Search Results for: tech

How and why Millennials are shaping the future of remote working

How and why Millennials are shaping the future of remote working 0

Young workersThe future is here. Millennials, the youngest generation in the workforce, are now the majority generation at work. Their potential impact has been discussed for decades, but we’re finally seeing results, as this generation not only enters the workforce, but assumes management-level roles, makes their voices heard, and shifts how we approach work. But why does the Millennials attitude and approach to work have such an impact on how, when, where, and why we all work? And why should employers pay attention? It’s because this generation is shaping remote working. They’ve got sheer numbers behind them. In 2015, Millennials surpassed Generation X to become the largest generation in the American workforce. The vast majority of Millennials want flexible work options, especially the ability to work remotely. In survey after survey, Millennials, more than any generation previously, say that work-life balance and remote work is important to them.

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Brexit referendum has not diminished demand for London office property

Brexit referendum has not diminished demand for London office property 0

St James scheme in London's West EndPolitical uncertainty over the Brexit referendum has done little to diminish demand for London office property, despite it causing the commercial property market to experience a nervous start to the year. According to the latest research from Colliers, the number of vacant offices still remains low, with occupiers appearing to be relatively un-phased by external political and economic upheaval. There has been some high profile lettings and a healthy number of new large scale enquiries in the first quarter of this year – but transactions and searches have become protracted and supply shortages are undermining occupier expansion plans. However demand for office space amongst media and tech firms is diminishing in some locations. While Q1 2016 figures show that media and tech accounted for 38 percent of demand for office space across London, in the traditional media enclave of the West End, the figure fell to just 13 percent of demand, down from 45 percent in 2015.

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400 years on, the Bard continues to influence Britain’s workplaces

400 years on, the Bard continues to influence Britain’s workplaces 0

Shakespeare's Merchant of VeniceIt has been well reported that Saturday (23rd April) marks the 400th anniversary of the death of one of Britain’s most famous literary geniuses, William Shakespeare. The reasons for his enduring popularity are clear, as the website Shakespeare Online points out, if you cannot find words to express how you feel about love or music or growing older, Shakespeare can speak for you. What is somewhat less known is that Shakespeare is credited with coining over 1700 words that are now in use in English, generally through changing nouns into verbs and verbs into adjectives, connecting existing words and, in some cases, coming up with wholly new creations. To mark the occasion, the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) has selected five words that the playwright brought into our language which are heard up and down businesses throughout the UK on a daily basis.

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Traditional performance management fails to match new digital workplace

Traditional performance management fails to match new digital workplace 0

Performance managementPerformance management plays a key role in  helping organisations measure how effectively their employees are contributing to business objectives. Yet despite 94 percent of workforce leaders in a global survey believing performance management improves business performance, only 39 percent of them think their current practices help to achieve their organisation’s business objectives. This isn’t just the employers’ view, within the workforce, 89 percent of people believe their performance would significantly improve if changes were made. The main reason for this credibility gap is the impact digital technologies are having on the nature of both work and the workforce. In the Accenture Strategy report, Is Performance Management Performing? – 92 percent of respondents report that work is faster, more networked and collaborative, and demands ever-evolving skills. This means that organisations need to innovate to keep pace.

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Four in ten UK workers don’t feel they’re good enough for their job

Four in ten UK workers don’t feel they’re good enough for their job 0

Impostor syndromeImpostor syndrome – a fear of not deserving your job, is said to haunt even the most successful people. But according to new research, a lack of effective training is leading more and more ordinary workers to fear they’re not up to their job. According to the new study from the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), around four in ten UK workers don’t feel they measure up to the demands of their chosen profession. Sixty-seven percent admitted they were ‘out of their depth’ in their work situation, while 40 percent expressed fears they would be exposed at some point for not being that good at aspects of their job. Half of those who took part in the survey even went as far as to declare they felt they ‘chanced their luck’ on aspects of their job. A staggering 75 percent went as far as to admit they were ‘lucky’ to secure their job given the competitive nature of the current employment market and the quality of other candidates.

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Great strides made towards fourth industrial revolution, but more to come

Great strides made towards fourth industrial revolution, but more to come 0

fourth industrial revolutionMany  countries and organisations are making significant strides in the development of the fourth industrial revolution, but there is much work still to do. Those are the conclusion of two new studies into the preparedness of firms and national economies with regards to the emerging digital economy.  The Cisco Digital Readiness report surveyed technology decision makers in eight countries and eight industries, categorising them as either ‘forwards’ and ‘laggers’. According to the report, globally, the ‘forwards’ have an average score of 77. The UK’s score is 75 placing it largely at the forefront of developments. According to a second report from PwC, Industry 4.0: Building the Digital Enterprise, the digitisation of businesses is progressing well, but with a lot of scope for development. The survey of more than 2,000 global companies found that 33 per cent of firms rate their digitisation levels as high, but the value will hit 72 percent over the next five years.

