Search Results for: career

Workers prepared to accept automation but need training

Workers prepared to accept automation but need training

Lack of training makes people feel uncertain about automation Research from Gallup suggests that people feel unprepared for the introduction of new technologies, despite being optimistic about their job prospects. The Gallup Real Future of Work report of 4,000 employees has found that people around the world are generally upbeat about the impact of technology and automation on their careers, despite some analysts predicting that AI-enabled machines would take over 50 percent of human jobs within the decade. More →

Working mums call for more flexible work options

Working mums call for more flexible work options

Women are a key part of a growing contingent workforce of freelancers, consultants and part-timers. Despite numerous government policies to attract more mothers back into the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle. Several data collected indicates working mums who return part-time, combining professional careers with raising a family, are increasingly frustrated.  The research shows that the modern workplace often fails to cater for the needs of mothers and carers as they face the pressures of combining busy working lives with lifestyle and family obligations.

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Aping our robot overlords, Instagrammable buildings and some other stuff

Aping our robot overlords, Instagrammable buildings and some other stuff

What happens to people when their skills become obsolete? If you’re not asking yourself this question already, you probably should. A new study from researchers at MIT and Wharton is the basis for this piece in Quartz at Work which considers the implications for what looks like a small technological change and its consequences for a large number of people who had to reset what they offered employers. More →

AI revolution means 120 million people need to reskill

AI revolution means 120 million people need to reskill

The AI revolution means a large number of people need to reskill soonAs many as 120 million workers in the world’s 12 largest economies may need to be retrained or reskilled over the next three years as a result of the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, according to a new IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) study. It also suggests that only 41 percent of CEOs surveyed say that they have the people, skills and resources required to execute their business strategies.

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Men and women make different job choices based on commute times

Men and women make different job choices based on commute times

Women who have an hour-long commute are nearly a third (29 per cent) more likely to leave their current job than if they had a 10-minute commute, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS concludes that this contributes to men doing the majority of higher paid jobs and that it’s likely women prefer short commutes because it allows them more flexibility for childcare and unpaid work. More →

Work-life integration is the new goal for workers

Work-life integration is the new goal for workers

work-life integration is the last piece in the jigsawThe modern world of work is a stressful one, and the goal to progress in our careers brings on even more pressure. Tight deadlines and demanding workloads are the typical order of the day, but just as important is to have the time to wind down and recharge the batteries. Historically, this has been known as work-life balance.

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Governments should respond to needs of older workers

Governments should respond to needs of older workers

Illustration of older workers in an officeWhile firms are already being asked to do more to support their older workers by organisations like The Centre for Ageing Better, a new OECD report is arguing that it is an issue that Governments are not addressing as well as they might. It claims that the rapidly ageing population of countries around the world means that governments should promote more and better job opportunities for older workers to protect living standards and the sustainability of public finances.

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Half of people have quit job due to poor work relationship with boss

Half of people have quit job due to poor work relationship with boss

Work relationshipNew research published by Totaljobs claims that nearly half (49 percent) of workers claims that they have quit a job due to the work relationship with their boss going sour and fewer than one in five (18 percent) feel they can trust their boss. Only a third (34 percent) of workers said they felt confident they could approach their manager about a work-related issue, dropping to just 1 in 5 (20 percent) when raising a personal problem. More →

Diverse workplace is key to attracting freelancers

Diverse workplace is key to attracting freelancers

Diverse workplace reportThe demand for talent is at an all-time high, and companies need to focus on building out robust and effective diversity and inclusion strategies that attract both permanent and contingent talent, according to new data released by Randstad Sourceright. According to results from the firm’s 2019 Talent Trends survey (registration), 72 percent of permanent talent and 71 percent of contingent talent find it important to work with a company that emphasises creating an inclusive and diverse workplace. More →

Artificial Intelligence will positively impact accountancy, according to accountants themselves

Artificial Intelligence will positively impact accountancy, according to accountants themselves

Artificial intelligence in the workplaceFor many, the thought of adopting artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is a daunting prospect. But it seems that the majority of chartered accountants believe it will, in fact, have a positive effect on the industry. According to research conducted by CABA, the charity supporting the wellbeing of chartered accountants and their families, 52 percent believe this to be the case, with 16 percent either unsure or predicating no impact at all. The same research also found that, more generally, the biggest bugbear for chartered accountants was the amount of work expected to be completed in the time available (41 percent). So, it’s encouraging that nearly 1 in 4 (25 percent) agree that AI will let humans add value elsewhere as robots take on more menial jobs. In addition, 17 percent stated that the adoption of AI/automation will increase productivity, with 11 percent also agreeing that it will reduce errors and improve attention to detail. More →

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

workplace cultureThere has been much talk of digital, agile and organisational transformation for businesses for many years now. While the intricacies of each are separate discussions, one thing is clear – the world of work and the workplace are changing and as businesses we need to adapt.

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Spotting the best features of recruitment websites

Spotting the best features of recruitment websites

The job market can be competitive, even when the UK is experiencing all-time unemployment lows. In fact, the UK’s unemployment rate hasn’t been this good since the mid 1970s. This doesn’t mean that those in search of a job should ease off. There are now more ways than ever before to look for and apply for jobs. The days of searching for jobs on community notice boards are long gone and now we have an agglomeration of job search websites at our disposal. More →