Search Results for: government

Australia needs to do more to tackle the problems of mental health at work

Australia needs to do more to tackle the problems of mental health at work 0

Mental health and workOne in five Australians suffer from a mental health  disorder and employers need to do more to tackle the related issues. That is the central claim made in a new OECD report called Mental Health and Work: Australia. The study claims that mental health issues cost the Australian economy AUD 28.6 billion per year, equivalent to 2.2 percent of GDP. Adding indirect costs, such as productivity loss or sickness absence, nearly doubles that amount. The report is the ninth in a series of reports looking at how education, health, social and labour market policy challenges identified in a 2012 report called Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work are being tackled in OECD countries. The report suggest that while Australia’s recent mental health reform is an important and helpful development, the country ‘needs to do more to help people with mild to moderate mental health issues at and into work’.

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Six human resources costs you might avoid by choosing the right office

Six human resources costs you might avoid by choosing the right office 0

1573_24-04-2015_8503According to a report from Colliers International, the majority of commercial office space in Australia and New Zealand is occupied by government departments and firms working in the business services, finance and insurance sectors. Other than government and the Not for Profit (NFP) sector, a prime motivation for every CEO, business owner and manager is the search for increased profitability. In most instances, a business has three pathways to increasing profitability. The first is through increasing turnover or sales (assuming the cost base remains equitable), the second is through reducing costs, and the third is by improving productivity. I have previously written quite a lot about the relationship between office space and productivity increases, but this article will explore one of the most insidious elements associated with any businesses cost base (including government) and that is staff turnover.

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Groundbreaking office sharing scheme rolled out to over 100 UK councils

Groundbreaking office sharing scheme rolled out to over 100 UK councils 0

Manchester_town_hallOne of the most intriguing and yet least talked about developments in the UK’s workplace design and management scene over the past couple of years has been the roll out of the One Public Sector Estate scheme, which encourages local authorities to share and divest parts of their vast, messy and under-utilised estate. The Cabinet Office, the central government department behind the scheme, claims that the current programme involving 32 local authorities will yield around £129 million in property sales and savings of £77 million in running costs over a period of five years. Now, more than 100 councils are set to join the scheme including several that are set to acquire greater autonomy through the Government’s plans for devolution. The new regions set to sign up to the programme include Greater Manchester, the City of Liverpool, West Midlands and Sheffield as part of 24 new ‘partnerships’.

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Lack of talent will hold back any investment in infrastructure and building

Lack of talent will hold back any investment in infrastructure and building 0

talent shortageWhen faced with inconvenient facts, there is always a temptation to just ignore them. It’s a temptation to which the big thinkers of the political class readily succumb, especially when they’re selling an idea. So it was with George Osborne’s Autumn Statement, which maintained the Chancellor’s commitment to using public sector spending on infrastructure to boost the economy. This intriguingly Keynesian way of thinking seems pretty seamless, especially while the memory endures of what happens when you use credit to grow the economy. But it rests on the assumption that there is a limitless supply of the right people to build things in the first place. The flaws in this way of thinking are already becoming evident with HS2, a project that continues to drain talent away from the rail network’s already disastrous investment programme. A growing number of voices are raised to point them out on other issues too.

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RICS issues new international property measurement statement

RICS issues new international property measurement statement 0

RICS statementFrom 1 January 2016, all property measurements undertaken or commissioned by RICS’ professionals will need to comply with its new Property Measurement Professional Statement, which incorporates the new International Property Measurement Standard (IPMS), that changes the way office buildings are measured worldwide. The IPMS was developed by the independent Standards Setting Committee to address how different measurements create inconsistencies between regions. According to RICS, the change represents a major advance and will be welcomed by investors, occupiers and governments. RICS is making the new Property Measurement Professional Statement (incorporating IPMS) mandatory for all its professionals that undertake or commission property measurements in order to assure clients of surveyors that they will benefit from international best practice as the norm when working with RICS professionals.

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Six hour working day + WeWork London plans + Megacities & COP21 0

Insight_twitter_logo_2In this week’s newsletter; Mark Eltringham argues the six hour working day is a deeply conservative idea, dressed up in radical clothing; Matias Rodsevic says it’s important to understand what employee engagement actually means and Darren Bilsborough identifies seven separate layers or “skins” of workplace productivity. As COP21 gets underway, there’s evidence that Megacities are taking the lead in climate action, WeWork unveils its latest plans to dominate London; three new reports reveal technological confusion in the workplace; and a study says the Government’s challenge is how best to match its commitments with its resources. You can also download the new issue of Work&Place and access our first Insight Briefing, produced in partnership with Connection, which looks at agile working in the public sector. Visit our new events page, follow us on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group to discuss these and other stories.

