Search Results for: london

Carbuncle Cup winner, the ‘Walkie Talkie’ is nearly fully let

Carbuncle Cup winner, the ‘Walkie Talkie’ is nearly fully let 0

Carbuncle Cup winner 'Walkie Talkie' nearly fully letIt may have the dubious distinction of being awarded the Carbuncle Cup of the year; but 20 Fenchurch Street in the City of London, better known as the ‘Walkie Talkie’ is now almost 98 percent let. Canary Wharf Group and Land Securities have announced that Castleton Commodities International (“CCI”) has leased the top office floor of the building on a long term lease. With the recent letting of level 31 to credit rating agency DBRS, just 15,000 sq ft of office space remains at the 37 storey building, which has been accused of creating a wind tunnel around its base and has also required alterations to its façade after it was found to be reflecting and magnifying light from the sun onto nearby streets. According to Magesh Nair, CCI’s Chief Operating Officer the building will provide the operational resilience required for its business, and is an “optimal environment for our employees and visitors.”

And the unsurprising winner of the Carbuncle Cup this year is…

And the unsurprising winner of the Carbuncle Cup this year is… 0

Walkie Talkie, winner of the Carbuncle CupIn one of the least surprising announcements of the year so far, Building Design magazine has announced that this year’s winner of its annual Carbuncle Cup is London’s Walkie Talkie. The building, officially 20 Fenchurch Street in the City of London, was always the frontrunner. Its bulbous 37-storey design has always been a source of contention with the Government, UNESCO and English Heritage raising objections to its impact on the London skyline. During its construction it raised practical concerns in addition to its undeniable aesthetic challenges and the shaky design of its ‘sky garden’, most notably by reflecting and concentrating sunlight to fry the street below (a problem solved by a multi-million pound investment in alterations to the facade) and by funnelling strong winds around its base (an issue that has prompted a wider look into the impact of tall buildings at street level).

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We need to do more than pay lip service to workplace wellbeing

We need to do more than pay lip service to workplace wellbeing 0

BlakeEnvelopes-WorkSpace1Too many companies continue to talk about employees as their ‘greatest asset’ yet their fine words are not always not borne out in their behaviour, be that through working culture, remuneration or environment. With more and more investors using employee wellness and engagement as a barometer for the health, stability and culture of the business – the concept of workplace wellbeing is finally garnering the attention it deserves. Our workplace behaviours, cultures and environments are not keeping us fit, well, productive, happy or profitable. Finally businesses are accepting their moral responsibility to take better care of their people. So what affects employee productivity, creativity and happiness and how can changes to the workplace promote the best financial and moral outcomes for businesses and employees alike?

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A third of British workers believe their jobs have no meaning

A third of British workers believe their jobs have no meaning 0

10922702_421299938018878_2523462923584747909_nHere’s a cheery little snippet to welcome you back to work after your holidays and/or washed out Bank Holiday weekend. More than a third of British workers say their job is making no meaningful contribution to the world, claims a report from researchers YouGov. According to the study of just over 900 British workers, around 37 percent say their job is not meaningful, half of respondents (50 percent) say their job actually is meaningful to them, and 13 percent are unsure. Men (42 percent) are more likely to say their jobs are meaningless than women (32 percent). Despite this, most people with ‘meaningless’ jobs say it’s unlikely they will change jobs in the next 12 months – 53 percent, compared to 35 percent who say they might change jobs. According to the report, people who work in London are the most likely to feel unfulfilled by their jobs but, then again, they do work in London.

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Lack of flexible working cost firms £1.5 million during tube strikes

Lack of flexible working cost firms £1.5 million during tube strikes 0

tube-strike-imageThe strikes by London Underground workers over the past two months have cost UK businesses some 1.5 million working hours because they did not have the flexible working policies and systems in place to allow them to adapt. According to a study of 1,000 employees from comms provider MeetingZone, just nine percent of firms offered staff the chance to work from home. Nearly three quarters (72 percent) of respondents said they felt let down by their employers’ policies and response to  the strikes. The lost working time cited by the report has been calculated on the basis of people arriving late for work. Almost half of respondents claimed they were up to an hour late arriving at work on the days of the strikes with two-thirds (66 percent) claiming they were an average of 38 minutes late. A further two strikes are planned for 8 and 10 September.

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The long hours culture may be making us unwell and less productive

The long hours culture may be making us unwell and less productive 0

Long hours cultureWe should have worked out by now that long hours and productivity are not the same thing. It’s been a long-standing issue in the UK where people manage to combine some of the longest working hours in Europe with levels of productivity that fall habitually some way behind those of our partners on the mainland. Over the past couple of weeks a couple of reports have been published which not only make the point that the long hours culture and an obsession with work may actually be reducing our productivity and even harming us physically, emotionally and psychologically. The range of ailments associated with the dysfunctional ways we work include stress, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, relationship breakdown, a range of infections and feelings of isolation. The question they posit is whether it’s all worth it, especially if we’re not getting as much done as we’d like to think.

