Search Results for: leadership

Gartner report sets out top 5 priorities for HR leaders in 2020

Gartner report sets out top 5 priorities for HR leaders in 2020

HR leadersAs 2020 approaches, HR leaders are focused on five key measures to continue driving business outcomes, according to a report from Gartner. The priorities include: building critical skills and competencies, strengthening the current and future leadership bench, incorporating organisational design and change management, driving digital business transformation, and enhancing employee experience. More →

Worrying disconnect between small business leaders and workers

Worrying disconnect between small business leaders and workers

A new report from Microsoft claims that there is a worrying disconnect between small business leaders and their employees. Over three quarters of leaders (79 percent) say they disclose as much information as possible with their staff and 85 percent agree employees perform much better when empowered with information. However, just 36 percent of employees say their business has a culture of transparency, and even less (18 percent) think their organisation has a clear vision or goal. More →

Businesses fear that a failure to embrace automation will make them irrelevant

Businesses fear that a failure to embrace automation will make them irrelevant

Automation The majority of UK businesses fear becoming ‘irrelevant’ within the next five years through failing to make a successful transition to an automated workplace. To avoid this risk, organisations need to collaborate with their workforces to embrace automation and artificial intelligence, a new report from Capita warns. The report Robot wars or automation alliances? People, technology and the future of work calls for an honest dialogue between business leaders and employees – and urgent, multi-stakeholder action to support employees in the transition to a more automated world. More →

Over a third of workers already consider themselves entrepreneurs

Over a third of workers already consider themselves entrepreneurs

startups and entrepreneursForty percent of workers already consider themselves entrepreneurs according to The Myers-Briggs Company research report, Type and entrepreneurship, which investigates the relationship between personality and entrepreneurship in the workplace. The research suggests that entrepreneurial businesses perform better financially, and thus, creating a work environment where employees of all personality types can embrace their entrepreneurial qualities is beneficial to businesses. More →

Merging workplace cultures and breaking habits

Merging workplace cultures and breaking habits

Ricoh London workplaceHuman beings are hardwired to be creatures of habit. From birth, we learn behaviours and develop routines that are reinforced over time through repetition. Researchers at MIT claim the neurons in our brains are responsible for this process. When someone begins a new activity a certain part of the brain kicks into gear, helping them to learn the exercise quickly. But once the action is repeated successfully, the scientists found, those same neurons only really come to life at the beginning and end of the activity. This is the reason that mundane tasks, like getting dressed or driving a car often feel like they’re performed on ‘autopilot’ and why breaking bad habits is so difficult, including those we develop in the workplace. More →

Performance management systems still a major drag for HR leaders

Performance management systems still a major drag for HR leaders

performance managementFewer than one-fifth of HR leaders believe that performance management is effective at achieving its primary objective, according to a report from Gartner (registration). Though companies have been prioritising performance management improvements for years, 81 percent of HR leaders are still making changes and experimenting with their organisation’s efforts, according to the report. Most efforts to fix the issues are centred on reducing effort with the survey claiming that two-thirds of HR leaders focused on making processes either easier or less time consuming. However, reducing the effort managers and employees must put into the systems has significant negative effects. More →

Bad meetings lead to problems away from the meeting itself

Bad meetings lead to problems away from the meeting itself

A new report from Dr Steven Rogelberg of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the author of The Surprising Science of Meetings, examines how meetings are conducted and the effect of both good and bad meetings on participants, and to expand on ideas from the academic’s previous research, including meeting leadership, inclusivity, and something called meeting recovery syndrome. More →

Gulf between the values of businesses and those of employees

Gulf between the values of businesses and those of employees

organisational valuesA new study from The Institute of Leadership & Management claims there is a significant gulf between the organisational values held by UK businesses and the personal values of their workers, and highlights the different values considered important to men and women, younger and older workers and between sectors. More →

Strongest year ever for the number of women on FTSE 100 boards

Strongest year ever for the number of women on FTSE 100 boards

The latest Hampton-Alexander report shows that women now hold 32.4 percent of all FTSE 100 board positions, up from 30.2 percent last year and up from only 12.5 percent in 2011. The FTSE 100 is very close to meeting the 33 percent target for Women on Boards and will do so ahead of the 2020 deadline. The report also shows that women hold 29.6 percent of all FTSE 250 board positions, up from 24.9 percent last year and only 7.8 percent in 2011. The FTSE 250 has had its strongest year yet and if the same rate of progress continues next year, the FTSE 350 will be on track to meet the 33 percent target by the end of 2020 deadline. More →

Next generation of property talent celebrated at BCO NextGen Awards

Next generation of property talent celebrated at BCO NextGen Awards

BCO NextGen AwardsThe UK’s rising stars in the commercial property sector have been recognised at the British Council for Offices’ (BCO) fourth annual NextGen Awards ceremony. The Awards are part of the BCO’s NextGen programme, which sets out to mentor and encourage the next generation of professionals to become future leaders in the industry, whilst providing a platform for new talent to share ideas. The ceremony, which took place at The Porter Tun, London, was attended by the country’s top designers, developers, architects and occupiers under the age of 35. It celebrated the achievements and successes of young professionals in the commercial property sector across the UK, and the leaders who have inspired them. More →

Corporate sanctioned mindfulness is no fix for stress

Corporate sanctioned mindfulness is no fix for stress

Corporate sanctioned mindfulness is often nothing but a sticking plaster for stressThe use of mindfulness techniques in the corporate world could actually do more harm than good to employees, having little more than a ‘band aid’ or ‘quick fix’ effect, according to new research from Durham University Business School. More →

The push and pull of the workplace for parents

The push and pull of the workplace for parents

working parentsThe experiences and attitudes of working parents are explored in two new reports which offer contrasting views on what happens to the careers and skills of mothers and fathers. The first from CWJobs uncovers the fears parents have of being left behind by technology while they take time away from their careers to care for children, while the second looks at the ways in which parenthood might improve people’s skills and ability to deal with complex roles. More →