Search Results for: Gen Z

EDGE adds building software to its portfolio of innovations

EDGE adds building software to its portfolio of innovations

Sustainable  tech-led real estate pioneers EDGE have built upon their already impressive reputation as an innovator with the launch of a software platform that offers what the firm claims is a “seamless solution for optimising any office building’s performance”. It claims that EDGE Next allows “tenants and owners to transform their offices into smarter, healthier and more sustainable spaces in which people and companies can truly thrive”. The EDGE Next platform also sets out to ensure the wellbeing of employees by monitoring air quality and the numbers of people in a spaces, which it claims will make offices safer for work during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond. More →

Global businesses commit to disability inclusion

Global businesses commit to disability inclusion

Disability inclusionThe Valuable 500 – the global movement which is working to get 500 of the world’s largest businesses to commit to placing disability inclusion on their business leadership agendas – announces 326 global businesses have committed to putting disability inclusion on their board agenda. More →

Businesses favour the commercial brain over the creative one, study claims

Businesses favour the commercial brain over the creative one, study claims

BusinessesBusinesses in the UK are disproportionately made up of logical and rational thinkers, over intuitive and expressive ones, claims a new study. The study from Genius You, involved more than 2000 individuals across 10 different sectors and highlights a trend that could be impacting creativity and innovation in the UK. More →

Career priorities transformed by COVID-19 as workers seek more ethical jobs

Career priorities transformed by COVID-19 as workers seek more ethical jobs

Covid-19 has shifted UK worker career priorities with professionals turning towards more socially-conscious employers including the Environment Agency and Oxfam, according to a survey of more than 23,000 people, by Universum. More →

Workers calls for more action on diversity and inclusion

Workers calls for more action on diversity and inclusion

Almost half (46 percent) of Britain’s workforce think their employer could do more when it comes to diversity, with 58 percent of employees from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds agreeing, according to a report from Culture Shift. Despite 79 percent of employees confirming that working somewhere with a diverse workforce is an important factor for their happiness at work, 40 percent think diversity seems like less of a priority in the workplace currently, with 50 percent stating it should be more of a priority. More →

One in twenty premises remain closed following lockdown

One in twenty premises remain closed following lockdown

New data released by facilities services provider phs Group claims one in 20 premises remain closed after 43 percent were shut down during the coronavirus lockdown. In London, the impact is even more pronounced with the city failing to attract people back in the aftermath of stringent COVID-19 lockdown measures. More →

Nature positive cities have potential to transform the world

Nature positive cities have potential to transform the world

COVID-19 recovery packages that include infrastructure development will influence the relationship between cities, humans and nature for the next 30 to 50 years. With the built environment home to half the world’s population and making up 40 percent of global GDP, cities are an engine of global growth and crucial to the economic recovery. More →

Workers long for clarity in their relationship with employers

Workers long for clarity in their relationship with employers

ExpectationsEmployees are longing for purposeful and visible changes to increase safety measures in the office, according to a new survey of 2,000 people from NELSON Worldwide. This is top of  people’s minds in order to assure that re-entry in the workplace is safe, according to the firm. Whether this is carried out by means of wayfinding, increased sanitation protocols, or direct implementation of distancing in workstations, staff are eager to see the action carried out. The survey concludes that 83 percent of employees have rated physical safety measures to be extremely or very important. More →

Under-35s face a confidence crisis at work

Under-35s face a confidence crisis at work

Confidence crisisUnder-35s are in the midst of a professional confidence crisis, with work seen as a place where they feel isolated and afraid to speak out, claims research carried out by culture change business Utopia. The study which interviewed over 2,000 respondents across the UK, claims that workers under the age of 35 feel immense pressure to hold a standard of professionalism that shuns emotion and favours traditionally masculine behaviour, all the while juggling responsibilities at home. More →

The stage is set for the next phase of working life

The stage is set for the next phase of working life

The debate about the effects of the pandemic on working life appears to have entered its next phase. Don’t ask me to define it precisely because I’m still coming to terms with the others. But here it is. More →

Millions of working days lost each year through poor mental health

Millions of working days lost each year through poor mental health

Poor mental healthMore than 11 million UK working adults have taken time off work for poor mental wellbeing, costing businesses an estimated 40 million working days each year, claims new research from healthcare provider, Benenden Health. As many as a third (35 percent) of UK employees took time off work due to poor mental health in 2019, with workers absent for between two and five days on average, costing UK businesses an estimated 4o million individual days of work. More →

Time to get on board with the psychological effects of working from home

Time to get on board with the psychological effects of working from home

It almost goes without saying that this year has seen a rapid shift towards remote working, with many companies now moving to a flexible working model. From a business perspective, many employees are proving that they can still get their work done working from home. But what is the psychological impact of this? And are companies doing enough to research and prevent any negative psychological effects of remote working? More →