in September, just as the furlough scheme was ending. More →

Three in four IT departments face critical skills gaps

Three in four IT departments face critical skills gaps

ITSkillsoft (NYSE: SKIL), has released its annual Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report, exploring the current state of skills gaps, training and development, compensation, and job satisfaction in the IT industry. More →

2021 Digital Etiquette study highlights the rise of the invisible workforce

2021 Digital Etiquette study highlights the rise of the invisible workforce

Digital EtiquetteThe 2021 Digital Etiquette Study by Adaptavist, highlights that 43 percent of workers in the UK want to come back to the workplace/office full-time, while the exact same figure (43 percent) favour a flexible/hybrid model and 14 percent want to be remote only. However, as hybrid work increasingly becomes the long-term future for knowledge workers, Adaptavist suggests a growing despair among employees with the tools and technologies they are using to navigate working remotely with many left feeling invisible. More →

Recruitment drive sees majority of firms embed flexible working policies

Recruitment drive sees majority of firms embed flexible working policies

policiesNew research by Totum Partners, claims that the majority of firms now have hybrid working policies in place, as worker preferences and economy-wide recruitment pressures drive increased demand for flexible working. This includes 50 percent of firms which have implemented a company-wide policy, while the remaining 50 percent have published guidelines that can be interpreted by location or individual team. More →

Lives at risk due to lack of first aiders in the office, warns St John Ambulance

Lives at risk due to lack of first aiders in the office, warns St John Ambulance

first aidersThe health charity claims that, in the last fortnight, less than half (49 percent) of the 2,000 UK workers surveyed believed there was a designated first aider in their workplace. More →

Increased workload does not dampen many people’s preference for remote work

Increased workload does not dampen many people’s preference for remote work

increased workload flexible workingAccording to a Kaspersky survey of 4,303 IT workers, 56 percent of employees have reported an increased workload since switching to remote working, with 19 percent describing the increase as significant. 40 percent did not notice a change in volume, and only 9 percent noted a decrease in the scope of work due to new working conditions. More →

High hopes Gen Z will close the digital skills gap – but young people are in a confidence crisis

High hopes Gen Z will close the digital skills gap – but young people are in a confidence crisis

digital skillsThree-quarters of tech leaders think Gen Z will solve the digital skills shortage (72 percent), with an even higher number (77 percent) believing these ‘digital-natives’ have the best ability of any generation. However, while half of Gen Z have a career in tech or firm plans to pursue one in the next five years (46 percent), they have low confidence in their digital abilities. More →