Search Results for: covid

Setting out the known unknowns about work

Setting out the known unknowns about work

With the majority of COVID-19 restrictions in England due to be lifted later this month, it is understandable that many are limbering up, ready for some grand ‘return to the office’.  Yet, unlike the pubs, hairdressers, and gyms we are not going back to what we left. This was an inevitability. The workplace was, and remains, an ever evolving and multifarious beast.    More →

Half a million employees could be made to return to the office before they’re ready

Half a million employees could be made to return to the office before they’re ready

returnMore than a half a million UK employees could be made to return to their normal workplaces before they are comfortable doing so, according to new research from Benenden Health. More →

Employees consider leaving jobs if health and sustainability expectations go unmet

Employees consider leaving jobs if health and sustainability expectations go unmet

healthReturning to the office is causing a growing rift between workers and managers according to a new report from NEXT Energy Technologies, Inc. The report claims most employees (74 percent) are willing to leave their jobs if existential issues like health and sustainability are not adequately addressed in the workplace. More →

Insecure income, boredom and physical health impacted employee wellbeing most in lockdown

Insecure income, boredom and physical health impacted employee wellbeing most in lockdown

physical healthHaving an insecure financial situation, being bored in both work and free time, and worsening physical health were the biggest factors affecting employee’s wellbeing, during the first covid-19 lockdown, according to new research from emlyon business school. More →

Gen Z reject ‘right to work from home’ proposal

Gen Z reject ‘right to work from home’ proposal

Gen ZAmid news that the UK government is mulling plans to grant Brits the right to work from home permanently, a new Clockwise survey claims that a majority of Gen Z workers would in fact prefer to work from an office. More →

UK employees working £4.2 billion unpaid overtime every week

UK employees working £4.2 billion unpaid overtime every week

unpaid overtimeThe amount of unpaid overtime that workers around the world are doing has soared in the past year; unpaid overtime in the UK has steadily risen from six hours in 2019 to seven hours in 2020 in the advent of COVID-19, to almost eight hours in 2021, claims a new study by the ADP Research Institute, People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View. More →

Three quarters of people returning to the office are actively seeking new ways to travel

Three quarters of people returning to the office are actively seeking new ways to travel

travelThe commute as we knew it may be gone for good, claims new research conducted by DASH Rides. DASH and Sapio Research surveyed over 2,000 city-dwelling, full-time workers, who used to work primarily in the office and now work primarily at home and discovered that three quarters of those returning to the office will be actively avoiding public transport or seeking new ways to travel. More →

Scottish homeworkers struggle with work-life balance and excessive workloads

Scottish homeworkers struggle with work-life balance and excessive workloads

ScottishThe significant shift to homeworking as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep differences in job quality across the Scottish workforce, according to CIPD Scotland’s annual Working Lives Scotland report. More →

Working from home has increased UK working hours, but at what cost?

Working from home has increased UK working hours, but at what cost?

hoursResearch from Ezra claims that UK employees are working longer hours than ever thanks to remote working. However, the lack of structured office hours is having a detrimental effect on employee work-life balance and wellbeing and, therefore, the quality of their work. More →

For many people, there will be a return to regular office life by September, poll claims

For many people, there will be a return to regular office life by September, poll claims

returnMore than half (52 percent) of global companies anticipate a return to the office in earnest by the end of Q3 2021, according to new research by Unispace. However, over a third (35 percent) claim that devising a strategy for the future workplace is the most significant barrier they face. More →

Demand for Facilities Management professionals continues to rise

Demand for Facilities Management professionals continues to rise

demandThe latest RICS UK Facilities Management Survey results suggest a greater demand for services across all sectors, apart from retail, with FM employment opportunities therefore increasing. Furthermore, for the first time since the COVID-19 crisis swept the world last year, profit margins in the sector are expected to rise. More →

Mental health is now biggest crisis for business

Mental health is now biggest crisis for business

mental healthA new research report Dräger Safety UK, which assesses the impact of Covid-19, Brexit and workplace culture on health and safety in UK workplaces, warns of an impending crisis as a result of soaring mental health issues and compromises on investment. More →