Search Results for: real estate

Rise in European outsourcing of real estate and facilities management

Rise in European outsourcing of real estate and facilities management 0

commercial-propertyCompanies outsourcing their real estate and facilities management needs have hit record levels across Europe, finds new data. According to CBRE, its EMEA Global Workplace Solutions (GWS) business received a record number of Requests for Information (RFI) or Requests for Proposals (RFP) from organisations wishing to outsource all, or part, of their real estate activities in 2015. This marks a 190 percent increase over 2012, with the data showing the most popular function to outsource is facilities management, with 64 percent of briefs including this service. The trend for outsourcing is also reflected in CBRE’s European Occupier Survey, which spans 120 organisations. Fifty-four percent of respondents noted that that they outsourced some or part of their property requirements. This figure marks an uplift from 30 percent the year before and demonstrates that more corporates are seeking, and using, specialist property advisors for outsourcing advice.

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Technology firms will determine the future of real estate, claims report

Technology firms will determine the future of real estate, claims report 0

future of real estateThe future of real estate will be shaped by the confluence of technological and physical infrastructure, the growth of flexible working, shrinking lease lengths, a shift in focus away from location and the changing expectations of occupiers. These are the key and perhaps unsurprising conclusions of a new report from KPMG. One of the most intriguing findings of the New Foundations report is that the widespread application of data analytics and the growing number of occupiers who will use office space as a service will lead to a greater degree of collaboration between property and technology firms to offer space to clients. Although property firms may still take the lead, the report suggests that ‘serviced office models are just the beginning of this trend and specialist companies will emerge to scale up and manage these income streams. These might be joint ventures between existing property owners and technology providers.’

Corporate real estate strategy shifts focus from cost to people

Corporate real estate strategy shifts focus from cost to people 0

US corporate real estateA new survey of corporate executives indicates a major shift in how companies make real estate decisions today, with more than half (50 percent) saying that talent is more important than cost (31 percent) as their foremost consideration. As a result, executives view the workplace as primarily a recruitment and retention tool that offers attributes such as a flexible workplace, high quality amenities and interiors. But while the people and workplace experience dominate the corporate real estate agenda, according to CBRE’s Americas Occupier Survey – escalating costs are a major concern. Of survey respondents, 85 percent cite space efficiency and restructuring as a top strategy for reducing occupancy costs. These two issues are driving real estate conversations; with the result that workplace strategy is increasingly being viewed as both a critical employee attraction and retention strategy (57 percent), and as a means to control costs.

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Moderate growth for global commercial real estate predicted in 2016

Moderate growth for global commercial real estate predicted in 2016 0

global economyUS and European office markets will tighten further in 2016 as demand for space outpaces a limited number of new developments, according to CBRE Group’s 2016 Global Real Estate Market Outlook. However, the extent of tightening in individual cities will depend strongly on local job growth in major office-using industries. Global prime rents across the three major property types—office, industrial and retail—are expected to grow 2.2 percent on an annual basis, according to estimates from CBRE’s Global Rent Index. The Americas, thanks to the strength of the US property sector, is expected to see commercial real estate rents rise 3.4 percent in 2016, as consumption growth and rising employment, combined with comparatively limited new supply levels, simulates demand. Rents in EMEA are forecast to rise by 3.2 percent thanks to a combination of increased consumer spending, pent-up demand for commercial space and anticipated further monetary easing by the European Central Bank.

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Some good and bad news about the Government’s real estate strategy

Some good and bad news about the Government’s real estate strategy 0

MuppetsTwo key themes have shaped the current UK Government’s attitude to its real estate and other resources since it came to office in 2010 and embarked on a programme of austerity. They are the twin desires to ‘cut waste’ and ‘do more with less’. These are not easy tricks to pull off, as a new report from the Institute for Government suggests.  Published ahead of the upcoming Spending Review, the study sees the Government’s  main challenge being how best to match its commitments with its resources. Two of the main ideas discussed are the rolling out of more digital services and what the paper calls institutional reform, which it suggests includes the loss of another 100,000 public sector jobs over the next five years. But as two news reports published over the weekend suggest, this kind of change can sometimes create more problems than it solves when it comes to Government property.

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New study highlights the key roles of real estate at UK’s top law firms

New study highlights the key roles of real estate at UK’s top law firms 0

Shoosmiths-4The UK’s top law firms are spending more on their real estate and allocating more space to staff, following years of reductions. Those are two of the key findings of a new report from The Lawyer magazine and property consultants JLL. Around  half of the UK’s Top 200 law firms shared detailed data with the study, which also incorporates publicly available information on transactions. The study also takes into account the links between real estate strategy and broader strategic, management and human resources issues. While the report says the amount of space dedicated to each lawyer has risen by 7 percent over the last two years and the costs of owning real estate have also risen markedly, it also describes how many firms are now actively using flexible working to reduce real estate costs.The report concludes with a speculative look at future trends, including the uptake of coworking space.