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Stress and sedentary working remain the UK’s greatest productivity drains

Stress and sedentary working remain the UK’s greatest productivity drains 0

StressThe effects of stress and sedentary lifestyles mean that the average UK worker loses nearly 24 days of productivity each year, according to a major new report. The study, part of an initiative called Britain’s Healthiest Workplace from VitalityHealth, Mercer, the University of Cambridge and RAND Europe surveyed 32,538 workers and claims that these two factors alone account for an average of 23.5 days of lost productivity each year, equivalent to an annual loss in GDP of £ 57 billion. Stress remains a particularly important issue with three quarters of respondents (73 percent) saying they suffer some form of stress. The two sectors most affected overall also recorded higher incidences of stress. People working in the healthcare and financial services industries lost the most days (26.6 and 24.9 days per employee a year respectively), while tech workers claim to have lost only 18.9 days per employee per year.

Employers’ and workers’ views on an engaging workplace differ widely

Employers’ and workers’ views on an engaging workplace differ widely 0

Undervalued-and-disengaged-staff-plan-to-move-jobs-this-yearBusiness growth is radically redefining how employees are managed, especially as there is greater competition than ever to hire the best people from a much more demanding employee population. Yet employees report that a lack of development, outdated processes, and discontent with the role of their managers are causing them to feel dissatisfied according to Mercer’s 2016 Global Talent Trends Study, the first to take into account the perspective of both employers and employees. While 85 percent of organisations admit that their talent management programmes need an overhaul, 70 percent are confident about filling critical roles with internal candidates, 28 percent of employees say they plan to leave in the next 12 months even though they are satisfied with their current role. Managing these challenges requires support but only 4 percent of HR professionals feel that the HR function is viewed as a strategic business partner within their organisations.

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93 percent of UK mobile phone users have their location tracked daily

93 percent of UK mobile phone users have their location tracked daily 0

mobile workersYou may recall a couple of news stories from January that sparked a fleeting debate about the way technology allows firms to pry into where we are and what we are doing. The first concerned the installation of under-desk sensors at the offices of The Daily Telegraph, the second a ruling from the European Court of Human Rights concerning the rights of employers to monitor the social media activities of staff. Our take on these stories was that neither was quite as it was reported, but maybe there’s more to concern us in a claim from an advocacy group called Krowdthink that Wi-Fi and mobile networks in the UK routinely track our location and sell data to marketing firms and other third parties. The organisation has initiated a new campaign called Opt me out of Location to highlight what it considers the privacy implications of a situation in which 93 percent of mobile phone users in the UK have their location monitored, usually without their knowledge.

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Dramatic rise predicted for the number of UK men working part-time

Dramatic rise predicted for the number of UK men working part-time 0

Flexible workingAs we reported yesterday, just 1 percent of working men have availed themselves so far of the right to Shared Parental Leave (SPL) but it seems this doesn’t necessarily mean that men don’t want to adopt more flexible working patterns. A new report, Working Futures, published by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), projects that the number of part-time male workers is set to increase by 20 percent by 2024 – nearly three times more than the projected growth in part-time female workers (7 percent), and this growth is particularly significant for men in professional or management roles, where an increase of 25 percent is projected. This marks a substantial change in the working patterns of men in highly paid, highly skilled roles. Women by contrast are set to become more career focused – with a rise of 7 percent in the number of women working full-time, compared to just 3 percent for men.

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Scientific management and the enduring love of the open plan office

Scientific management and the enduring love of the open plan office

PanopticonThere are many reasons why organisations like open plan offices. When it comes to making the business case for them however, firms prefer to talk about some more than others. So while they prefer to focus on the argument in terms of how openness can foster better lines of communication, collaboration, teamwork and team spirit, they talk rather less about the fact that the open plan is a lot cheaper than its alternatives and how they like it because it allows them to keep an eye on what people are doing. In theory, a great deal more of this surveillance now happens electronically so the need for physical presence should be less pressing, but the residual desire to see with one’s own eyes what people are doing remains. This is the instinct that constrains the uptake of flexible working and also means that there is a hierarchical divide in who gets to decide where they work.

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BIFM launches new guide to construction and design processes

BIFM launches new guide to construction and design processes 0

BIMThe British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) has launched its new ‘Operational Readiness Guide: A guide to ensuring long term effectiveness in the design and construction process’. The guide aims to ‘equip facilities management professionals with the skills, knowledge and guidance to effectively engage at each stage of the design and construction process to deliver greater value to the end user organisations that occupy the buildings.’ Its launch coincides with the first day that centrally procured public sector projects in the UK will require the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) at Level 2. The authors claims that in order for FMs ‘to deliver long term effectiveness and relevance for the end user facilities management professionals need to be engaged from the start and learnings and insights from operators applied to close the gap between building design and performance’.

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