Search Results for: employee

Safety and fear the biggest challenges to overcome in return to work

Safety and fear the biggest challenges to overcome in return to work

workplace safetyOver a third (36 percent) of UK businesses believe that implementing new health and safety measures in accordance with the Government’s recently published guidelines are the biggest challenge they face as lockdown eases and they attempt to return to the workplace, according to new research conducted by the UK law firm, Winckworth Sherwood. More →

Mental health in UK tech deteriorates in lockdown

Mental health in UK tech deteriorates in lockdown

mental healthThe easing of lockdown restrictions and a return to offices is raising the stress levels of over a quarter of UK tech professionals (26 percent) at a time when over 1 in 3 (36 percent) report that their mental health has deteriorated during Covid-19, according to a new Harvey Nash Study. The relaxing of restrictions has left tech professionals worrying most about bringing Covid-19 back into the home, and the health risk of their daily commute. More →

Firms should adopt a hybrid model as they return to work

Firms should adopt a hybrid model as they return to work

As mandatory working from home lifts, managers should be aware that employee expectations around how they work have evolved significantly. In a report (registration) published by Soldo in collaboration with several UK universities, management experts advise that companies need to radically redesign their business processes. Employees who worked productively at home throughout the lockdown will strongly resist managers enforcing limitations on where and when they do their work. More →

Two thirds of UK workers feel uncomfortable returning to work, research claims

Two thirds of UK workers feel uncomfortable returning to work, research claims

woman stressedWith lockdown measures slowly easing in the UK, 65 percent of UK workers reveal that they would feel uncomfortable going back to the workplace right now, research claims. This is despite one in five (20 percent) expecting to be asked by their bosses to return to work in June. That’s according to new ‘Return to Work’ research from Qualtrics. More →

UK professionals claim lack of workplace communication during pandemic

UK professionals claim lack of workplace communication during pandemic

workplace communicationThe Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted workplace communication as the area leadership most needs to improve on, according to almost half (43 percent) of professionals in a nationwide survey conducted by Hays. This is well ahead of other areas including strategy and planning (23 percent) and remote staff management (13 percent). From over 16,000 respondents, two in five (40 percent) also say that communication is the aspect of their organisation that has undergone the most change since the coronavirus outbreak, ahead of people (24 percent) and processes (22 percent). More →

Working under lockdown is straining mental health

Working under lockdown is straining mental health

New researchdeskless worker from Quinyx, claims to reveal the impact coronavirus is having on the mental health of the UK’s “deskless workers.” The research indicates that a pre-existing mental health issue among workers is being made worse as a result of the lockdown. Prior to the outbreak, 38 percent of remote workers said that their job had negatively impacted their mental health in the last twelve months. Since the outbreak, more than half of respondents (52 percent) say that coronavirus has made this worse.

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Vast majority neglecting breaks when working from home

Vast majority neglecting breaks when working from home

working from homeA new study claims that “microbreaks” have decreased for 95 percent of employees during home working, as lockdown sees people glued to our desks more ever before. The ‘Working from home’ study, conducted by Wildgoose, asked employees from 133 companies throughout the UK how their working day differs at home compared to in the office, whether they wanted to continue working from home after lockdown has finished, and how companies could improve home working practices. More →

Brits are among the most fervent remote workers during the coronavirus crisis

Brits are among the most fervent remote workers during the coronavirus crisis

remote workers A new survey by CASS Business School, IESE Business School and HR Service Provider SD Worx claims that two thirds (65 percent) of British employees are working remotely during the lockdown. Almost half (47 percent) of the new batch of remote workers had never worked remotely before the COVID-19 crisis. The research focussed on salaried white-collar workers and covered six countries: Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. More →

Wellbeing at work was falling even before the lockdown

Wellbeing at work was falling even before the lockdown

Wellbeing at workWork has made our wellbeing worse over the last two years, according to new research from the CIPD. A survey of more than 6,000 workers found the number of people saying work has a positive impact on their mental health has fallen from 44 per cent to 35 per cent. Not only does this highlight that employers haven’t done enough to tackle the issue to date, according to the CIPD,  it raises concerns about the further impact COVID-19 could have on people’s wellbeing, given many are worried about contracting the virus at work, losing their job or bearing the brunt of other cutbacks by their employer. More →

Right, said Fred. Here I am again

Right, said Fred. Here I am again

If there has been an underlying driver of workplace thinking over the past several decades, it has been a rejection of the principles of scientific management. These begat the idea of the office as a factory, subject to the same rigid times and places of work and the same culture of process, efficiency and productivity. This made a pantomime villain of its key figure Frederick Taylor. The worst adjective you could use to describe a working culture was Taylorist. More →

The second wave of digital transformation after lockdown

The second wave of digital transformation after lockdown

The reimagining of business in the digital age to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements has been happening at varying speed for decades. The coronavirus pandemic is impacting digital transformation in a range of ways. More →

Data is changing the role of the workplace and HR

Data is changing the role of the workplace and HR

Business leaders have been heavily dependent on HR, real estate, and technology functions working together to help their organisation adapts to this new world of work during the pandemic. Ensuring personal safety, promoting wellbeing, encouraging collaboration, and maintaining efficient service delivery will never be more important than in the coming months. The challenge facing CRE leaders is how to advise on the appropriate range of workspaces and hygiene standards to allow organisations and their people to thrive, and how to cut through the complexity of accessing and interpreting data to achieve this. More →