May 17, 2022
Despite low productivity, UK firms still don’t look for ways to improve on past performance
Despite the UK’s persistent low productivity, less than a fifth of business owners are actively looking back at projects to identify areas for improvement. A large proportion of business owners (65 per cent) and senior managers (82 per cent) have increased their use of project-based methods on everyday tasks, such as introducing measures to identify and manage risk. Despite this, many are still failing to assign enough dedicated project managers to the work. New research from the Association for Project Management (APM) claims that only 35 per cent of senior managers who participated in the survey regularly assign dedicated project managers to tasks, and only a quarter for business owners. More →
May 11, 2022
Facilities managers: you never noticed us because we did such a great job
by Simon Heath • Comment, Facilities management, Workplace design
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