Search Results for: business

Surge in employee turnover suggest that the ‘Great Resignation’ is still with us

Surge in employee turnover suggest that the ‘Great Resignation’ is still with us

A new report claims that the level of job turnover suggests that the so-called Great Resignation may be far from overOver the past year, 55 percent of working adults have either started a new job or are looking for one, according to a report [registration] published by insurance firm YuLife. The poll  suggests that a further 35 percent of working adults say it is likely they will consider changing jobs within the next year.  The report claims that these findings suggest that the so-called Great Resignation may be far from over. The report also claims that high levels of stress characterize the modern workplace, and businesses which proactively address employees’ concerns around stress and invest in their wellbeing benefit from reduced churn and turnover. More →

Mandatory use of AI technology dampens people’s enthusiasm for the stuff

Mandatory use of AI technology dampens people’s enthusiasm for the stuff

Teams with a positive inclination towards artificial intelligence experienced a dampening effect on their enthusiasm to collaborate when forced to use AI technologyTeams with a positive inclination towards artificial intelligence experienced a dampening effect on their enthusiasm to collaborate when forced to use AI technology, a new study has found. Researchers also found that teams with initial negative views about AI were in fact more likely to collaborate with AI when forced to use it. The research, which has been published in the academic journal Group & Organization Management, underscores the importance of trust in AI and how employers should introduce the growing technology into their businesses. More →

Four million UK employees have changed careers due to a lack of flexible working options

Four million UK employees have changed careers due to a lack of flexible working options

New research from the CIPD suggests that an estimated 4 million people have changed careers due to a lack of flexible working optionsNew research from the CIPD suggests that an estimated 4 million people have changed careers due to a lack of flexible working options, while an estimated 2 million have left a job in the last year for the same reason. As a result, the CIPD is warning that businesses may face a talent exodus if they fail to offer more flexible choices to people. The CIPD’s latest report, which explores employee and employer perspectives towards flexible and hybrid working practices, highlights that offering them is key to retaining and attracting staff, addressing the current skills shortage and fostering inclusive workplaces. More →

Europe not on track to deliver carbon neutral built environment by 2050

Europe not on track to deliver carbon neutral built environment by 2050

Europe not yet on track: one year on since EU Policy Roadmap launch to deliver a climate neutral built environment by 2050It has been one year today (24 May 2023), since the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) launched a new policy called the EU Policy Whole Life Carbon Roadmap, to help the European Union accelerate total decarbonisation of buildings and construction — the most heavily emitting sector in the world. Now WorldGBC and 12 European Green Building Councils (GBCs) are imploring the EU to implement the Roadmap’s principles at the scale and speed required through the announcement of BuildingLife2, a new project driving what it claims is greater transparency and accountability across the sector as it seeks to achieve the goal of a carbon neutral built environment. More →

Unintended economic consequences of remote working becoming evident

Unintended economic consequences of remote working becoming evident

New data suggests that office attendance in London has recovered strongly since the end of Covid restrictions, confounding predictions of remote working becoming the ‘new normal’New data suggests that office attendance in London has recovered strongly since the end of Covid restrictions, confounding predictions of remote working becoming the ‘new normal’, according to a new report from the Centre for Cities. However, recovery has stalled in 2023 and the report, London, Office politics: London and the rise of home working, co-authored with Professor Dan Graham and his colleagues from Imperial College and published in partnership with EC BID, addresses the possible economic risks of businesses adopting hybrid working permanently. More →

Three quarters of firms have now mandated some form of ‘return to office’

Three quarters of firms have now mandated some form of ‘return to office’

A new poll from Unispace claims that around 72 percent of companies globally have now mandated a return to office based workA new poll from Unispace claims that around 72 percent of companies globally have now mandated a return to office based work. However, many respondents also report losing key employees due to mandates, with recruitment also being impacted by enforced returns. The report concludes that companies are failing to recognise the drivers of workers’ reluctance to return to the workplace, and likewise, the opportunities and value that the physical workplace provides. More →

BCO Awards for Central England continue focus on wellbeing and the environment

BCO Awards for Central England continue focus on wellbeing and the environment

the BCO Awards for the region set out to recognise projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainabilityWhat are claimed to be the Midlands and Central England’s most outstanding workplaces have been announced, with British Council for Offices Awards going to five office buildings across the region. Held at ICC in Birmingham, the BCO Awards for the region set out to recognise projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainability. The organisers claims that the winners of this year’s competition in the Midlands and Central England stand out for their user-centred design credentials, as well as their creative implementation of wellbeing and sustainability measures. More →

Many people think workplace is a greater source of stress than a relationship breakdown

Many people think workplace is a greater source of stress than a relationship breakdown

A new poll claims that workplace stress is having a greater impact on individuals than relationship breakdowns for many people.A new poll claims that workplace stress is seen as having a greater impact by many people, compared to relationship breakdowns. According to the survey conducted by Westfield Health, more than a quarter of workers (27 percent) ranked their job as more stressful than a relationship breakdown (8 percent). These worrying statistics highlight the negative effects of workplace stress on individuals, surpassing even stressful personal circumstances. More →

Office giant Sedus announces partnership with Watson Furniture Group

Office giant Sedus announces partnership with Watson Furniture Group

Sedus Stoll AG, the Germany based office furniture giant, and US based Watson Furniture Group have announced a new global partnershipSedus Stoll AG, the Germany based office furniture giant, and US based Watson Furniture Group have announced a new global partnership. The deal was signed at last year’s Orgatec office furniture exhibition. For both companies, the global partnership is seen a logical next step in the development of their businesses, the firms claim. Shared values and similar market strategies and expertise in the areas of technology and manufacturing are an excellent stepping stone to strategic cooperation. More →

Growth in self-employment a good sign of economic recovery

Growth in self-employment a good sign of economic recovery

IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) has welcomed new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing year-on-year growth in self-employmentIPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) has welcomed new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing year-on-year growth in self-employment. There are 154,000 more self-employed than this time last year. In total, there are now 4.4 million operating in the UK. The data also revealed a significant rise in the number of women choosing to work for themselves, with an additional 93,000 self-employed women compared to the same time last year. More →

Workload and personal appearance now main sources of workplace anxiety

Workload and personal appearance now main sources of workplace anxiety

The chief sources of workplace anxiety according to a new survey is increased workload, followed by personal appearanceA new poll from The Adaptavist Group claims that three-quarters of UK office workers now say they experience workplace anxiety, with a little over one-quarter saying it happens often to almost all the time. This is a significant shift from just nine months ago when only 38 percent of respondents in Adaptavist’s Reinventing Work study said they suffered from anxiety upon returning to work. More →

APAC region leads the world in return to office bookings, report claims

APAC region leads the world in return to office bookings, report claims

A new report from Eptura claims that there has been a global wave of return to office bookings returns led by the Asia Pacific marketA new report from Eptura [registration] claims that there has been a global wave of return to office bookings led by the Asia Pacific market, including a worldwide 338 percent increase in collaborative room bookings, 76 percent room booking check-in rate, 35 percent increase in visitor check-ins, and 3 percent increase in site inspections. More →