Built environment crucial to attaining emissions targets say RICS of COP21

Built environment crucial to attaining emissions targets say RICS of COP21 0

Built environmentThe built environment has a vital role to play in helping governments meet their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions targets says RICS – ahead of the 21st Conference of the Parties or COP21. This begins on Monday, when 196 governments meet in Paris for the climate change summit hosted by the United Nations. Buildings are some of the biggest emitters of CO2 accounting for one-third of global greenhouse gasses. Commercial and residential buildings also account for 40 percent of the world’s energy consumption. RICs is working with members in the land, real estate and construction sectors to find solutions across the property lifecycle to support more sustainable business practices, and will be in Paris to join stakeholders from governments, industry and civil society to support efforts to reach an agreement. The commitments made at the summit could have far-reaching repercussions for the built environment, and the global economy more generally.

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Women earn less than men because they make different choices, report confirms

Women earn less than men because they make different choices, report confirms 0

Tilting at windmills-page-001In spite of its own attempts to link it to the gender pay gap a new report, Opportunities and outcomes in education and work: Gender effects, released yesterday by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), merely confirms that the key factors that determine how much people earn are the jobs they do and the hours they work. The report shows that male workers are paid on average 19 percent more than female workers. However, a report this year from the ONS confirmed that women now earn slightly more than men in like for like jobs up to the age of 35 and the UKCES report shows that it is career and personal choices that explain the gap in incomes across the whole economy. This confirms that the keys to closing the overall pay gap are for women to enter higher paying fields such as STEM and construction as well as employers offering flexible working arrangements and greater support for parents in their careers.

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Last chance to book next week’s Worktech London at a discounted rate

Last chance to book next week’s Worktech London at a discounted rate 0

Canary-Wharf_1-300x199In just over a week’s time, Worktech, the international conference series on the future of work, workplace and technology will return to Level 39 – Europe’s largest technology accelerator space. The event will bring together over 350 of the biggest and brightest names to debate, discuss and divulge the latest thinking on the future of work. Companies booked to attend include ANZ, AON, Allen & Overy, Arup, Barclays, Cabinet Office, Catlin, Central Working, Cisco, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, Diageo, Discovery, Ebay, EE, Ernst & Young, GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, IKEA, ITV, International Group for Environment and Development, Kings College London, Lenovo, McKinsey, Microsoft, National Grid, Royal Bank of Scotland, Schroders, Sonos, UBS, Vasakronan and Vodafone. Worktech15 takes place on 17th and 18th November and Insight readers can enjoy discounted tickets.

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Women should sit on third of all FTSE boards by 2020, says Davies report

Women should sit on third of all FTSE boards by 2020, says Davies report 0

Women_at_workAll FTSE 350 boards should have 33 percent female representation by 2020, a five year investigation of gender equality has concluded. The recommendations were made by Lord Davies in his final report on Women on Boards which began looking into the obstacles preventing many women from reaching senior positions back in February 2011. Earlier this year the UK’s FTSE 100 reached a milestone of 25 percent of board positions being filled by women – the target set by Lord Davies in 2011. Although there are more women on FTSE 350 boards than ever before, with representation of women more than doubling since 2011 – the latest report proposes a series of recommendations including the voluntary target of 33 percent representation of women on FSTE 350 boards, and the creation of an independent steering body to help create momentum to ensure a voluntary business-led approach is continued for a further five year period.

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Insight Briefing: the growth of agile workplaces in the UK public sector

Insight Briefing: the growth of agile workplaces in the UK public sector 0

agile working coverThe process of transforming the UK’s public sector estate may have begun under the last Labour administration but it’s fair to say that change really began to kick in as a consequence of the austerity programme initiated by the current administration. Central Government departments and local authorities had already started exploring new ways of owning and occupying their property in the same way as their private sector contemporaries. Now they were incentivised to respond to an administration that was not only prepared to cut their budgets but was introducing frameworks and legislation that encouraged them to innovate and pioneer a new generation of agile workplaces. In our first Insight Briefing, produced in partnership with Connection, we look at how these forces for change have catalysed a new approach and challenged the idea that innovation in workplace design and management is primarily the preserve of the private sector.

The October 2015 issue of Work&Place is now available to view online

The October 2015 issue of Work&Place is now available to view online 0

Cafe cropThe new issue of Work&Place is now available. As ever it has informed and challenging contributions from some of the world’s greatest workplace thinkers. Antony Slumbers challenges the idea that an uncertain workplace is something of which we should be afraid; Giuseppe Boscherini considers how we choose where to go to have our best ideas; Beatriz Arantes takes a journey into the inner world of neuroscience and considers what it might mean for how we work; John Eary shares research on the link between personality and performance in agile workers; Amanda Sterling considers how workplace transformation is manifesting itself in New Zealand; Kati Barklund explores the relationship between workplace design and HR metrics; Paul Carder discovers the missing links between economic activity and the workplace; Sue Gregson weighs up the implications of an updated green building standard; and I look at how changing demographics are reshaping Government policy worldwide.