Search Results for: future of work

Flexible working is here to stay as organisations recognise effect on productivity

Flexible working is here to stay as organisations recognise effect on productivity

flexible workingTo mark the start of National Work Life Week, work-life balance charity Working Families has launched the results of a survey of employers who have invested in creating family-friendly workplaces with flexible working. Reflecting the views of 26 Working Families employer members, the survey gives a snapshot of employer best practice during the pandemic, showing how organisations have risen to the challenge of supporting their staff. More →

Majority of office workers plan to split their week between the office and home

Majority of office workers plan to split their week between the office and home

office workersNew independent polling commissioned by the British Council for Offices (BCO), suggests that, once Government measures allow, Britain is set to move to a ‘mixed’ working style, with time in the office balanced with time at home. The survey, which polled over 2,000 office workers nationwide, took place prior to new Government measures and found an appetite to get back to the office. More →

People not fully aware of remote work monitoring tech

People not fully aware of remote work monitoring tech

remote workThe majority of people are not aware of the nature of new remote work monitoring technology, but do not like the idea of it. According to a new polling commissioned by the Prospect union, around two thirds of workers are uncomfortable with workplace tech like keystroke and camera monitoring and wearables being used when working remotely. More →

Two thirds of people believe their work travel patterns have changed permanently

Two thirds of people believe their work travel patterns have changed permanently

TravelAlphabet (GB) has published a new report examining how the pandemic has accelerated changes to travel and transport, altering consumer and business travel habits in UK cities. With mass migration to working from home, in March, road traffic travel dropped to levels not seen since 1955 and journeys on the London Underground fell by 95 percent. The report suggests that only six percent of those travelling to work by train feel comfortable, dropping to just four percent for tube users. More →

Remote work is harming workplace friendships, survey claims

Remote work is harming workplace friendships, survey claims

remote work and relationshipsFriendships at work have long been a debated topic pre-COVID: arguments either side profess these to be both conducive or a hindrance to productivity and creativity. Yet, according to research into the state of employee wellbeing conducted by Perkbox, 45 percent of 1,296 respondents say that maintaining emotional wellbeing still remains one of the biggest remote work challenges facing businesses, with 65 percent believing that workplace friendships – now even more critical in the ‘new working world’ – are suffering. More →

Career priorities transformed by COVID-19 as workers seek more ethical jobs

Career priorities transformed by COVID-19 as workers seek more ethical jobs

Covid-19 has shifted UK worker career priorities with professionals turning towards more socially-conscious employers including the Environment Agency and Oxfam, according to a survey of more than 23,000 people, by Universum. More →

Workers calls for more action on diversity and inclusion

Workers calls for more action on diversity and inclusion

Almost half (46 percent) of Britain’s workforce think their employer could do more when it comes to diversity, with 58 percent of employees from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds agreeing, according to a report from Culture Shift. Despite 79 percent of employees confirming that working somewhere with a diverse workforce is an important factor for their happiness at work, 40 percent think diversity seems like less of a priority in the workplace currently, with 50 percent stating it should be more of a priority. More →

The stage is set for the next phase of working life

The stage is set for the next phase of working life

The debate about the effects of the pandemic on working life appears to have entered its next phase. Don’t ask me to define it precisely because I’m still coming to terms with the others. But here it is. More →

New demand for office space indicates mass `return to work`

New demand for office space indicates mass `return to work`

Return to workWater cooler chats and the buzz of office life is set to remain on hold until at least the New Year as businesses look to restructure their office needs from January. A government drive to see more office employees return to work in the workplace has seen a rise in commuters to more than 60 percent according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics. More →

Time to get on board with the psychological effects of working from home

Time to get on board with the psychological effects of working from home

It almost goes without saying that this year has seen a rapid shift towards remote working, with many companies now moving to a flexible working model. From a business perspective, many employees are proving that they can still get their work done working from home. But what is the psychological impact of this? And are companies doing enough to research and prevent any negative psychological effects of remote working? More →

When it comes to describing the new world of work, the Scandis have a name for it

When it comes to describing the new world of work, the Scandis have a name for it

The Scandinavian way of workWe have very clearly arrived at a point of inflection in the world of work right now, with more time than ever spent pondering some of its bigger questions. Like what will individuals expect from their place of work? What will employers be willing to offer them? How will the culture – the very fabric – of our offices change as a result of the pandemic? In the midst of all the head scratching and soul searching over what this brave new world of work might look like, there is an increasingly vocal minority arguing that a new, better path has already been paved. Where? In Scandinavia, of course. More →

Lockdown loneliness strikes remote workers

Lockdown loneliness strikes remote workers

LonelinessA new survey by UK job board Totaljobs, claims that despite increased appetite in the UK for remote working practices to continue into the future, the disconnection from the day-to-day social interactions of the workplace and the encroachment of work on our home lives has seen feelings of loneliness and isolation take hold, in a workforce already struggling to adapt to the challenge of the ‘new normal’. More →