Search Results for: agile

The office will bounce back, but not as we remember it

The office will bounce back, but not as we remember it

Manchester officeLooking back, who could possibly have predicted 2020? It’s been such a difficult pandemic year for so many individuals and companies. Yet it’s also been a transformative time, which has seen dramatic shifts in the way we work. So, with some trepidation, here’s my forecast for the near future. This year will see the office bounce back, but not as we remember it. The office of the future will have an important new role as the physical embodiment of a changing corporate culture. More →

Working near home could save employees over £2,200 a year

Working near home could save employees over £2,200 a year

employeesEmployees could save over £2,200 a year and ‘get back’ 98 mins a day if companies adopted a ‘Work Near Home’ model for offices in the future, claims research from workspace company, The Instant Group and site location company, Hickey. For companies that adopt this approach, they could save upwards of 23 percent by utilising a “Hub and Spoke” model that removes reliance on city centres for office locations. More →

HR must catch its breath and address changing expectations after the pandemic

HR must catch its breath and address changing expectations after the pandemic

HR and the pandemicSomeone really should have warned HR and people leaders that we needed to strap ourselves in, right? Even then, would we have ever been completely prepared for the rollercoaster ride organisations have experienced because of the pandemic? As part of Sage’s research, ‘HR in the moment: changing perceptions and expectations in HR’, we spoke to more than 1,500 human resources leaders, c-suite executives and employees in the UK, US, Canada, and Australia, to discover how the pandemic and recent events have impacted the role, expectations and views of human resources teams globally. More →

Isolation of employees is IT teams’ greatest home-working concern

Isolation of employees is IT teams’ greatest home-working concern

employeesThe feelings of isolation being experienced by employees is the biggest concern IT and cybersecurity teams have around home working, say almost one third (31 percent) of respondents to the latest Twitter poll run by Infosecurity Europe. The objective was to investigate views on the current threat landscape, as remote working remains the norm and ‘lockdown fatigue’ sets in. More →

CBRE acquires 35 percent stake in flexible office provider Industrious

CBRE acquires 35 percent stake in flexible office provider Industrious

flexible office spaceCBRE Group has announced the acquisition of a 35 percent interest in Industrious, a provider of flexible office space, which will also see CBRE’s existing flexible workplace firm Hana absorbed into Industrious. CBRE is now Industrious’ largest shareholder. In addition, CBRE is expected to acquire an additional 5 percent of Industrious in the coming weeks, which would result in a 40 percent total stake. The investment significantly increases CBRE’s participation in the flexible workplace sector and positions the company to meet rising demand from occupiers for agile space solutions — a trend that is being accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. More →

‘Zoom rooms’ and breakout space top of the agenda for post-COVID offices

‘Zoom rooms’ and breakout space top of the agenda for post-COVID offices

officesNew data from real estate consultancy OBI claims that 70 percent of business leaders surveyed across Manchester have said they need to permanently change the design of their offices in order to suit the longer-term needs of their businesses and teams. More →

Flexibility and reskilling top priorities for UK employers in 2021

Flexibility and reskilling top priorities for UK employers in 2021

flexibilityThe COVID-19 pandemic is driving a fundamental shift in the way companies operate, accelerating the need for an adaptable and agile workforce to drive business success. According to Mercer’s 2021 Global Talent Trends study, the financial impact and work-life disruption caused by the pandemic is causing UK employers to focus on redefining flexibility and skills development to ensure their business and employees become more resilient and agile in the face of disruption.

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More than two-thirds of FM leaders resistant to technology progress

More than two-thirds of FM leaders resistant to technology progress

technologyOutdated attitudes towards technology amongst senior facilities management business leaders are at risk of jeopardising future business survival, claims new research by Sigma Dynamics. The Connected Enterprise report claims that 71 percent of C-suite executives, directors and senior managers are sceptical about the benefits of implementing new business technology. More →

GoSpace AI teams up with JLL to deliver a revolutionary occupancy management solution

GoSpace AI teams up with JLL to deliver a revolutionary occupancy management solution

GoSpace AI and JLL, a services firm specialising in real estate and investment management, are joining forces to transform how occupancy is supported in the post-pandemic, hybrid workplace. More →

Be by Bisley reinvented for 2021

Be by Bisley reinvented for 2021

Be by Bisley was at the forefront of the agile working revolution when it first entered the market in 2012. Now, with nearly a decade’s worth of success behind it, Be has been rapidly reinvigorated for the post-Covid workspace’s demands, allowing distancing with creativity and design, while also considering safety with a heightened appreciation of wellbeing. More →

Business leaders are overestimating their organisational agility capabilities

Business leaders are overestimating their organisational agility capabilities

agilityAlmost three-quarters (72 percent) of business leaders and 90 percent of CEOs across Europe see organisational agility as critical in driving business performance and growth, yet many are overestimating their capabilities, according to new research from ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW). More →

Office design will respond to the events of the past year as it always has – by getting better

Office design will respond to the events of the past year as it always has – by getting better

office designYou may have heard that history repeats itself, but that’s not really true. It doesn’t repeat. It rhymes. And nowhere is this more true than when it comes to office design. It’s worth bearing this in mind when we consider the effects of the events of 2020. Not only the pandemic and lockdown, but also the longer term economic, social and individual consequences. The details of this may be unprecedented, as many people have suggested, but the dynamics of it are not. We have not been here before, but we’ve been somewhere very like it. More →