Search Results for: retention

Record pay rises on the cards to address tough recruitment conditions

Record pay rises on the cards to address tough recruitment conditions

record pay risesEmployers anticipate offering record pay rises of 3 percent in 2022 as they look to combat increasing recruitment and retention difficulties. This is the headline finding from the CIPD’s latest quarterly Labour Market Outlook, which highlights the scale of the growing challenge facing organisations in finding and keeping staff, and how they are responding. This quarter’s pay award figure is the highest since the survey was conducted using its current methods in the winter 2012/13 report. The Labour Market Outlook surveyed more than 1,000 employers in January 2022 about their hiring, pay and redundancy intentions for the first quarter of the year. More →

ESG concerns mean half of younger workers considering career change

ESG concerns mean half of younger workers considering career change

Ethical behaviour ESGCompanies across the UK risk losing out on top talent if they fail to take account of younger workers’ greater ethical awareness, with the majority willing to sacrifice earnings for their values. New research by Robert Half claims that nearly two in five (38 percent) employees would look for a new role if they thought their organisation was not doing enough on ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues, such as reducing carbon emissions or operating ethically. More →

New business climate demands agility from managers, report claims

New business climate demands agility from managers, report claims

new business climate demands agilityA new report, The Big Reset Playbook: Change Agility (registration) from work trends analyst The Josh Bersin Company, claims that traditional approaches to change management have often fallen short of expectations, and that new workplace practices based on agility are now needed to manage change in a new business climate.  According to the report ‘businesses are looking to tackle the challenge of managing change in a new reality that includes the shift to hybrid working, globalization and The Great Resignation’. The research claims that in companies that successfully manage change, leaders and high performers reinforce the company’s mission and purpose, explain how their reinvented business models work, create cross-functional teams to design and implement change, and maintain forward momentum.  More →

Firms need to do more to engage, attract and retain staff

Firms need to do more to engage, attract and retain staff

Over 40 percent of employers are finding it more difficult to retain and recruit staff, according to Aon’s Benefits and Trends Survey 2022 (registration). The report claims that many employers have adjusted their benefits strategies to address an intense labour market, in which employee work motivations have shifted in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Forty-one percent of employers said they have found it more difficult to retain staff in the last year, while 44 percent have found it more difficult to recruit new staff. Many employers anecdotally expressed in the survey that they need to pay higher salaries or sign-on bonuses to entice new recruits. More →

Women working from home four times more likely to think career is stagnating

Women working from home four times more likely to think career is stagnating

working from home careerA new report reveals that more than half of women (54 percent) employed in the UK believe their employer isn’t providing them with enough opportunities for career progression. As working from home has become more permanent over the last year, women are now four times as likely than men to feel their career has stagnated. More →

Working from home isolation felt more keenly by younger workers

Working from home isolation felt more keenly by younger workers

working from home isolationA new poll from RingCentral, a provider of cloud communications claims that younger workers are more likely to report feelings of isolation and anxiety when working from home. The firm claims that the results of the survey highlight the need for employers and others to ensure they stay connected and engaged with those working from home alone. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that around 1 in 6 (17 percent) adults experienced depression during the latter half of 2021 – almost double the rate before the pandemic (1 in 10). More →

Toxic workplace culture is driving staff to exit door

Toxic workplace culture is driving staff to exit door

toxic workplace cultureNearly two-thirds of employees who claim to have experienced a toxic workplace culture say the compensation they received did not make up for the emotional distress caused, according to new research from Culture Shift. The research from the impact software developer claims that 61 percent of those who have experienced problematic workplace behaviour have had to take a period of long-term leave, with over half (55 percent) saying the emotional distress lasted up to two years, while a third (34 percent) say it lasted three to four years. More →

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

employeesLumApps is releasing new workplace data claiming how employees and employers are dealing with the fallout of the Great Resignation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with CMSWire during the Fall of 2021. More →

Drawing on internal skills can help firms cope with Great Resignation

Drawing on internal skills can help firms cope with Great Resignation

internal skillsThe UK’s workforce is undergoing rapid transformation as employees’ expectations and motivations radically change. The impact of Brexit, COVID-19 and long periods of furlough have created a tidal wave of resignations across every industry. Workers are re-thinking career paths, work conditions and long-term goals after a turbulent 18 months; with one study finding that 38 percent of people are looking to change roles in the new year.  More →

Why employee development is vital in manufacturing

Why employee development is vital in manufacturing

employee developmentEmployee development is vital in any sector of work. Your business is only as good as the employees you have on board working with you to drive it forward. Continuously developing these employees and enriching their careers is a vital part of ensuring that they are happy and fulfilled at work. More →

Full time remote working doesn’t allow employees to connect with company culture

Full time remote working doesn’t allow employees to connect with company culture

company cultureThe majority of U.K workers (83 percent) believe that those who work remotely full time cannot meaningfully connect with workplace culture. Just 17 percent feel that time in the office is unnecessary for fostering company culture. These are the findings from O.C. Tanner’s 2022 Global Culture Report which analysed the perspectives of over 38,000 employees, leaders, HR practitioners and executives from 21 countries around the world, including over 2,500 from the U.K. More →

Negative digital experiences contributing to the Great Resignation

Negative digital experiences contributing to the Great Resignation

great resignationAccording to a new report findings unreliable IT service and equipment (in-office or remote) was the third most influential factor for employee turnover or burnout, behind poor salary and an unhealthy work culture. Almost 20 percent of all respondents would opt to leave their job because of a poor IT experience. The Digital Sabotage & The Great Resignation report from Nexthink claims that the digital employee experience has implications for productivity, talent referrals, employee retention and customer satisfaction. More →