Search Results for: working from home

Tech purchases surge as Brits prepare to work from home

Tech purchases surge as Brits prepare to work from home

Tech purchasesResearch of product popularity and customer click out data by product comparison service, PriceSpy, claims that home office tech purchases of desktops, tablets and laptops – surged by an average 46 percent as Brits prepared to work from home during the Coronavirus pandemic. More →

A great company culture is the basis for successful flexible working

A great company culture is the basis for successful flexible working

company cultureCompany culture is more integral to remote platforms than it is to traditional bricks-and-mortar enterprises. In a disjointed setting, culture is what holds a team together, and marries it to the company’s values. Not only is this a boon to getting work done, it’s a formula for business success. Consider the main challenges to many people working in concert from different locations: accessing information, clearly communicating, making decisions that reflect an organization’s mission. When we optimize these actions, we’re more productive and better able to serve customers and meet objectives. More →

Remote working has no effect on careers, research suggests. But…

Remote working has no effect on careers, research suggests. But…

Working from home is known to be good for a strong work-life balance, advantageous for employee productivity, and is even touted as being beneficial for the environment. However, telecommuting has also carried a stigma that employees who work remotely have difficulties rising in their career. More →

Flexible working: one in three undeterred by career damage

Flexible working: one in three undeterred by career damage

flexible workingOne in three US workers have told researchers nothing would stop them from taking advantage of flexible working options, despite the potential damage to their career. According to a survey of 1,000 US white-collar professionals by Deloitte, another one in three say the consequences for their professional growth and lack of trust from managers would put them off working flexibly. Eight in ten respondents agreed a traditional work setting, defined as regular attendance at an office or working normal business hours, is important for advancing their career. More →

Outer-city coworking cuts carbon and commuting

Outer-city coworking cuts carbon and commuting

coworkingEach flexible coworking space created in a smaller town or suburban area reduces carbon emissions by an average of 118 tonnes a year thanks to shorter commutes, an international study has claimed. By allowing people to work closer to home, one coworking space saves the employees based there a total of 7,416 commuting hours per annum on average, the research by independent economists commissioned by Regus says. This not only helps businesses to reduce their carbon footprint but can improve employees’ wellbeing and work-life balance. More →

Trends set to improve people’s working lives examined in new report

Trends set to improve people’s working lives examined in new report

trendsNew research has been published aimed at understanding trends, practices and priority areas for improving employees’ experience and creating better places to work. The report, Roundel 2020 (registration required), was commissioned by employee engagement firm Home and asked HR and internal communications professionals about issues such as integrating new employees into the organisation (‘onboarding’), performance management, diversity and inclusion, and health and wellbeing. More →

Majority of people living in poverty are in a working family

Majority of people living in poverty are in a working family

povertyMore than half of the people in the UK classified as living in poverty are members of a working family. According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s state of the nation report on poverty in the UK, poverty has risen for children and pensioners over the last five years. Although employment has increased, in-work poverty has also gone up because often people’s pay, hours, or both are not enough. More →

Is your biggest competitor already working for you?

Is your biggest competitor already working for you?

competitorEmployers worried about rivals poaching their staff should be looking closer to home to spot their next competitor, a new study has claimed. In a survey of 3,000 UK employees by Synergy Creative, nearly half (47 percent) said that they would love to be their own boss, raising the prospect of them setting up in competition to their existing employer. Of those intending to find a new job in 2020, a third said their ideal job is to work for themselves, compared to 25 percent who are looking to move to another company. More →

1800s warehouse opens its doors for coworking

1800s warehouse opens its doors for coworking

CoworkingAn 1860s warehouse located in the original Granada Studios estate in Manchester city centre has opened its doors as a coworking space for small and medium businesses. Bonded Warehouse, managed by All Work & Social, part of Allied London, includes work and social spaces on all six floors, a space for wellness and fitness, event spaces, a brewery and tap room, gin bar and 24-hour coffee lounge for collaboration and socialising. More →

Forget flexible working, unpaid overtime is the new normal

Forget flexible working, unpaid overtime is the new normal

Standing out in a competitive job market isn’t always easy, so some employees may implement various tactics to be more noticeable, including working overtime. Working the occasional overtime shift might not seem like a big deal, but is it? More →

Flexible working and always on culture have a negative effect on families

Flexible working and always on culture have a negative effect on families

flexible working and familiesWorking parents’ ability to switch off from their work is being undermined by the rise of modern communications and the uptake of flexible working practices, with almost half agreeing the boundaries between home and the workplace have blurred, according to the most authoritative annual survey of working families in the UK. More →

Is flexible working the answer to improved employee mental health and productivity?

Is flexible working the answer to improved employee mental health and productivity?

flexible workingOne of Labour’s flagship policies for its 2019 general election campaign was to introduce a four-day week. More accurately, its policy is to introduce a 32-hour week. This brought flexible working again into the media spotlight. Research suggests that flexible working and reduced hours can have multiple benefits, including improved mental health and greater productivity. More →