Search Results for: uk talent market

Great Resignation offers firms a chance to create the Great Retention

Great Resignation offers firms a chance to create the Great Retention

Great Resignation and the Great RetentionThe last 18 months have seen unprecedented change. Covid-19 has forced people to re-evaluate every aspect of their lives, including their career. As a result, we’ve seen a surge in workers taking charge of their careers and leaving their jobs as part of the so-called Great Resignation. Recent data from the ONS shows that there were nearly 1.2 million job vacancies in the UK this quarter, with 15 of 18 sectors reporting record numbers. More →

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

employeesLumApps is releasing new workplace data claiming how employees and employers are dealing with the fallout of the Great Resignation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with CMSWire during the Fall of 2021. More →

‘Great Resignation’ offers a one off opportunity to rethink our relationship with work

‘Great Resignation’ offers a one off opportunity to rethink our relationship with work

great resignationAfter nearly two turbulent years, which for many knowledge workers have been dominated by a ground-hog day like existence, people are looking for change. This is only natural as workers around the world are re-evaluating their priorities, reigniting their passions, or simply looking for something new. This has led to a mini-exodus from businesses, which is now being dubbed the ‘Great Resignation’. More →

Drawing on internal skills can help firms cope with Great Resignation

Drawing on internal skills can help firms cope with Great Resignation

internal skillsThe UK’s workforce is undergoing rapid transformation as employees’ expectations and motivations radically change. The impact of Brexit, COVID-19 and long periods of furlough have created a tidal wave of resignations across every industry. Workers are re-thinking career paths, work conditions and long-term goals after a turbulent 18 months; with one study finding that 38 percent of people are looking to change roles in the new year.  More →

Why employee development is vital in manufacturing

Why employee development is vital in manufacturing

employee developmentEmployee development is vital in any sector of work. Your business is only as good as the employees you have on board working with you to drive it forward. Continuously developing these employees and enriching their careers is a vital part of ensuring that they are happy and fulfilled at work. More →

Introvert entrepreneurs outnumber extroverts by more than two to one

Introvert entrepreneurs outnumber extroverts by more than two to one

The UK is a nation of “intro-preneurs”, according to new research by Virgin Money. A third (36 percent) of entrepreneurs surveyed described themselves as being an introvert, compared to just 15 percent who said they are an all-out extrovert. The findings are part of Virgin Money’s campaign to celebrate ‘Upstarts’ – the people who have taken the leap and launched a business on their own. More →

Employers expect significant organisational transformation due to technology advances

Employers expect significant organisational transformation due to technology advances

organisational transformationDue to the significant workplace technology changes brought on by the pandemic, more than half (53 percent) of employers plan extensive organisational transformation in the next two years. More →

Untrained managers more likely to change jobs in 2022

Untrained managers more likely to change jobs in 2022

jobsEmployers looking to retain talent during the so-called ‘Great Resignation’ may benefit from investing in more management training for their staff, according to Digits. New research suggests that managers who haven’t received any management training are 36 percent more likely to leave their current jobs in the next year, than managers who receive regular management training (38 percent compared to 28 percent). More →

Hybrid working is both a challenge and opportunity for comms firms

Hybrid working is both a challenge and opportunity for comms firms

hybrid working and commsHuge swathes of workers have been returning to the office in recent weeks – many for the first time in almost two years. A significant number of companies, however, will never return to the pre-pandemic ‘normal’ of a five-day office week and will instead integrate hybrid working permanently. According to the CIPD, 40 percent of employers expect more than half their workforce to regularly work from home after the pandemic has ended.  More →

Employee experience is more important than ever

Employee experience is more important than ever

Work cafe by Boss and the employee experienceEmployee experience has never been so high on the corporate agenda; with recent figures finding that over 69 percent of businesses are currently concerned about talent shortages and difficulty hiring. With this in mind, organisations that want to grow must provide a market leading experience in order to remain competitive and attract and retain new talent. Companies that invest in their unique employee experience make four times more profit than those who don’t. More →

Three quarters of firms planning to change work culture

Three quarters of firms planning to change work culture

cultureSocio-economic fault lines exposed by COVID-19 are creating an unforgiving marketplace, with companies under scrutiny from governments and the public and little room to avoid disputes and investigations into business practices and behavior, according to a new report from FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN). More →

Mid-Senior Level jobs offer the best remote work opportunities

Mid-Senior Level jobs offer the best remote work opportunities

remote workScotland and Wales are the two UK countries where the most companies offer remote work positions at 2.96 percent and 2.48 percent respectively, according to a new study by the AA. More →