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Eight sustainability megatrends that will impact on UK real estate

Eight sustainability megatrends that will impact on UK real estate

Eight sustainability megatrends that will impact on UK real estate The ‘Big Eight’ sustainability megatrends that will impact on real estate over the next 15-20 years have been identified in a new report by JLL. Analysing a total of 40 themes, JLL’s Upstream Sustainability Services team claims to have pinpointed eight interconnected trends which are most critical. These are the low carbon economy; technological innovation; urbanisation; land and resource scarcity; workforce transformation; changing demographics; health and wellness; and transparency and social value. According to the report these trends present opportunities as well as risks. Forward-thinking companies which are able to unpick and manage climate change and extreme weather risk, build resilient supply chains, exploit the latest developments in technology, and anticipate the needs of the modern office worker or consumer will stay competitive and succeed.

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Corporate real estate executives planning for growth finds CoreNet survey

Corporate real estate executives planning for growth finds global surveyGlobal corporate real estate executives report that economic conditions improved again in the third quarter and they remain optimistic about economic growth. This is according to the most recent findings of the CoreNet Global Economic Index; a statistical measure that reveals trends and confidence levels within the corporate real estate (CRE) world. The survey, which takes advantage of the unique perspective that CRE executives have of the overall economy was conducted among a targeted group of 220 senior level managers of corporate real estate at Fortune 1000 companies globally. The survey measures the overall optimism that these executives have with respect to their own companies, as well as the economy at large. There were positive responses on their own company’s prospects for growth and expansion: many were likely to increase their real estate portfolio as a result of more employees and there was optimism regarding the global economic outlook over the next quarter.

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Dubai unveils plans for sustainable ‘Perfect City’ real estate hub

Dubai Perfect CityUndeterred by the seriously stuttering start to existence of Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, the government of Dubai (but of course) has announced plans for what it claims will be the first specialised sustainable city in the world. The plans for the characteristically modestly named ‘Perfect City’ were unveiled this week at the Cityscape 2014 trade show in Dubai and form one of the centrepiece projects of a seven year programme of development masterminded by Dubai Land Development (DLD). Work begins on the project begins next year and is expected to complete in 2021. As with Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City the idea is to create a sustainable hub for a particular industry, in this case real estate. The plans include a canal, 20,000 trees and the provision that 75 percent of the City will be made up of green space.

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Sale of premier real estate portfolio More London announced

City Hall, part of More London portfolioMore London has been sold to Kuwaiti firm St Martins Property Group for approximately £1.7 billion, according to Reuter’s sources. Owners London Bridge Holdings said it had originally intended to refinance More London (which is located adjacent to Tower Bridge and opposite The Tower of London), by the early summer of 2014 but had been persuaded to capitalize on “a highly attractive offer,” the details of which it has not yet disclosed. In a statement London Bridge Holdings said the transaction had underscored its success in transforming “a blighted, brown field site into a vibrant and vital global business centre.” The site was acquired in 1998 and is now a fully managed estate, with occupiers that include the Greater London Assembly – housed in City Hall, as well as PwC and Ernst and Young.

Over half of managers ‘constantly worried’, with real estate most stressed sector

Over half of managers 'constantly worried' with real estate most stressed sectorOver half (51 percent) of managers say they feel ‘constantly worried’ and a disturbingly high number (40 percent) have experienced depression as a result of being stressed. The research, which was carried out by YouGov to support Bupa’s Healthy Minds programme polled the views of 6,000 employees across a range of industries, job levels and regions. It found that real estate is the UK’s most stressed sector, with more than half of workers (54 percent) feeling the pressure and a further one in five struggling to cope (20 percent) and worried about the effect of stress on their health (22 percent). With one in six adults experiencing a mental health problem at any given time, the impact on businesses is significant in terms of staff absence, productivity and performance.

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EU lags behind upward trend in the sustainability of global real estate

EU lags behind an upward trend in sustainability of global real estateThere has been a clear and upward trend in the sustainability performance of global real estate, but despite the continued focus of EU regulators on the built environment, Europe lags behind other regions. According to the results of the GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) 2013 Report – based on sustainability data gathered from 543 property companies and funds, providing aggregate information on 49,000 properties across the globe – the real estate sector significantly reduced its environmental impact, decreasing energy consumption by nearly 5 per cent over the 2011-2012 period. Over the same period, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.5 per cent, and water consumption by 1.2 per cent.  More →