Search Results for: office

Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go

Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go

car of 2050By 2050, cars will be completely driverless, electric and kitted out for hosting business meetings on the go, a report has claimed. Instead of a driving seat, there will be seats facing inwards and a screen for delivering presentations and making conference calls. The predictions in Auto Trader’s Car of the Future report are based on the forecasts of futurologist Tom Cheesewright and a survey of more than 2000 drivers to identify features that would be popular with consumers. More →

Flexible working: one in three undeterred by career damage

Flexible working: one in three undeterred by career damage

flexible workingOne in three US workers have told researchers nothing would stop them from taking advantage of flexible working options, despite the potential damage to their career. According to a survey of 1,000 US white-collar professionals by Deloitte, another one in three say the consequences for their professional growth and lack of trust from managers would put them off working flexibly. Eight in ten respondents agreed a traditional work setting, defined as regular attendance at an office or working normal business hours, is important for advancing their career. More →

Firms doing too little to tackle employee data breaches

Firms doing too little to tackle employee data breaches

data breachesInsider data breaches are a major concern for 97 percent of IT leaders, according to new research. About three quarters believe that employees have put data at risk in the past 12 months accidentally (78 percent) or intentionally (75 percent). When asked about the implications of these breaches, more than two in five said financial damage would be the area of greatest impact. More →

Look beyond the perks and reviews to get a clear view of an employer

Look beyond the perks and reviews to get a clear view of an employer

So, your most recent dining experience wasn’t great. The service was slow, the waiter seemed uninterested, and the wine glasses on the table had red lipstick stains on them. Your first instinct is to go online and share that negative experience with the world. Whether your intention is to blow off steam or warn other patrons that their filet won’t be worth the price, you have a right to share your experience. More →

Smart cities investment to rise by a fifth in 2020

Smart cities investment to rise by a fifth in 2020

smart citiesGlobal spending on smart cities initiatives will total about $124 billion this year, an increase of nearly a fifth on 2019, a new report suggests. The largest share of investments (one third) is currently in more advanced electricity and gas systems. Visual surveillance, advanced public transportation, intelligent traffic management and connected back office systems follow, representing more than half of spending. More →

Curiosity killed the stat: why we should avoid becoming slaves to data

Hands up. How many of you spend much/most of your time peddling data, charts and other fact-based information? And how much time do you spend challenging yourself, learning new ideas, indulging your curiosity and feeling a sense of surprise and fulfilment? And finally how much of the inquisitive, itchy child do you feel your job appeals to rather than the “only- 30-more-years-of-wage-slavery-if-I’m-lucky” mindset?

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No trade deal Brexit would cost UK £37bn in lost output by end of 2022

No trade deal Brexit would cost UK £37bn in lost output by end of 2022

UK GDP will be £37bn lower by the end 2022 if there is no trade deal with the EU by the end of this year than if trade talks continue beyond the government’s deadline, a report has claimed. The research by Oxford Economics (registration required) also predicts that financial markets would react negatively to a ‘no trade deal Brexit’, with sterling depreciating by 5 percent against the dollar in late 2020. It would drop around 3.5 percent against the euro, as the eurozone would also face reduced growth in this situation. More →

Six in ten workers worry about disappointing boss

Six in ten workers worry about disappointing boss

disappointingNearly six in 10 British workers (58 percent) worry about disappointing their manager, with more than a third (36 percent) saying they rely on praise from their boss to help boost their confidence at work, a survey has claimed. CV-Library surveyed over 2,000 UK professionals for the study, which also suggests the younger generation are most likely to worry about letting their boss down (83 percent of under 18s and 62 percent of 18-24 year olds), while only 53 percent of 55-64-year olds are concerned about this. More →

Watchdog raises concerns at councils` commercial property investments

Watchdog raises concerns at councils` commercial property investments

commercial property risksSome local authorities in England have invested significant public money in buying commercial property over the past three years with the aim of generating a financial return. Debt has increased for many of these authorities as a result, with a small group seeing significant increases in the amount they owe and the cost of repayment, according to the National Audit Office (NAO). More →

What performance culture can teach us about motivating employees in the workplace

What performance culture can teach us about motivating employees in the workplace

motivating employeesFrom start-ups to well-established companies, organisations thrive or fail on motivating employees. It’s mission-critical. Motivated employees are easy to spot – they tend to align their purpose to that of the company, are more innovative with their problem-solving and have a greater impact. Organisations must actively work to motivate and engage employees, giving them a sense of purpose. Otherwise, there’s a real risk of the company falling behind the competition and staying there. More →

Europe must do more to bring discoveries to market

Europe must do more to bring discoveries to market

discoveriesAlthough Europe has much scientific research to be proud of, the region falls worryingly short when it comes to commercialising its discoveries, a study has concluded. A fifth of the world’s leading 100 research organisations – as determined by factors such as the number of articles published in academic journals – are based in Europe, experts from IESE Business School, the European Commission and Oxford University, among others, claim. Yet researchers often lack the resources required to find the right market for their discoveries. More →

Workplace leaders must adapt to a new technological reality

Workplace leaders must adapt to a new technological reality

workplaceI speak with senior workplace leaders daily and those conversations, coupled with our research and that of other people, offer us a striking perspective on the trends and changing nature of the workplace and in particular the impact of technology. Some themes are cropping up time and time again in these conversations and research and point to a new technology-led reality that we must all address. More →