Half of US workers have a “side hustle” to earn more

Half of US workers have a “side hustle” to earn more

Illustration of gig workers who use a side hustle to boost their incomeNearly half (45 percent) of US workers say they earn extra income by using a side hustle, according to a new report from Bankrate.com. This includes both full-time (43 percent) and part-time (51 percent) workers. For most (66 percent), the extra money accounts for less than half of their monthly earnings. However, around a third of the 2,550 people surveyed say the extra income is needed to pay regular living expenses. Slightly more (34 percent) say they use the money for discretionary spending and 27 percent say it’s to boost their savings. More →

London workers more attracted to job than socialising

London workers more attracted to job than socialising

London workers more attracted by the job than socialising with colleaguesSocialising and drinking opportunities are some of the least enjoyable things about working in London, as loving their job and a chance to grow personally is more of an incentive for those who work in the Capital, a new report suggests. The survey of 1,000 London workers by Flexioffices, claims that 75 percent of employees in the city enjoy going to work for the personal development opportunities, training and the job itself. Flexible hours are becoming an increasingly enticing aspect of a job, with 21 percent of London workers liking their workplace because of the flexible hours available.

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Flexible working held back by poor data

Flexible working held back by poor data

Many managers still rely on gut feelings and inadequate or flawed data to make important but potentially poor decisions about real estate and flexible working. That is the main conclusion of a new piece of research by flexible workplace specialist Abintra. Published in a new report, the study highlights how corporations are struggling to manage office space efficiently as the trend towards agile and flexible working gathers momentum.

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Flexible working may not enhance productivity

Flexible working may not enhance productivity

flexible working at the office of GoogleThe majority of office employees (84 percent) believe good relationships with colleagues boost their quality of work, yet nearly three quarters (70 percent) admit to not knowing the people they work with very well, claims a new survey from Nespresso Professional. The study suggests that changing office environments and flexible working practices are not improving employees’ relationships with co-workers, or their creativity and output. More →

BT to dispose of 90 percent of real estate

BT to dispose of 90 percent of real estate

BT HQ in London real estateBT has announced that it plans to close more than 270 offices as part of a five-year programme to cut costs by around £1.5bn. The firm says it will retain 30 sites in its real estate portfolio, primarily those “containing modern, future-fit buildings, including corporate offices, contact centres and specialist sites”. BT has announced the first eight locations for its new consolidated offices as part of what it calls the “Better Workplace Programme”, which was first announced in May 2018. The offices will be located in London, Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester and Ipswich. More →

Workers want firms to improve environmental policies

Workers want firms to improve environmental policies

Majority of office workers want employers to improve environmental policiesResearch commissioned to mark today’s World Environment Day claims employees expect their employers to commit to better environmental policies and sustainability, with three quarters of office workers (73 percent) wanting their workplace to improve its sustainability policy, and nearly a quarter (24 percent) claiming they would refuse a job at an organisation with a poor sustainability record.

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Most people convinced they can do their job in four day week

Most people convinced they can do their job in four day week

An image of clocks to illustrate the idea of the four day weekA new report from job site Indeed explores what work means to people in the UK today. The Meaning of Work report analyses trends from the last five years, generated by more than 40 million monthly visitors to the firm’s website alongside the results of a YouGov survey of over 2,000 full-time employees. The report’s headline finding is that around three-quarters of people (74 per cent) already believe they could do their full time job to the same standard over the course of a four day week. More →

Air, light and comfortable temperature enhance performance

Air, light and comfortable temperature enhance performance

Report shows effect of office air, light and room temperature on performanceWorker performance could increase by 20 percent if the fresh air supply in offices and meeting rooms is improved, finds a new report developed by Sharp and workplace psychologist Dr Nigel Oseland. Creating the perfect meeting environment claims to highlight the importance of creating the right conditions for meetings in order to boost productivity and reviews the role of indoor air quality, temperature and lighting on office worker performance and wellness in meetings. The report identifies temperature as a key environmental factor that has an impact on memory recall, attention span, and creativity, which all affect performance.

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C-suite reskills to face challenge of disruption

C-suite reskills to face challenge of disruption

c-suiteAn emerging super-group of employees and consumers in the UK is adding intense pressure to already challenged C-suite leaders who are navigating tough economic, technological and geo-political environments – further threatening company growth, a new Accenture (NYSE: ACN) study finds. With nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of these powerful stakeholders believing they have the potential to destroy company value in the long term, the C-suite understands the need to respond. More →

Failure to understand employees creates culture of mistrust

Failure to understand employees creates culture of mistrust

CEOs failure to understand employees creating a culture of mistrustEmployees trust their CEOs less than they did seven years ago, although trust in line managers remains the same, new research claims. It also suggests that one of the reasons for mistrust is that CEOs seem unable to understand the role of their employees and the contributions they make to working culture. According to Trust in Leaders, by The Institute of Leadership & Management, workers trust their CEOs considerably less than they did in 2011, as compared to then, the results show trust in CEOs has fallen by 8 percent.

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HR managers most concerned about AI job threat

HR managers most concerned about AI job threat

artificial intelligenceA new study suggests that more than 7 in 10 Britons working in production are concerned that their jobs may be made obsolete thanks to developments in Artificial Intelligence in the coming years. What’s more, over two fifths of respondents believe AI could rebel against humans. As technology develops and more money and time is invested into AI, the public’s opinion has been explored, with those working in production, HR and construction uncovered to be the most worried that AI could take their jobs away from them. More →

Culture fit essential for personal productivity

Culture fit essential for personal productivity

cultural fit as depicted by a missing jigsaw pieceEmployees who feel they are a good fit for their role and the culture of their company are 36 percent more productive, claims a new report from ThriveMap (registration). The paper claims to reveal what a difference feeling like a natural fit for a job and organisational culture makes to employees. The survey of 1,000 people used in the report claims that employees who felt they fit their role and the culture of their employer rated their productivity at 7.2 out of 10. This compares to just 5.3 out of 10 for those employees who felt they were a poor fit for both these factors.

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