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Flexible working and coworking are disrupting property markets worldwide

Flexible working and coworking are disrupting property markets worldwide 0

wework-soho-london-1Coworking space and the growth of flexible are already having a major disruptive effect on commercial property markets worldwide, according to a study from real estate trade association CoreNet Global. The survey of members representing a diverse range of sectors found that the two most disruptive trends in the market over the short to medium term are flexible working environments (64  percent) and new technology (64 percent). The report, which has been issued to CoreNet members ahead of the organisation’s 2015 EMEA Summit which will take place in London in September, claims that coworking spaces are capitalising on these trends to have a major disruptive effect on local property markets and are particularly attractive to occupiers from specific sectors such as those working in financial technology.

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Car sharing and longer commutes are the keys to workforce mobility

Car sharing and longer commutes are the keys to workforce mobility 0

Car sharingThe Government should introduce new policies to incentivise people to car share and travel further afield to find work. Those are two of the key finding of a new report, On The Move, from the think tank Policy Exchange which sets out ways to improve the mobility of the British workforce. Making it easier for people to commute twenty minutes further afield would put them in touch with at least one additional major urban area and potentially 10,000 more job opportunities, according to the report. Additionally, it suggests that drivers who offer fellow commuters a lift should be given a tax break. The authors claim that in a third of local authorities that make up the eight city regions no major employment sites (defined as having 5,000 or more jobs) are within a twenty minute commute by public transport and 80 percent of these Local Authorities have an unemployment rate above the national average.

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Using office relocation as a vehicle for positive organisational  change

Using office relocation as a vehicle for positive organisational change 0

Using office relocation positivelyThe impact of office relocation can no longer be solely measured in immediately tangible terms. This doesn’t mean market factors can be dismissed, especially given CBRE’s recent announcement that office vacancies are at an all-time low while rents skyrocket and favourable terms for tenants erode. However, in an era where 67 percent of workplaces cite employee attraction and retention as the most important driver of their workplace design, and 46 percent cite productivity, the human factor also can’t be ignored. If such CBRE statistics aren’t challenging enough, there are also the realities of the modern workspace to contend with, such as creating an environment that suits generations of employees. It’s these human impacts that drive the importance of workplace design and urge top-flight businesses to use office relocation as a vehicle for positive change. Here are some of the latest findings.

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Insight Weekly on GenY, digital workplaces, productivity and more

Insight Weekly on GenY, digital workplaces, productivity and more

Insight_twitter_logo_2In this week’s issue; three new studies have joined the already extensive body of work linking workplace design and productivity; how business practices and the way people use technology vary across sectors; and over half of US workers say the 9 to 5 day is an outmoded concept. Amanda Sterling argues social media at work can help shift the power dynamic from the few to the many; Gary Chandler explains how workplace design can express a firm’s culture and Mark Eltringham explores what the Midwich Cuckoos can tell us about Generation Y. The Government challenges businesses to consider the boost untapped disabled talent could bring to their workforce and CoWorking giant WeWork looks to acquire over 1 million sq. ft. of space in London. Subscribe for free quarterly issues of Work&Place and weekly news here, follow us on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group to discuss these and other stories.

City firms adopt more flexible working, but it starts from the top

City firms adopt more flexible working, but it starts from the top

Flexible workingEmployers in the City of London are increasingly open to the idea of flexible working, claims a study of 1,000 workers by recruitment firm Astbury Marsden. According to the study, a third of men working in the City (34 percent) say they now have some flexibility over the hours they work, whether through flexi-time, working a certain number of hours annually or compressed hours. This is up from 28 percent last year. Meanwhile a smaller proportion of female City workers (30 percent) claim they now have the option of flexible working, up from 23 percent in 2014. The research indicates that although women in the City are more likely than men to work part-time or term-time hours or job-share, with over a quarter being able to do so (26 percent), almost one in five men (18 percent) say they also have this option available to them.

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Growth in demand for scarce office space will lead to rents rise

Growth in demand for scarce office space will lead to rents rise

Growth in demand for commercial property as availability dropsDemand from business for commercial property rose for the eleventh consecutive quarter, while available space fell for the ninth successive period, according to the latest RICS Commercial Market Survey. As a result, rents are expected to rise at the fastest pace since the survey began in 1998 with 46 percent more respondents forecasting higher, rather than lower, rent rates going forward. Offices remain the segment of the market where rental expectations remain most buoyant, while retail continues to lag, although even in this area, momentum is picking up. Across the whole of the UK, but excluding the capital, 95 percent of respondents believe that current commercial market valuations are either at or below fair value (roughly unchanged since Q1 2015). However, in London 50 percent of contributors now feel that commercial office space valuations are ‘expensive’ – an increase from 45 percent in the first quarter of this year.

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