Search Results for: office

People working from home should be taxed for the privilege, says Deutsche Bank

People working from home should be taxed for the privilege, says Deutsche Bank

working from homePeople working from home should be taxed at a higher rate to compensate for the money they aren’t spending on commuting and other expenses, according to a new report from economists at Deutsche Bank. The report argues that the move could generate billions in additional revenue which could then be redistributed to lower paid workers and those who cannot work remotely. The report argues that this should have happened anyway given that the number of Americans who regularly worked from home had already increased by 173 percent between 2005 and 2018. More →

Green commercial properties prove their worth

Green commercial properties prove their worth

green Nearly half of respondents in a global survey reported stronger occupier and investor demand for commercial properties with green building certificates. This translates into higher rents according to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, RICS, sustainability findings within its global commercial property monitor for the third quarter. More →

Productivity and wellbeing highest in companies with a connected culture

Productivity and wellbeing highest in companies with a connected culture

connected cultureRingCentral UK Ltd, has released the findings of its Connected Culture Report claiming that employees working for companies that foster a “connected culture” are twice as likely (34 percent vs. 15 percent) to be productive when working from anywhere, than those that don’t. More →

New to working from home? Here is how you should set up

New to working from home? Here is how you should set up

Companies are in danger of losing top talent due to lack of flexible workingThe past year has been something of a game-changer in many ways and perhaps one of the most unexpected has been how people have had to embrace the idea of working from home. More →

Stepping back into the workplace arena 

Stepping back into the workplace arena 

workplace arenaDr Brené Brown is one of those individuals whom I find myself channelling, particularly during challenging times. Her views on the power of vulnerability and her call to be brave and ‘step into the arena’ have shaped my career. In a crisis, we need to be courageous and ready for the fight. It’s not just about rolling with the punches. It’s about knowing that it’s ok to get knocked down, because there will be someone to help you get back up.   More →

Covid-19 crisis has created unique challenges for working single parents

Covid-19 crisis has created unique challenges for working single parents

ChallengesNew research published by Gingerbread and the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) highlights unique challenges for working single parents including for those who will lose their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 Crisis. As the country experiences a second Lockdown, and with growing unemployment and continued childcare restrictions, it is vital that the government provide better support to single parents. More →

Burnout, stress and disconnection are now our most urgent workplace mental health issues

Burnout, stress and disconnection are now our most urgent workplace mental health issues

burnoutThis has been a tough year all round, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to cause seismic shifts in how we live and work. Surveys across various countries indicate that employees are experiencing more feelings of burnout, stress and disconnection as the pandemic is taking a toll on people’s mental health. What’s causing this and what can we do to combat it? More →

What Carl Sagan could teach us about knowledge and information

What Carl Sagan could teach us about knowledge and information

Unbelievably for those of us who saw him as a personal hero, yesterday marked the 24th anniversary of the death of Carl Sagan. At the time of his death in 1996, the Internet was very much in its infancy but Sagan could see what was coming, including how we need to filter what is valuable from the deluge of information we now bob around in. Sagan put it like this: “all of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value.” More →

Workers lukewarm on both permanent remote work and the 9 to 5

Workers lukewarm on both permanent remote work and the 9 to 5

WorkersThe vast majority of UK office workers neither want to continue working remotely after Covid-19 restrictions lift nor make a full return to the 9 to 5. This is despite the fact that many admit that remote work has reduced their productivity. Those are the main claims of new research released by Locatee. Carried out by YouGov, the research claims to provide insight into UK office workers’ attitudes towards productivity, job security, and the prospect of further Covid-19 restrictions. More →

November lockdown reignites concerns about mental health and productivity

November lockdown reignites concerns about mental health and productivity

ProductivityA vast majority of managers (75 percent) faced challenges with employees when working remotely, causing concerns within businesses preparing for the second UK lockdown. More →

Working from home could energise some of our overlooked cities

Working from home could energise some of our overlooked cities

working from homeFor years, we have been promised a work-from-home revolution, and it seems that the pandemic has finally brought it to pass. In April this year, at the height of the first wave of coronavirus, 47 percent of people in the UK were working from home, the vast majority of them doing so because of the pandemic. In a sense this is overdue: the work-from-home potential for UK employees is 32 percent; in France, Germany and Italy between 24 percent and 28 percent. More →

Third of home workers feel disconnected, Leesman data shows

Third of home workers feel disconnected, Leesman data shows

flexible workingInsights from Leesman’s ongoing home working study of more than 145,000 workers has revealed that a significant number of employees feel disconnected to their colleagues and organisation, while others struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Over a third of home workers (35 percent) feel disconnected to their organisation when working from home and a further 31 percent feel disconnected to their colleagues, Leesman data has revealed. More →